The REAL Snake

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So, I was blackmailed by three celebrities, have to kiss someone I don't like, and have to lie to fans. But after all that, I still have to deal with other bitches in my life. And by other bitches, I mean just one bitch, Kaoly. She really can't stop. I found another snake in my pizza today and I know that it's her. But what makes me more angry is that she doesn't admit it. She said that she didn't do it. However, I maybe be stupid but not that stupid, I don't believe her at all. Maybe be a little, but not at all. I didn't have anything to do today so, I went swimming on the pool downstairs. But when I got to the pool....


I screamed.

"WTF Dude. Why you screaming?" Kaoly asked.

"I saw a sea monster"

"What?!! Where?"

"There" I pointed at Kaoly.

Kaoly looked back.

"Wait, I don't see it!"
"Right there!" I pointed at Kaoly again.

"There's nothing there!"
"I mean you dumb bitch!"

"I'm not a fuckin' sea monster"

"Are you sure? A person who tries to kill people with like 13 snakes kinda makes you a monster!"

"It's not me! I told you that like 50 times already!"

"No you only told me 2 times and I don't believe you!"

"Do you have proof?"

"Yes, your brother!"

"What brother? I don't have a brother"

"Oh Stop giving lies you snake. I know that Emmanuel's your brother"

"Who's Emmanuel?"

"You're brother! The one who lives with you, you know cause' he's your brother"
"He's not my brother!"
"Oh My, Wait A, Oh My, Wait A, Oh My Gosh, you sleep with him! I thought he was your brother"
"He's not my brother and I don't sleep with him you dumb ass"

"Then, who is he?"

"I don't know. There's no Emmanuel living in this building like since 3 years ago. Oh My God!"


"Emmanuel. The Emmanuel that you're talking about, is the failure?"

"Yeah, with the superbass, I mean lolobass, whatever"

"It's called octobass. And it is him! He's the one who tried to make everyone of us who have a chance in making it to the business fail. He's the snake"

"He's a snake. How does he look like a person?"

"I said THE snake. And literally, I just remember that he uses snakes to get rid of people"

"You mean he killed people before?"

"No, he just uses snakes to scare people away but I think Bethany died. Nah, she probably made it, I think"

"Oh, so since he's the snake he scares people away! I got it!"

"Do you?"


"Do you really?"


"Wow, you are special!"

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