Celebrity School Part 4

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I thought that I was done being part of this Celebrity School. But nooooooooo. I have to be part of the Musical Showdown next week. I think that it's going to be really hard for me, considering, I failed my first sing-offs. Not only that, but these mean divas are giving me a hard time writing a song and practicing because they're psyching me out.

Today in class,

"Hey Justin! I hear that you joined the cheerleading squad and the football team. They say that you brought the team together" Kaoly said.

"Yeah, I guess so" I answered.

"So, you think that you're a winner now. That you're better than everyone"

"No, I didn't even say...."

"But you implied it"

"Just Shut the fuck up and never get in my way. Cause' if you challenge me on something, I'll crush you! Come on girls!"

The Mean Divas was about to leave but...

"Look Kaoly. I will get in your way. And I'm not gonna be the one losing"

"We'll see about that!" Kaoly responded.

"Good Morning, Rising Stars. Today, I will be picking the type of showdown and the type of battle. And we're going to have a.... singing showdown, which is kinda like a sing-off but it has to be bigger and bolder! And the type of battle is King or Queen of the Hill so, in the finals, we would only have 2 stars left. The stars who lost before the finals will be judges alongside with me"

"This is going to be easy for me" Yolaidy said.

"This is going to be easier for me" Kaoly said.

"This is going to be easier-er for me" Ashley said.

During lunch outside, the Mean Divas went to talk to me.

"Hey Justin. I didn't really introduce you to my squad. This is Ashley, Yanibel, Maria, Andrea, Natasha, Sebastian, and Yolaidy" Kaoly said.

"Hold Up. I'm not part of any squad. I'm my own squad bitch!" Yolaidy left.

"You know Justin, you're going to be like the first ones to be out. And the finalists would probably just my squad!" Kaoly said.

"Don't get ahead of yourself cause' I will win!"

"No, you're not. You're a JOKE!" Maria said.

"Yeah, you can't even win or had any chance on the sing-offs so, how can you possibly win this?!" Sebastian said.

"Who is this?" I asked.

"Sebastian, my gay bestfriend. I told you like 5 seconds ago and you already forgot. Dumbass!" Kaoly said.

"Wait, I thought I was your bestfriend!" Ashley said.

"She said I'm her GAY bestfriend!" Sebastian said.

"You know Ashley, why are you so stupid? weren't you a...." Kaoly said.

"I get it. I'm stupid let's go" Ashley said.

When they left, I noticed that Ashley was acting weird and she didn't want Kaoly to finish her sentence. So, I had to go around the school and ask them stuff about Ashley. I went to everybody and all they said was that she's constantly following Kaoly and that's all what she do. But I don't believe it. And when I went to the basement, I saw all these new people, and I didn't even know that they go to school here.

"Ummm. Hi" I said.

"Oh Hey Justin. This is Sael, Justin, Erion, Alex, and I'm Kevin" Kevin said.

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