You Saved.....Me?

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You Saved....Me?

​He was handcuffed before being led out of the room. He was supposedly a free man now but they still handcuffed him. He looked over at the men around him. Dave, Mike, his therapist and then three others.

​"Ben is on his way back," one of the guys said.

​"Good," Dave said before they headed towards another room. Chester recognized it as the main office where Mark had spent his days. Where he'd been tortured. He swallowed and slowed down a bit. Mike took his shoulder and guided him inside.

​"What are we going to do?" Mike asked finally. Dave sighed and shook his head.

​"All we can do is protect Chester until we figure out where exactly his father might be."

​"What? He's looking for me?"

​"He wants to drug you and use you as a soldier again," Dave said and Chester shut up. Why would his father want to do that? He sighed but looked away.

​"We'll keep his kids safe too. Who knows if the guy will go after them as some means to get to Chester."

​"Yes of course," Dave said, "We just need all our troops. Jeremey, have you talked with Keith yet?"

​"Yea. He's ready to go. He was actually going to leave for California today. I'll tell him not to."

​"Good. Mike, I need you to go and get Ryan. We need everyone to be ready to fight."

​"Right," Mike nodded before running out of the room.

​"I'm going to get Larry," the army man said nodding at Dave, "Brad, Joe come with me."

​"Yea let's go."

​Chester was left alone with the new leader. He looked at the slightly taller man. Dave was studying him.

​"Am I certain that you will have our back?" Dave asked. Chester looked at him in surprise.

​"What do you mean?"

​"It is time I return something to you but I need to be able to trust you."

​"You can trust me," Chester said quietly, "I don't want to hurt anyone."

​Dave nodded and then opened a drawer on his desk. Chester watched as he lifted out a metal band. He recognized it from before.

​"Then even though it is necessary to protect you, I want you to take this back and fight with us," Dave said as he unlocked Chester's hands from behind him. Chester stared at the gauntlet that he held. That brought back a lot of painful memories.

​"I....can't I just use a gun?"

​"You are powerful Chester, even though your old memories are back, your new ones remain. You were a strong fighter and you still are. I want you to have it back. Don't worry, all of the chips have been removed. All that it allows you to do is turn into an animal. It can't harm you in any way."

​"You knew about that?"

​"Mark and I had a nice talk," Dave said simply. Chester slowly slid the metal band onto his arm and clicked the button. Metal encased half his forearm and his hand. A green button appeared on the top with a tiger's head on it. He brushed his thumb over it.

​"I can help you," he said finally, "If you'll trust me."

​"I do. What do you mean?"

​"There's a bunker where Mark kept his stuff. I don't know what he has in there but it's where he kept some of his gauntlets. It's right underneath the building," Chester began, "I can show it to you."

​"Lead the way," Dave said and Chester walked out of the room. He followed the familiar path down to the main floor before walking straight to the back of the room. He let his hand brush down the side of the wall and then stopped when he felt the familiar nick in the paint. He smiled slightly and placed his left hand against the nick, lining it up with the piece of his gauntlet. There was a click and then the wall slid away, revealing a set of stairs.

​"I never would've figured that out," Dave said and Chester nodded before heading down the steps. The bunker was only two flights down and Chester stopped as his feet hit dirt.

​"Here it is," he said quietly. Dave looked around in shock. Chester had to admit he was surprised on how much there was. He took in all the weaponry and armor that Mark had created.

​"This is perfect," Dave said with a smile, "This will keep us armed."

​Chester nodded as he grabbed a pair of pants and a jacket off of the racks. He took the black face paint and smirked before dipping his finger into it and drawing three diagonal lines across his face. He slid into one of the aisles that he had always wanted to go in. He pulled on a pair of black boots with tiny metal attachments on each side. He kicked the metal bands with his heels and smiled when the jet kicked in and he rose into the air. Dave came around the corner with some armor covering his chest and a gun over his chest.

​"Can I bring the others down here?"

​"It's your building isn't it?"

​"Yes, but I didn't know if this was something to you."

​"Not really. It's just a reminder of all my mistakes," Chester noticed the gauntlet that Dave was wearing on his left arm, "Which one is it?"

​"The fox," Dave said finally.

​"You picked that one?"

​"It was the only one that worked."

​Chester frowned, "What do you mean?"

​"I put on a wolf one but it didn't attach like this one did. I guess it didn't work."

​"Oh," Chester frowned, "Maybe they were prototypes or something."

​"Dave? You down there!? It's Brad, Joe, Ryan, and Mike," Mike's voice called.

​"Yea come on down! You guys won't believe this shit!"

​Chester watched as Mike appeared at the bottom of the stairs and looked around in awe. The others were similarly impressed by the place.

​"Grab a gauntlet and some armor," Dave said, "I'm going to be making an announcement to the public so they know what's going on."

​"Okay," Mike called. Chester watched as the men dressed up. Brad and Joe were putting armor on each other. Ryan was looking at the weapons but Mike had gone directly for the gauntlets. He watched in surprise as Mike pulled off one of the gauntlets that Dave had said didn't work and put it on. The metal snapped shut around his arm.

​"What one?" Chester asked and Mike showed him the glowing green. The head of a howling wolf was on it. He wondered why it hadn't worked for Dave. Brad, Joe and Ryan all got gauntlets too. Ryan had the coyote, Brad had the lion, and Joe had the bear. They got armed and Chester strapped his holster back around his waist and loaded his pistols before heading up the stairs. The rest of them followed pretty quickly.

​"Dad! What's going on?"

​He turned to see Isaiah walking up to him with Draven following him. He knelt down.

​"Do you remember your grandfather at all?"

​"No.....we never met him dad," Isaiah said softly.

​"Okay. Well, he's not on our side."

​"So he's going to attack?"

