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From that day on, I started writing many original songs. But no one is ever going to see it or hear it. I write songs to express myself and to let out any emotions or feelings that I'm holding inside. And that's it. I don't people to hear it and judge me and make fun of me even more. I just want to live and write in peace. However, somebody is always going to break that peace. And that is kitty meow, meow KAT! So I thought that I was alone in the auditorium because I'm always ALONE! But after I sang my song, I heard clapping and I freaked out.

You can always count on me,

And I can always count on you.

We are two great lovers, I see,

And our hearts is telling what's true.

It's very hard to see how people are,

But it's harder when they're not, written in our hearts.

Hold On, Hold on to my arms,

Hold On, Hold on to your heart,

Hold On, Hold on to the belief from the start...

And never let us fall apart.

When we say goodbye, we never tried,

Don't you even cry, cause' you know the reason why.

We thought that our sparks flied high,

But all we believed was truly lies.

It's very easy to see how people pretend they are,

But it's easier when they are written in our hearts.

Hold On, Hold on to my arms,

Hold On, Hold on to your heart,

Hold On, Hold on to the belief from the start...

And never let us fall apart.

Please Hold On....

(Clapping) "Wow, who knew you can write beautiful songs"

"Wait what? No, that wasn't me and that wasn't my song. That sound was from my phone. And I was just lipsyncing cause' I'm untalented!"

"Oh Shut Up. I'm not stupid. I know it was you"

"How you know?"

"First of all, you don't have a phone. Second of all, you don't have a phone!!!!!"

"Fine. It was me".

"No", mocking him.

"What are you going to do now?"
"What do you mean dude?"

"Are you going to tell the whole school that I'm the stupid guy who writes stupid songs?"

"No, you're going to tell the whole school that you're the stupid guy who writes stupid songs. JK. But I'm serious"

"That's the first"

"Let me finish. I'm serious, that was a really good song, and you have a good voice. Why don't you share it to people?"

"Because I don't know if I'm good enough or good at all"

"You are good", sitting close to him.


"You are and I think that you'll become the next Justin Bieber"

"Really?", in a low sarcastic voice.

"Fine, Ed Sheeran"

"Ok. So, what do we do now" his face going close to hers.

"Dude! WTF, why you tried to kiss me?" she slapped him.

"Sorry, I thought it was like the right moment to umm. ummm. Is it too late now to say sorry?"

"Fine, I forgive you and it's only because you sang that pretty good like Justin Bieber....Fine. Like Ed Sheeran"

"So, what now?"

"You know you should post one of your songs online to get public attention"

"Okay, when should I do it?"

"Oh right. You see... I already posted that song"


"Don't get angry. There's barely any views or comments in it yet"

"Okay, but if I get mugged by mob of students tomorrow. Something bad will happen to Justin Bieber"

"You wouldn't"

"Oh, I have no life. And my parents don't care about me so, I have no curfew too. So I would"

Justin Left.

"It's not like you're going to be an overnight sensation anyways"

She looked at the phone and the video has 4 million views and more than 10,000 comments.

"Oh, nevermind", she whispered to herself.

#Oopsformakingyoufamous #waitwhyamisayingsorry #whyaremyhashtagssolong

#JustWriteIt   #firsts

Me, Myself, and I (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now