Chapter 10 - Poppy

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"Love is what happens to a man and a woman who don't know each other" - William Somerset Maugham 


We sat chatting for a while before there the buzzer called me down. Giving Harry a confused look, I shrugged, walking down the steps. I hadn't invited anyone, any I didn't normally get telemarketers since I lived down a small alley. Opening the white, beaten up door and looking through the metal screen. I was greeted by the lovely faces of Avery, her boyfriend, Felix, and Tessa. 

"Hey!"Exclaimed Avery, who was always happier when Felix is by her side,"We're taking you out because I got a promotion!"She bragged, wiggling her hips in an attempt to dance, the smile spreading from ear to ear. 

Avery had been talking about getting a raise with her job with a publishing company, but I didn't think that she would be getting a promotion. Avery worked as Junior Editor for Scholastic Publishers UK, but had always dreamed of being a First Reader. The grin on her face was evident, she had been chosen to be a First Reader. 

It wasn't that I wasn't happy that she had gotten the job, after working as somewhat of an intern for four years, she deserved it. I just wished she had gotten the news on any other day. 

"Um? Are you gonna let us in?"Tessa asked, causing me to bite my lip and look up the stairs where I knew that Harry was waiting for me

"Um..."I mumbled, tapping my fingers against the metal bars,"I'll come out to you gu..."I was cut off by Harry's raspy voice

"Poppy? Is everything alright"He asked, standing at the top of the stairs, able to see me, but not what was past the door. 

Turning back to my friends, they both had a wondering expression on their face. Avery looked as if she wanted to push past me and see who was up there. Tessa had a thoughtful expression, like she knew who it was, but wasn't sure. Felix, being a guy, obviously couldn't care less. 

Avery grabbed the doorhandle and wrenched it from my grip, opening the door and pushing me aside as an attempt to see who was in my apartment, Tessa hot on her heels. Sighing in defeat, I let Felix in and waited for the commotion to start. 

"Oh my God!"Avery shouted from the top of the stairs, turning to stare at me, her mouth agape, as I climbed to the living room,"Poppy! You didn't tell me you were fucking the bar dude!"She shouted, making my palm hit my forehead in embarassment. Avery had never been one for subtly, Tessa on the otherhand, being more calculative. 

I could understand how it might looked like we had slept together. It was almost two in the afternoon, I was stil in my pajamas, Harry had his shoes off and his hair was sticking up in odd placed. Not to mention that the remainder of Harry's clothing, including his belt were strewn across the flat.

Harry chuckled softly, running a hand through his tousled curls,"No, we didn't"He said, shrugging slightly,"She wouldn't let me...said I was too big"He joked, winking at me

Felix, Tessa, and Avery all turned to me in unison, a look of surprise on each of their faces

"Wow, Popps, getting it in"Tessa said, patting me on the soulder

Felix looked to Harry and gave him a proud look. Men have some sort of code, nothing like we girls have, when someone says anything about their penises, they act like they'v been friends forever. Felix clapped Harry on the shoulder as they sat on my couch.

"Can I just say that I never said that to Harry, he was joking"I said, looking at the pair of girls, then at the boys,"I have never seen his dick, and I hightly doubt that it is too big"I said, my cheeks probably turning the shade of a tomato. 

The room was silent for a moment, before each person, including myself, burst into wild laughter. I had to admit, I did sound a

"Oh Poppy, I didn't actually think that you did that" Tessa said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders,"See Avery, little Poppy is still with me on the good side"Tessa laughed, squeezing me gently

Avery shook her head, a sly smirk on her face as Felix pulled her into his arms,"Well, we still have a meal to go to. Harry your welcome to come"Felix said, Harry walking to my side.

"We'll be out in a moment"I said,"I just need to get ready"

Recieving a number of eye rolls as they trio waited downstairs, I rushed into my room to pick an outfit. As I slid my pajama shirt off and tugged an emerald knit sweater from my mess of a closet, Harry spoke from the doorway

"You should wear tighter clothing, you have a fit body"He said, making me jump and pull the sweater over my body as quickly as possible, next yanking a pair of dark purple leggings on

"Seeing as this is my apartment"I said, grabbing a black handbag,"I would appreciate some privacy"I announced, shooting him the meanest glare I had in my arsenal. 

Shrugging, he walked up behind me, his large hands placed on my hips,"Privacy is just another word for fuck off"He whispered, lifting my sweater the smallest bit. 

Awkwardly stepping away, I turned to face him,"Fine, fuck off whilst I change. Go keep my psychopathic friends in check"I said, pushing him out the door with great difficulty. 

He gave me a quick pinch on the backside, making me shiver and quickly slap his hand away,"Now"I commanded, pointing towards the steps. With a smirk and a cheeky wink, he jogged down the stairs and out of my view

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