6. Screaming Lords

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My room was dull, nothing fancy. The morose feeling of melancholy sitting there overwhelmed me and within 2 days I was itching to get out of this room. My hands were cuffed down and the same followed further down at my ankles. I found myself despising the GBK more and more every minute. Now that I was at the lower hand to them, everything they did seemed to be more malevolent than before. But saying that, when was I ever at the upper hand? When I was training? No, not even the slightest. But to be honest, even training would have been more beneficial than where I was now.  I was going to get out, and now. There seemed to be one camera in the far corner door. Useful. I could make an escape root out of a weed if I wanted to, which I would have accepted right now. I jiggled about on my bed. It bounced. I could deduct it was a concertina folding bed. Great. I worked up a bounce again and the straps around my wrist began to slack and tighten from the bouncing. Eventually, the straps gave way and whiplashed off my wrists. It hurt but I would manage. I quickly lashed off my ankle straps and walked over to admire the camera. STARK. I though Stark made just weapons but obviously he liked to venture into other territories. You could take that how you liked, but I don't get fooled. I disarmed the camera and held it up to my face. "Listen up *Master*, you want to play cat and mouse, well I don't. I know I am good, I don't need to be told, especially not by you. Send all your soldiers to me but you will only end up wasting good men. Don't fight me master, you might just get bitten." With that I dropped the camera and smashed it to smithereens. It was still transmitting at the time. I wasn't scared of the master. I never was but I'd learnt that more than ever through the past few days.

The camera pieces on the floor seemed all well and destroyed however one piece seemed to flash. I reached to touch it but it scalded my skin just from the smoke which arose from it. Soldiers rushed to my room, knowing of the transmission I had previously sent. It began to beep as I rushed to the door. I had never been so willing to go into soldiers arms. I could fight soldiers but not a bomb. Finally I understood why it said STARK. Classic. I tried to usher the soldiers along a bit faster but they seemed reluctant. Powered up, I screamed at the top of my lungs "Get behind the boxes, there's a bomb" Within seconds it exploded, shattering the glass from *my* now blistered room. Me and all the soldiers shrouded behind some metal casements. Waves of flame flared over the top of the boxes as we huddled together on the floor. My blood roared through my body as I slowly lost my stance. I could feel my head flop to the floor. I was in a fire bomb and I had collapsed right next to it.

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