I've Done So Much Worse

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I've Done So Much Worse

Mike groaned as he lifted his head. Chester hadn't been lying when he said that he would make his life a living hell. He was bleeding from a gash on the side of his head. Chester had been in for an hour earlier before saying that he had to go and gas his friends. Mike assumed that mean that they were trying to kill Dave and the others. He hoped they were alright. He didn't know how long it took but all of a sudden, Chester was back in there with him and grabbing him. He was unlocked from the chains and pulled forward. No words were exchanged but he was dragged out of the cell and out of the building into a street. He swallowed as he saw the metal stand in the middle of the street. He knew what was coming. Chester shoved him against it and then locked his hands to the sides. He was on his knees, hugging the pole. He heard Chester's boots pacing around him before the first lash snapped into his back. He bit down hard, knowing that this was definitely not the worst to come. He had a feeling there were cameras to broadcast. Another lash. He winced and felt blood start to run down his back. It kept going. Chester wasn't going to let up easily. Not after what Mike had said. Sometimes, Mike wished he had just kept his mouth shut. But it was worth it. It was worth it to see the obvious pain written across that man's face. It was the first time he'd ever had the upper hand against Chester and he had enjoyed every minute of it.

"Break Chester."

It was said quietly and Mike glanced back to see Chester standing there with tears of anger in his eyes. A tall man stood next to him. Mike remembered him from the pictures that Bono had shown him. Mike was hit with a wave of pain and he groaned and pressed his forehead against the pole.

"Let me take over for you."

Mike glanced back and almost gagged. The stranger had his hands all over Chester's body. His mouth moved without his brain connecting to what he was about to say.

"Wow Chester, you got yourself a big boyfriend to protect your sorry ass? Can't handle getting your ass handed to you all the time?"

Chester lunged forward but the obviously older man held him back. Mike decided that they needed to gag him so he couldn't say stupid things.

"Just let me handle this."

Mike heard shifting and saw Chester take a few steps back. The taller man walked forward steadily and then knelt down next to him.

"I don't think we've been properly introduced. I'm Scott. And I'm worse than Chester," he said, "Especially since you shot him. I've been wanting to get my hands on you for a long time."

Mike swallowed as Scott stood back up and went behind him. The next half hour was full of pain. Mike was surprised he didn't black out. Scott was ruthless and he wasn't worried about killing him. He was dragged back to the prison after it was over. His back was bleeding everywhere. Chester tossed him into his cell uncaringly and then chained him to the floor. Mike struggled slightly but Chester stepped on his back and after he screamed and cursed, he stopped trying to escape. The elite left and then returned in a few minutes with a bucket and a towel. He also had a small bottle of something. Mike frowned as Chester unscrewed the lid and glanced at him. He poured the liquid over his back and he screamed as pain erupted. He'd poured alcohol in his wounds.

"Was that too much?" Chester asked softly as he read the label and then shrugged, "Oh...they said to put it on the towel and then use it. Oh well, I just saved time."

Chester was a dick. Mike glared at him and then Chester was dunking the towel in cold water before spreading it over his back. The cold felt good. It was numbing his pain. He felt his eyes start to shut but Chester hit him in the face to wake him up. The next hour and a half was the longest of his life. He had to wait while Chester stitched up every cut on his back without any sort of painkiller.

"Don't you want me dead?" Mike hissed as Chester continued to sew him up. There was no answer. He sighed as Chester finished and then left the room. He wished he had some way to contact Dave and the others. He wanted to make sure they were still on their way to D.C so they could destroy the corruption. If he were going to die here, he wanted to make sure the government went with him. The door to his cell opened and Chester was there again. He knelt down and unlocked his cuffs.

"We're going to President Wakefield's office. Come on."

Mike let Chester pull him out of the room and he was forced to walk in front of him. He felt the barrel of Chester's gun against his back as they headed up flights of stairs. He was led to a door and then Chester stepped in front of him to knock.

"Come in Chester."

They walked inside and Chester shoved Mike into the center of the room. The elite moved off to the side and knelt down. That was pathetic.

"Thank you Chester, you may leave us."

The elite got to his feet and left the room, shutting the door behind him. Mike turned his attention back to the president. Even though he'd seen Mark many times on the television, he was still surprised to see how young the guy was. The man got up and walked towards him and sighed.

"Damn Scott, I told him not to go that hard. We need you around a little bit longer."

"They won't come to rescue me," Mike growled, "They'll come to kill you."

"And I'll be ready for them, oh I will."

"You don't know what you're fighting against."

"Actually I do. I'm fighting against you and about ten others who don't understand leadership. I have an army, Michael, what do you have? I have the deadliest elites ever seen to the world and you think you're going to take me down?"

"I'll find a way," Mike said softly.

"Well, here's what I wanted to talk to you about. Your friends, they're on their way now aren't they? That's when Chester found you guys. I have spies in every town and they know exactly where they are. They can't hide from me."

