Chapter 3 - Poppy

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"The sweetest smiles hold the darkest secrets" - Sarah Shepard


As I walked up to the apartment building, my stomach ablaze with butterflies, I contemplated going back. I pondered leaving and telling my friends that he refused to give it back. They woulnd't believe me anyway. My finger trailed down the list of people living in the building, stopping when I came to an H. Trachtenberg, was that him? 

Pressing the button, I waited until a voice rang loud on the intercom

"Hello?" A high pitched voice spoke though the intercom. I bit my lip, hoping that he didn't have a girl with him

"Hi,"I responded,"Who is this?"I asked, nervously tapping my fingers against the brick beside the name plates

A sigh could be heard from the other side of the intercom,"This is Hadley Trachtenberg...why did you call me if you don't know who I am"She asked, the annoyance clear in her voice. 

"Sorry, wrong person"I mumbled, scanning the names once more. My eyes fell upon an H. Styles, that had to be him, since it was the only h name left on the list. I pressed the beige button next to his name and waited impatently 

"Come on up, Poppy"Spoke Harry's voice, the memories flooding back to me from the previous night. The door buzzed open as it unlocked, and I pulled it open. A soft breeze hit me as I entered the premises, heading straight for the elevator. Pressing the button to the fourth floor, I leaned against the metal paneling of the elevator, Frank Sinatra's soft voice crooning from unseen speakers. 

With each floor passed, my anxiety grew worse, the tapping of my fingers against my jeans got faster, and the butterflies in my stomach doubled. The final ding of the elevator signaled my arrival, the door whirring open, revealing the tall boy standing against the opposite wall. 

"Hey"He mumbled, my white Iphone visible from his pocket. I left the elevator, standing stifly in front of him

"Can I have my phone?"I asked, outstreching my hand. The shake of his dark curls inclined that he wasn't ready to hand it over

"Nope, I want to do something first"

The groan of my fustration was louder than I thought it would be, but I didn't argue. My line of vision shifted to my phone, which Harry must've seen because he tucked it further into his pocket. Reaching past me, he pressed the down button, making my brow furrow

"Why did I come up here if we are just going to go back down?"I asked, looking up at the towering boy, who shrugged lightly

The elevator opened and Harry ushered me inside, pressing the ground floor button. I wasn't comfortable in such close quarters. Something about him gave me the creeps. The worst part was that I didn't even know him. It would be more understandable if I knew who he was, and his past. But the fact that I had no idea of his personality, or have a grasp on who he was, made it worse. It meant that without having to know him, I felt he was trouble 

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