Rising Star, Rising Enemies

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It's been 2 weeks since I was here in Hollywood and already did 5 interviews and wrote 3 new songs. Life here is not so bad at all. Only the neighbors. I mean neighbor cause' it's only Kaoly. She tried so hard to kick us out back to New York. One time, she put snakes under my pillow and the only way I noticed it, was that I was practicing on kissing the pillow and pretend that it was Kat. Wait, nevermind that. And another time, was when Kaoly put snakes on the tub as I was trying to take a bath. Also, she put snakes on the food. And I was really hoping for stakes, not snakes. You know, now I think that she likes snakes. Maybe because she is one too. She didn't even admit on doing these things when I know it's her.


Today, I am singing on The Voice as a special guest. But I just don't know what to sing though.

"Which song should I sing?" talking to mom, Kat, and a girl that I still don't know the name of.

"I think you should sing the most powerful song you've made" said Kat.

"You mean the powerful song?"

"That's what I said didn't I!"

"So, the powerful song?"

"Yes, how many times do I have to tell you dumb Asian!"

"The powerful song?"

"YES! That's what I said like a million times! So, what is it called?"

"The powerful song?"

"Oh My God!!!! Yes, the powerful song! Now what is it called?!!!!!"

"The powerful song!"

"I know it's the powerful song so, what is it called you dumb bitch!"

"It's called The Powerful Song stupid. That's what it's called"

"Oh, then you should never title a song like that"

"Why? Are you the artist? No, right so calm your tits!"

"You should watch your...."

"I have no time for this! Get me my limbo"

"Who do you think you are?"

"Justin! Justin Garcia! And who are you?"

"I'm Kat. The girl who made you famous!"

"I know. I was just kidding. Don't get angry to much, you'll get wrinkles!"

Everyone looking at Justin like he's weird.
"What are you looking at? It was Taylor Swift not me!"

"Yeah, like she's the one who have wrinkles! Look up Grandpa!" said my mom.

"You're older than me!"

"But I have the baby face!"

"Whatever. Let's go, I don't want to be late!"

As I was in my limbo, I saw people chasing the car and I was really shocked and happy because that shows that they really care about me. I was really glad. So, I stopped the limbo and took selfies and sign autographs for my fans. It's just a way to give back. I finally arrived in The Voice and just in time to sing my song.

"And here's Justin Bieber. Sorry, I mean Justin Garcia singing Dreams"

I thought that,

I have everything figured out.

I thought that,

Winning's what's all about.

I thought that,

Me, Myself, and I (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now