I'll Shine for you Ch 28

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I do not own anything. This is Fan Fiction.

Please check out my NaNoWriMo story "Never Be the Same", thanks!




Hello! Goodbye!


I walk into the kitchen for the Second time in two days, but instead of Snape, Hermione and Jayla are here. And that is just as awesome.

“I can't believe Ron” Hermione says shaking her head in anger. She turns to me and says “Are you ok? Don't listen to him, you are not a freak.” she says with tears in her eyes.

It seems like she is more hurt by Ron's out burst then mine.

            'I know...' hmm very interesting.

“Ron is just a git. And I don't take what gits say seriously” Jayla says proudly.

“How is it that you two had instroments to play? And why did you not tell me” I ask them.

            “It is all Jayla's idea” HomG says immediately.

“Well I figured you needed some back up with your music. I know how to play drums, and HomG knows how to play. So we decided to carry around the instruments for when ever you do an impromptu performance, like what happened to night” Jayla says.

“You guys are the best. I am in the mood for something sweet” I say. I call Kitty and ask for the things I need. I should learn where everything is at that way I can just get it my self.

I pull out my ipod, so we can listen to some music as we cook.

10 minutes later the first round of cookies have been put into the oven. By that, the four types of cookies each of us made. HomG made M&M cookies, Jayla made peanut butter cookies that will soon have kisses in the middle, I made oatmeal raisin, and Kitty made chocolate chip.

Kitty just about fainted about fainted when we asked her to stay and have girl time with us.

I just finished mixing the ingredients my special treat. HomG and Jayla keep asking what I am making, all I tell them is that it is a surprise.

 I press the dough into palm size circle, while the oil in the pan heat up.

            “Hermione, can you mix in a bowl sugar and cinnamon” I ask.

“Sure thing” she says.

“So Jayla, do have a crush on anyone” I ask.

            “No not at the moment, but I am looking. What about you HomG” Jayla ask.

“I don't either” she mutters looking down, and guilty I might add.

            “Right...So you don't like Ron” I ask raising my eyebrows at her.

“That is completely poprostorus! He is rude and eats like a pig. And even if I did, at least I would have a crush on Snape” buy she gasps suddenly putting a hand to her mouth.

Jayla turns to look at me with her mouth on the floor.

            “you have a crush on the bat!” she exclaims.

I just narrow my eyes at Hermione “thanks alot” I say.

            “I am so sorry, I don't know what came over me” she says.

I'll Shine for you (Watty Awards 2011)Where stories live. Discover now