New Year's Day

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A/N: sorry about missing last weekend! Enjoy major backstory. :)

New Year's Day

​He yawned as he sat back against the wall. His gun rested by his side. Being a soldier was a bit exhausting. Of course, he wouldn't trade this life for anything. The government had recruited him at a very young age to fight and he'd been in it ever since. He never got a chance to really go home. So he'd made a home here.


​He grinned and turned to see his best friend walking towards him. He stood up and shouldered his gun to meet up with her.

​"Hi Talinda, you doing well?"

​"Yep. I just got back. I'll be heading home tomorrow."

​"That's great. Hey, have you heard that the President's been killed? He died just yesterday."

​"Oh my god! How did that happen?"

​"Not sure. But the only one left to take charge is Mark Wakefield."

​"I've never liked him," Talinda admitted, "Well, as long as everyone else is okay. I have to get back to my husband and my sons."

​"How are the little ones?"

​"Isaiah just turned eight the other day."

​"And how old is the younger one now? Six?"


​"They must be getting big too."

​He'd never ask about the husband. He just didn't care. He wasn't on great terms with the man even though he'd never met him. Talinda had.....well...she had been quite persistent with him until they slept together the first time. It just became a routine and about two months later, he finally was told she was married. That didn't stop him though. If she wanted it, he'd go ahead with it.

​"Why do you stay with him?" he asked finally, "You've already told me you don't want to be there."

​"I have two sons, Paul, you know that. I could never leave them."

​"Then take 'em with you. The court always gives the kids to the women."

​"Chester hasn't done a thing wrong."

​"Frame him. People do it all the time."

​"Isaiah wouldn't let me. He's very protective of his father."

​He sighed and turned away, running his hand through his hair. He couldn't help but think that he wouldn't mind much if the father was killed by the government.

​"Don't turn away from me. I know you think too much when I can't see you."

​"You know me too well Tali."

​"Not sure if that's a good thing. Now come on, how about we get a nice drink and hang out a bit. I won't be seeing you for a while."

​"You could be," he growled as they headed off. She hit him on the shoulder.

​"I can't even believe you're older than I am. How old are you again?"

​"Twenty six."

​Talinda shook her head with a smile. He glared at her.

​"It's not my fault that you fell in love with me. You could've had this but you went off and married some high schooler!"

​"He's twenty-three!"

​"Yea well when you two married he was fresh out wasn't he? Nineteen!?"

​"Okay I admit it was a mistake but I really did love him!"

​"Yea like a son! Did you ever tell him that you are incapable of having kids or did you just wait until he decided to adopt!?"

​"Will you shut your mouth?" she said angrily. He clenched his teeth and huffed before walking along next to her.

​"I can't help that I fell in love early okay? I changed my mind now that I met you."

​He walked slowly and didn't reply. He didn't have an answer for her. He didn't want to answer her.

​"What do you want? An apology? I don't regret sleeping with you!"

​"Yea well I do!" he finally snapped, "You just used me! I'm tired of being used! The government thinks they can use me and they have! I've been used my entire life! I was taken, Talinda! Taken from my family when I was ten and dressed up in camo to fight wars for this country!"

​"I.....I had no idea...."

​"Yea you didn't! I'm here because my parents wanted to keep my older brother out of the war. That's why," he said, "Go ahead, Tali. I'd rather be alone."

​He watched her head down the hall. He sighed and wandered back to his bunk room. That had been sixteen years ago but he still remembered every minute of it.

​He was walking down the sidewalk when he saw the cars pulled into his driveway. He slowed down as the door opened and his older brother came running out. He'd be eighteen in a few weeks. He gasped as he was wrapped into his older brother's arms and lifted up.

​"W-What's going on?" he asked quietly. His brother, Connor, held him tightly.

​"I won't let them take you, Paul. I promise," he managed.

​"Connor, you're scaring me."

​"Connor! Get in here."

​He was set down but he grabbed his brother's hand as they headed inside. His parents were standing there with a few uniformed men. Who were they? He swallowed and moved closer to his brother. Connor put his hand on his shoulder and he moved even closer to him.

​"Well, Mr. Hewson, we're recruiting soldiers and any family with two or more sons are required to give one up."

​"I'll go," Connor said instantly, "I'll be eighteen in just a few weeks. I'll go."

​"Connor, think this through," his mother said. His brother stared at her in shock.

​"What? You mean you're actually considering sending Paul? Are you stupid!?" Connor managed, "You were considering that-he's ten years old! TEN!"

​It was silent in the house. The soldiers stood there and he shuffled his feet. Connor wrapped his arm around him and held him. His mom and dad were talking quietly together and he looked up at his brother.

​"What's going to happen?"

​"Nothing. It'll be alright."

​Then his father turned around and nodded slightly towards the soldiers, "Take the younger."

​"No!" Connor yelled angrily, "No!"

​He felt himself get grabbed by two strong hands and he was pulled out of his brother's grasp.

​"Connor! Connor!" he managed as he was pulled out of the house. His brother lunged after him but his father grabbed Connor's arms. He tugged at the restraining arms. He was so confused. He didn't understand what was going on. Why was he being taken? He whimpered and struggled again.

​"Stop struggling kid."

​Being put in the military was the scariest moment in his life. He'd been trained for two years until he was twelve and then put into the ranks. Twelve years old and fighting for his country. It was scary. The noises were louder than he ever thought they would be.


​When the world went to hell and he'd gotten that phone call from Talinda, he'd made his way out of the base and out into the world that he hadn't seen in sixteen years. He didn't know where to go, he didn't even know where he lived. His parents had stopped writing to him after the first year in the army and he'd never felt more alone in his life. Maybe that was why he was so willing to accept Adam and Larry. He'd run into the two of them and they had joined up. They didn't even know his story but they had allowed him into their little group. The three of them were a little group of old military. They were the only people who had decided to be against the government. He wanted to fight back against the people who had separated him from his family.


​The first time he saw the elite on the screen, he didn't know who it was. They never addressed his name. He watched him talk about how things were going to be great, as soon as the people who wanted to watch the world burn were eliminated. He saw himself back as a ten year old, watching the government once again rule his life. Larry put his arm around him, asking him if he was okay but he didn't answer. Being in this world, it was scary. He'd never been in a different world. He was always a soldier. He was always fighting for his life and he just wanted to get out of it. He wanted to be able to sit down and finally enjoy time where he wasn't afraid. Soldiers were always afraid, they just hid it well.

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