I'll Shine for You Ch6

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I am sorry for not posting. But the past few days has been hectic with going back to college and moving into the appartments. so PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!! This is also kinda short, but I didnt want you guys to think I forgot.

So please Keep Voting and Commenting. I love the comments!!

Again I OWN NOTHING!!!! IT IS ALL J.K. ROWLING(i really don't know how to spell her name.)

Boa noite( thats is portugese for good night)


Opening my eyes, I see that again I am in the infirmary.

                'What the Hell?!?! Lets get out of here.And let's try to not go for a threefer of waking up in this place.'

Silently I make my way to the door.

                We should work out today.

 It is important to me to work out. I mean I not a nut case when it comes to working out, but I do find it a good release of energy.

 I finally get to my room after walking down the halls , through some corridors and to the right.

                I want to shower.

                   'We should wait to shower until after we work out.'

                That would make sense

                  'Which you've got none. That's why I am here.'

                'Oh god help me'

I quickly change into my work out clothes, grab my ipod and turn it on.

                  'What the hell?! Why is it not working?'

                It is probably because of the magic that is here, give me a sec I can fix this.

With some quick tinkering of magic I am able to get my pod working again.

Walking outside, I start jogging, following a pathway into the nearby forest. Just left with Victoria Justice blazing in my ear, and my thoughts. That's what I love about running, I can think about things that bother me.

My thoughts begin to drift towards the events that unfolded last night.

'DID YOU SEE that tools FACE Ah priceless.'

                We could have really hurt him. And now are the professors know what we are.

'Well they were bound to find out anyway, at least now they know not to mess with you. And that git Lockhart derserved it.'

                 Its not like he physically harmed me. Grandpa is why, Lockhart is not worth it. I do hope the teachers will treat me the same as everyone else.

Looking at the time on my pod, it says that I have been jogging for about 15 minutes.

The forest is very pretty.

                'Please pay attention to where you are going I don not want to get lost.ooh! Lets go find some stair and do some step ups!'

  I was thinking some planks and lunges.

                'Fine! But we will do it next time'

Coming out of the forest I, I find a nice peace of grass and begin some lunges.


Turning around I see Snape's angry face. Why, I don't know.

                “I have been jogging in the forest. Why do you care?” I ask. I mean seriously, what does he care.

“THE FORBBIDEN FOREST!!! The forest is off limits to students” he says angry like, with the facial look of constipation.

“Well somebody failed to tell me that before hand, that doesn't mean you should get all angry.” His expression seems to soften, just a tad, but soften all the same.

At this point I get into plank position. “What are you doing” he asks looking at me like I'm crazy.

“It is called the plank. A work out exersise, what do you care.” I now begin to alternate my legs, bring each foot up towards my mid section.

“I care because you are a student, and your welfare is my concern.”

                “So what you are saying is that you are paid to care.” I spat, for some reason his comment really bothered me.

Sitting on the ground I hear “I believe what Professor Snape is trying to say is fact that you were not in the infirmary this morning nor in your room, and no one had any idea where you were.”

I see it is Dumbledore talking.

Maybe we should have told someone.

                'yeah, whoops!''

 “And after the events of last night...well we were quite concerned. Poor Lockhart had barricaded himself in his office.”

I looked down in shame at this “yeah last night was not my best moment, I am sorry sir”

“Yes well, I am not the one to aplogize to. How ever if you could please come to my office in 2 hours time, and we can discuss everything. Severus” Dumbledore says nodding his head and then walks away.  Shit I am getting kicked out already.

Getting up, I start to walk to the castle.

 “Just so you know, tho it may seem I am paid to care about your safety and well being. I do care as a whole. Never questioned that.” Snape says walking away.

'What the hell was that?!?!'


There it is, sorry that is it late and short. I hope it is easier to figure out which part of her mind is talking. with the italics and 'italics''. the second one is the part that is mean...









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