20. Battling Fate

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Then it clicked. I had been in the cell for 3 days now. Elizaveta was meant to have her operation 2 days ago. Why was I still there? I had do something. They had isolated me so much from people, I had forgotten their existence somewhat. What was their plan with me? Who was to be sterilised? Who?

Eventually, the guards parted from my door and the interrogator stepped in. Silence. "Are you going to stand there watching me eat my lunch or get on with the point..." I stammered. The eery silence from my jail room sliced my soul into pieces. What was he doing. "I can't have you eating now, your having an operation stupid. In 2 hours you shall go into the sterilisation room. The principal has reviewed your records. Seems you are the best in the country..." Did they really expect me to fall for that? "I am not stupid. You have Bucky don't you. You want to use him to get to me. Create a web whilst I am already a part of it. You need me. I speak Russian, English, Latin, Indian, Mandarin and Czech. A whole world at my finger tips and you can't resi..." "Intenti tacebant ad semel!" It was latin. "Impressive. But no, I won't be silent. I will do your stupid sterilisation. Not for your ego but for my sister, no matter whether she likes me or not. She is blood and blood is thicker and than water..." I wasn't finished, but the more I said the more trouble I engraved myself in. "Natalia, you do see that once you are sterilised, you're not the same person. You don't think the same. You are not who you were before... Natalia Romanova will no longer exist..."

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