18. Confrontation of Eyes

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"When does this take place?" I panicked. This was no trick, I knew the government did something fishy right from the start. "Tomorrow, 1 pm. Don't worry, you'll be there." Then I thought. I knew what I had to do. I didn't want to, it was the one thing I didn't want to do, but it was my sister. "Too right I'll be there. I'll be the one under the needle." I stated. The interrogator looked stunned but I couldn't do anything else. "Excuse me? You want to take her place.  How can we trust you.  Your are not trained by us officially!" I was not gonna lie at a time like this. Not with my sisters sanity on the line. "If you won't believe me, I shall leave right now.  And she will be coming with me" I stayed.  He still seemed persistent that I was no threat "Oh she won't let you do that. You see, she is under the influence that it is your fault she is here. And to be honest. It generally is." What lies had they fed her! "Here's the story. You got taken away by the GBK and you promised her you would come back for her. You said 1 month and you were not there. She sent you messages but you never replied." I was furious with rage.  None of that had been true.  Yes!  I had promised, but I was fulfilling that now. I never said 1 month nor 1 year.  But I said I would come back.  And here I am.

"Lock her up, she is dangerous. I want guards with her all the time. I don't care how bored you get!" I heard the interrogator wail. He didn't want me here. Not just because I was clever, but because I was an even match. "You know if you say your not scared of me, your taking a lot of care into making sure I don't leave!" I hollered. I knew he could hear me. I just knew. At that moment he walked up to my gate door, glaring at me spitefully. "Precautions..." he stated. I could see him swallowing his words. He wasn't ready for me. No body was. "Pretty harsh precautions for a 13 year old don't you think?" I answered back. He was gradually getting more and more enraged by every word I even whispered. "It doesn't matter how old you are. I have seen your reports from the GBK. Wiped out 20 soldiers in 5 minutes. Survive 4 explosions, taken behind enemy lines, attacked and controlled a jeep and drove all the way here." "How did you know about the explosions and enemy lines?" I urged. How could he know that. The documents would have been burnt let alone recorded down. "I have... friends..."he mumbled. What did he mean? What was he saying? "Oh yeah, well maybe you went to close to the web of lies. Sooner or later, you're going to get bit..."

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