22. Walking into the Devil's Cage

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Gradually, I stuttered my eyes open as a pearl white light dazzled it's way through my head. Was it over? Was I finished? "Careful!" exclaimed a person somewhere to the left. He sounded agitated, worried, confused. "All clear?" I questioned. "Well... for you." He stammered. My mind raced. "WHAT HAS HAPPENED?" I yelled, the tonsils in my throat roaring with pain yet my mind willed me on to know more. "I will take it from here..." Out walked that drat interrogator, once again piercing my heart with his devilish smirk. "About your sister, whilst you were in captivity, she was sent out on her missionary embarkment. Something to get them going again. Challenge them. 30 of them went in total. 5 have only returned... your sister is not one of them..."

"HOW DARE YOU! YOU TRAITORS! YOU KNOW HOW MUCH MY SISTER MEANS  TO ME! HOW DARE YOU!" I excelled. I had just given up my life for someone who no longer knew me yet even lived. "I know you must be sad but she was one of our best trainees. We expected her to come out unscaved she was that good, you have guessed the rest." I knew their games now... lead me into the web by Bucky and my "sister" but be revealed straight afterwards. I was theirs now. How could I deny it? I was theirs...

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