10. Vitreous Associates

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Swiftly, I was slapped with the *man's* hand. "I am your elder, respect me as one and you shall avoid such actions in the future, I am trained and prepared to do anything as I wish or as I think necessary, don't misjudge me Natalia, I am a fighter and if you misheard me before I AM PREPARED TO DO ANYTHING NECESSARY!" he bellowed. I could have tackled him right there and then, but I could only anticipate the reaction of the soldiers guarding the door. "As. Am. I." I stated, shoving my words right into his putrid face. His hand flared up but I caught it with mine. Fluently pulled the rest of his arm round and tackled him to the ground. The soldiers at the door rushed forwards but I whipped out the gun from the *imbecile's* pocket and shot them down. I could see the camera in the corner, I wasn't going to make that mistake again. I flicked out the *imbecile's* belt and whiplashed it around the camera at the wall. I yanked it back. Thankfully it didn't say STARK. If it did I would have been out in a chiffy but it seemed I was clear. My shot wound didn't seem to hurt which was funny, whatever drugs they had dared to try on me seemed to numb my whole torso. I could walk normally, and now talk normally. It seemed I was good, for now...

I raced through the tunnels of what seemed like a huge hospital. Doors to rooms saying "Experiment 590...591...592" It seemed they had a good load of experiments, and I was certain I was to be one of them, or maybe I already was. The gun from the *imbecile* only had 4 more rounds left. My whole body seemed to feel ok, with 4 shots and a working body as such, I could do this; I could do this for Bucky...

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