15. Professionally Cracked

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I neared the front gates and 4 cameras watched down on me.  I wasn't going to take that risk again. They could be STARK. Knowing the government, they would almost certainly be STARK's. There had to be another way in. I am sure some serious criminals had tried to get in before. But they were criminals. I was trained. Indifferent some would say. Not in my books. I was elite and I knew it.  But being elite had it's consequences. Killing. That was always my regret. But if it took that to get my sister out of there, I was willing.

I scampered round the back of the gargantuan sky scraper. It would take me hours to find which floor she was on, let alone get in there. Nothing. No more doors, no open windows. Nothing. They really did hate the outside world. Or maybe the outside world hated them. Either way, they didn't want any visitors. Puzzled, I ventured back round to the front where all of a sudden an army of soldiers, head to toe in black scuttled out from the gates. They all stood poised with their guns. They looked like they meaned business; when my sister was involved, I meaned more.

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