Mike stayed silent. Mark did have an advantage. He had numbers and power and support. They didn't have any of that except a reason to fight. Mark smiled slightly at him before nodding at him.

"You see? Your attempt is in vain. I know what you told Chester and I know it's a lie but I'm not going to set him straight. His pain is your punishment. He will take his anger out on you."

Mike stared at Mark who smiled slightly. The president reached down to his desk and pressed a button. A minute later, Chester arrived again and he bowed his head.

"You called, sir?"

"Yes. Go ahead and take the prisoner back to his cell."

Chester nodded, "Yes sir."

"Oh and Chester?"

"Yes sir?"

"Be careful with him. You and Scott went too far this morning. I expect you back here in ten minutes. You know why."

"Yes sir," Chester nodded and lowered in his head in what Mike could only describe as shame. He grabbed Mike's arm and led him out of the room. They walked at a fast pace down the stairs towards the prison.

"You let him shove you around like that? You're even more pathetic than I thought."

"I serve the president. That's all there is to it," Chester hissed before slamming the door shut to his cell and locking it, "Have a good night."

Mike glared at the man who was walking away from him. He sighed and turned back to the wall. He had nothing to do. He was stuck in this prison until he had a chance to get out. He needed his friends to come and get him out so they could finish the job. He wanted to kill Mark more than anything. Then he could have Chester to himself like Dave had promised. He knew that it would only be a matter of hours until Chester returned with his new sick way to torture him. He'd already been beaten, cut up, and electrocuted.
It was most likely late at night when Chester returned to his cell. Mike stared at him in shock. It was like a new version of Chester. The elite was still as threatening as ever but on each side of his face, he had black marks that almost looked like he'd been burned. They were on his hands as well and on his neck. Of course, anything that hurt Chester was doing good by Mike but he was still surprised to see him like this. The only place that Chester had been that Mike was aware of was Mark's office. He was shaken from his thoughts when Chester grabbed him and tied him to the chair in the middle of the room.

"You want to know the best part about killing your family?" Chester breathed in his ear. Mike stared at him. Chester laughed softly. "I got to have a nice time with the lovely woman that you called your mother."

Anger fueled him. Was Chester saying that he'd....? Mike couldn't even comprehend that. Chester snickered and backed up away from him.

"Your father didn't care much for me of course but I couldn't care less about him. Your little brother though, so innocent, so pure, isn't it lovely he got to learn just what exactly happened during sex in a live demonstration?"

"You son of a bitch!" Mike screamed as Chester laughed again.

"Wouldn't motherfucker be a more appropriate term here?" he asked softly, "By the way I take it as a compliment."

"I swear, you have no idea what you're getting yourself into."

"I'm paying you back. You killed my boys, I raped your mother. Seems to even things out. Actually no it doesn't," Chester growled.

"When I get out of this, I'm going to kill you."

"If, Mikey, if," Chester laughed, "And you know what, I think I know the perfect way to get you back."

Mike swallowed as Chester untied him and then grabbed him roughly. He threw him down on the ground and chained him to the floor again. Mike tried to move but Chester was having none of it. The other man knelt over him and then leaned down next to his ear again.

"I hope you don't mind, I forgot the lube."

Mike's eyes widened as he realized what Chester was about to do to him. But there was nothing he could do to stop this from happening. He felt his pants leave him and he turned back to see Chester getting his own pants down to his knees.

"Should be fun don't you think?" Chester asked with a smile. Mike noticed the burns on his skin continued on his chest and stomach as well as his arms and shoulders. But before he could think any more on it, Chester had pushed himself inside of him. He screamed.

"Oh wow, this is ten thousand times better than her," Chester gasped as he leaned over and rested his head on Mike's back. Mike didn't know whether to be completely disgusted, angered, or both. Chester was fucking him hard and every movement caused a cry of pain to emerge from his mouth. The moaning from behind him made it all worse. This was disgusting. This was a man who had destroyed every last piece of his family. A man who had sexually assaulted his mother in front of his little brother. It got worse if that were possible. He felt Chester's head on his back and small gasps emerging from his mouth. It was sickening to his stomach. If he wasn't in so much pain, he'd probably throw up. It went on...and on....and then Chester's teeth clamped down on his skin and he screamed as they broke the stitches in his back. Not only that, the other man had reached his peak and had released inside of him. It was quiet and then Chester was standing up and pulling his pants back up.

"You won't hurt anyone I care about again. I won't let you," Chester snarled, "I can kill you whenever I want. I just want to make you suffer."

He stormed out of the room and slammed the door shut. Mike realized that Chester had unlocked his hands. He got to his knees and pulled his pants back up. He looked down and finally let the tears fall from his eyes. He wished Chester would kill him because he honestly had no desire to live anymore. He had lied about killing the man's boys but Chester hadn't lied about what he had done. He wasn't trying to get the upper hand, he already had it. He was trying to destroy any motive left in him and Mike had a feeling he had succeeded. He didn't want to rebel, he just wanted to get out of this hell.

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