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Waking Up Gray


    He could barely hear the voices but there were so many talking at the same time.

    "Dean, stay with us!"

    The lights were too bright.

    "Dean, it's going to be okay."

    Then everything went black.


    The room was dark. It was very cold too. Dean was alone. He saw a light and suddenly the room turned completely white, except this time he wasn't alone. Another boy was in the room. Dean couldn't quite make out the details and features of the boy, but he saw dark hair and blue eyes. He became mesmerized by the boy's eyes. Suddenly, black wings started to rise from behind the boy. He touched Dean's arm and began to fade away. After that, it was black again.

    A white light filled Dean's vision. Then he saw the hospital bed. He looked up and saw little Sammy and his parents getting up and rushing towards him. He smiled at all of them. He saw Sam's bright red sweater, his mom's green eyes, and his dad's golden ring. He like seeing these colors, they remind him of their personalities. Sam is bright and likes being noticed, his mom is loving and her heart is soft, and his dad is strong and he shines bright. Dean smiled as he stared at all the colors, admiring how they all look. Seconds later, the colors started to fade. It seemed that all the colors was being drained. Everything looked like he was watching from an old TV set.

    Dean began to cry. "Dean, thank you," He heard Sam say to him. "Thank you for saving me." Sam smiled and Dean smiled back but then he remembered what happened. He examined Sam's black and white appearance. There were cuts and bruises but nothing major he can see. He was glad Sam didn't get hurt but he still couldn't see colors.

    Dean saw his parents crying. Dean didn't understand why. He was awake and has no major injuries, much like Sam. He chose to ignore it and didn't bother asking about the lack of colors in his eyesight, even though Dean didn't like it one bit.

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