​"We're not sure. Look, it doesn't matter. I need you two to stay safe. Will you do that for me? Don't leave this building unless you're with me or one of the officers."

​"We won't dad. But what's going on? Are you going to be alright?"

​"We're going to be fine," Chester said quietly. Isaiah gave him a look that told him he still couldn't lie to his son. He sighed and hugged them both tightly. "Just remember what I told you. Stay safe."

​"We will."

​Chester nodded and then stood up. He waved once to his boys before turning and heading off with the rest of the guys. They walked outside and Chester looked around. People were hurrying to their houses and the blades of helicopters were heard in the distance.

​"You're with me," Mike said from next to him, "Come on."

​He hurried after Mike as they climbed into a helicopter, "You know how to fly these things?"

​"Good time to find out," Mike replied before they were lifting into the air. Chester buckled himself into the harness and pulled his gun off his shoulders. Mike steadied the copter before starting to move it forward. "This isn't too hard."

​Chester saw the enemies approaching in helicopters as well and he swallowed. He and Mike were the first line of defense.

​"You ready, elite?" Mike called and Chester nodded to him before loading his first shot. He saw the first two copters open fire on them and he ducked into the metal hull before taking a few steps and swinging out the side. The wind rushed past his face as he spun to face the copters and fired two shots right into their windshield. He swung back in and reloaded before doing the same thing. Two more shots pierced the glass and the helicopter started a quick descent. The pilot was either dead or badly wounded.

​"Nice shot!" Mike called as they flew higher and Mike finally took control of the guns on the copter.

​"Where are the others?"

​"Dave sent Ryan and Joe to get people safely into their houses. Dave, Brad, Bono, and Larry are at the main square with weapons. Jeremey and Keith are in the Capitol keeping your boys safe."

​Chester swung safely back into the hull and tossed his gun aside. He bit into one of his grenades and pulled the pin. He swung out once more and hurled the grenade at one of the copters. It exploded right in front of the copter and down went another one.

​"You're crazy you know that?" Mike shouted.

​"I've been called that," Chester replied. He glanced back and saw some of the copters were landing in the square. He watched as a leopard leaped forward and mauled one of the newly landed soldiers. "Who is that?"

​"I think it's Bono," Mike said, "Can you not ask me things like that? I'm driving."

​"Sorry," Chester called, "Hit the black button on your throttle."


​"It drops grenades. You could blow up those copters."

​"My friends are down there. I won't take that risk that they'll get in the way."

​"Alright," Chester said before swinging out and aiming his gun at another helicopter that was getting too close for comfort, "We should land soon."

​"Not yet. There's still some coming."

​Chester glanced back and then jerked back in before a missile could take his face off. It scraped the copter though and another one hit the rotors. The whole thing shook and they started a descent. Fast.

​"Shit!" Mike shouted. Chester turned and shot his gun into the glass blocking him from the pilots. The glass shattered and he leaped inside, dragging Mike out of the pilot's seat. "What are you doing? We don't have chutes you idiot!"
​Chester swallowed as he leaped out of the copter and unhooked himself from the harness at the same time. He had a tight grip on Mike. The other man screamed at him and he did everything he could to keep Mike in his grip. He kicked his legs together frantically and felt heat shoot out next to each ankle. Their descent started to slow and Mike settled down. He breathed a sigh of relief as they landed on the roof of a building. Mike stared at him.

​"You....You saved my life."

​"Yea," Chester muttered, "I guess I did."

​Mike shook his head, "You.....You saved my life."

​"Yea. I did," Chester said quietly, "Now can we go help your friends?"

​Mike nodded slightly and then grabbed hold of him again. Chester jumped off the building and they hovered down to the ground. Once they got down, Chester handed Mike his gun and then pulled out his pistols. They ran down the street and Chester saw there were three copters landed in the square. The rest of them must have retreated for now. He shot towards the men coming out of the copters who were shooting at Dave and the others. Gunfire was everywhere. He ducked down behind one of the buildings and then fired out at the bad guys. Mike was shooting from a position a little farther away from him. Soon the gunfire was slowing down. The troops were almost depleted. They came out of their cover and they headed to the middle to meet up with the others.

​"Are you guys alright?" Dave asked, "We saw the copter fall."

​"Yea we're fine," Mike said, "Chester.....he saved us."

​Chester blushed slightly and looked away. He didn't like being pointed out like that.

​"You did?" the soldier stepped forward and cocked his head, "How?"

​"I shot the glass and then used the jets on my boots to fly us out," Chester said. The soldier nodded slightly.

​"That's smart," he said, "You'd make a good soldier, Chester."


​"We have to prepare. That was just a beginning attack, there will be more on the way. Ben and his men are on their way back. We need to plan an attack. We have to be ready for when they attack and we have to push them out. We have an advantage. We know the place."

​"We'll be ready for them," Mike assured. Chester nodded in agreement. He sighed softly as they headed towards the Capitol. They'd done good today, but Chester wasn't sure if they'd be able to pull out another attack. If his father was smart, he would have a different plan of attack each time. An air strike had been a good idea apart from the fact that they'd sent Chester up into the copter. He knew how to work these things.

​"Chester's our most valuable soldier right now," Mike said finally, "If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be able to win."

​Chester stared at him in shock. How could he be the most valuable? Just because he knew how to work things? They walked inside and he hugged Draven and Isaiah tightly before following the men to the planning room. His boys followed them. He wasn't sure if he liked the idea of them being in here but if they were going to grow up here, then they'd have to learn how to plan and fight. He sighed and leaned on the table as Dave began planning their next move. Chester couldn't help but notice how fox-like Dave actually was. He was smart, cunning, and definitely sneaky in his tactics. It was interesting that he'd ended up picking that gauntlet.

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