Celebrity School Part 3

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Celebrity School is not that awful now. I'm getting the hang on the cheerleading, songwriting, and the singing. Spoke too soon.

"You have to join the football team" Kat said.


"So, yesterday in managing class. I learned that fans like celebrities who work out and athletic" Kat said.

"I work out!"

"Well, it's not working. Cause' I don't see any progress!"

"Fine, but I am athletic!"

"And what sport do you play?"


"Yeah! ONLINE Basketball"

"That doesn't count!"
"Yes it does"

"No it doesn't. So, you are going to join the football team today"

"What if they don't pick me?"

"The captain is a girl. You'll do fine!"

"Whatever. But if I break my neck and die, I'm going to tell the fans it's your fault so they can attack you!"

"Well, you can't because you'd already be dead!"

"Then, I'm gonna start writing my will!"

I went to try out for the football team.

"I'm Angel, the captain of the football team. Today, you are going to face an obstacle course and whoever finished first will get a spot on the team" Angel said.

"On your mark...Get Set..... GO!" Angel screamed.

It was so difficult. I had to crawl onto the mud, go pass three players who have pads to try to knock us down, monkeybars, final kick ball, and run 2 miles without stopping. Finally, I passed the finish line. And I was the first one there. Well, I was the only one there.

"Congratulations you're in the team" Angel said.

"Wait, I'm the only one who tried out"

"Yes and?"

"Then, why didn't you just let me in the team"

"Cause' we're not doing that much today so, we were bored"

"And we just wanted to have some fun. Didn't you?"
"Fuck NO!"

"Oh well, you still made it in the team!"
"Yeah, Yeah, whatever. When's practice"


"Angel, isn't the captain a girl?"
"Well, it used to be a girl. But a girl could never handle to play football. She wasn't right to be the captain!"

"But she was good right?"

"Oh she was. But she still a GIRL. And girls don't play football. And they certainly are not going to be captain of a football team!"

"Oh... okay.. I got it"

"Good. So, here's our team. We have Carlos, Gian, Philip, John Steven, Yesenia, and me. Well, now you too"

"Aren't you a cheerleader?" Philip asked.

"Aren't you a boy?"

"Then, stop wearing maskcara!"

"It helps my skin glow!"

"It's also makeup"

Philip stopped talking.

"But Yesenia's a girl"
"She is. I know. I can tell. But she's not the captain is she?"
"Oh ok. I don't get it you guys want to be a celebrity right? Then, why are you guys focusing on football"
"Because when we become famous with our singing and dancing, we want to show them that we're athletic and we work out"

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