It'll All Be Okay

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It'll All Be Okay

He sat on the couch, next to his dad while they watched the television. His dad hadn't wanted him to watch but he had insisted on it. He was eight, he was old enough to watch whatever his daddy was watching. The banging noises and screams were really loud and all of a sudden his dad was jumping up.

"You take Dravey and run okay? Don't look back. Take him and run. You run as far as you can from here and hide. Tomorrow, come back and mom will be home okay? Do you understand Isaiah?"

"Yes....but....where are you going dad?"

"I'm going to make sure they don't touch you," his dad said before hugging him tightly, "I love you son."

"I love you too," Isaiah whispered as he grabbed his brother's hand. His dad kissed his forehead and then pointed.


He went running out the back door and into the grass. The banging was so loud because it was coming from outside the house.

"Saiah, where are we going?" Draven asked quietly as they ran.

"Away from home. Don't worry, dad is gonna protect us. He won't let anything happen to us," Isaiah whispered as he led his brother through the backyards of all his neighbors. He heard yells and he turned back even though his dad had said not to. He saw his dad come out of the house shooting a gun at the men who were also coming out of the house. He felt tears in his eyes as he saw them overpower his dad and knock him to the ground. That's why he had told them to come back to their mom.

"What are they doing to him?" Draven asked as he cried. Isaiah grabbed his brother and they started running again.

"It's not important," Isaiah managed as they ran to the end of the block. He heard yelling behind him and he urged his little brother to run faster. If they could make it out of the neighborhood they would be safer. But they never got the chance. Instead, a guy that looked to be about his dad's age was standing there with a smile.

"Yea, you two aren't going anywhere. Can't have you running around all free like that."

Isaiah stood at the window of the home they were put in until they were found by their parents. The man had told them that he was going to use their dad for something important and that he wouldn't even remember them once he was done. But it didn't matter. Isaiah wanted him back no matter what.


"What Dravey?"

"Are we ever going to find him?"

"Yea. Of course we are. The guy in charge said he was using dad for something. He wasn't going to kill him. He's not dead."

"Okay," Draven muttered as he stood next to him.

"What are you two doing?"

Isaiah turned around to see the teenager that was also waiting to be claimed sitting on their bed. His name was Noah.

"Nothing. Why?"

"Well....I just thought it'd be cool if we all sneak out you know? They're executing the president in the square today. Everyone will be there. Maybe our parents will be there too."

Isaiah smiled slightly, "That's actually a good idea. But I mean, I think it'd be kind of gruesome to be there. I don't want Draven to get scared."

"Just cover his eyes. Come on. Our parents are obviously not coming to us, we have to find them."

"Alright," Isaiah nodded with a smile, "What time is it?"

"Execution is in about an hour. We don't want to get caught so we'll have to be sneaky. We leave in a half hour."

"Okay," Isaiah said and Noah left the room. Draven sat down on the bed where Noah had left.

"Is daddy really not looking for us?"

"No. No he is. He just doesn't know where to look," Isaiah said but he couldn't help feeling the same way. He and Draven had been adopted together, what if their dad had gotten sick of them just like their previous parents had and decided to just leave? No, he wouldn't do that. He was so protective of them. He remembered that his dad used to sleep next to him whenever he had nightmares and how he would play outside in the yard with them. He'd wrestle with them and let them pin him on the ground even though they knew he was stronger than him. He smiled and shook his head.

"He'd never leave us."

Draven nodded slightly and hugged him, "And we'll find him one day right?"

"Of course," he said, "Today. And if not today, then tomorrow."

"And if not tomorrow, the next day?"

"You got it," Isaiah said as Draven smiled slightly.

"What's an execution?"

"It's a thing.....where bad people get killed because they were bad. Really bad."

"Oh. And why does everyone come to watch?"

"Because.....they were angry at the bad people for doing bad things and they want to see it end," Isaiah said.

"That makes sense. Do you really think our dad will be there?"

"I'm not sure. But it doesn't hurt to look. Noah's right, it's a good place to look."

Over the past two years of being locked up in that prison cell, Isaiah had been taking care of Draven with everything he had. He didn't blame his dad for any of it. How could he? His dad was being used by that man to do most likely, bad things. He probably thought that Isaiah and Draven had gotten away and were safe. It had been really scary at first and he didn't know what was going to happen to them. But then, it really wasn't that scary. They were still locked in that room but they were given food and water and blankets. For some reason, they were just kept there. He wasn't sure why. Maybe once they grew up, they would've been used as soldiers. And then Noah was back.

"Alright come on," he said. They crept down the stairs of the house and headed out into the streets. People were shouting and cheering from a long way away but it could still be heard. Isaiah held Draven's hand and they began to sneak along the street. There weren't supposed to be kids at the executions but they needed to find their dad and this could be their only chance. The sun was setting and the orange light cast shadows all over the streets. They quickly hurried through the streets and then ended up blocked by a huge crowd of people. They had made it. Isaiah smiled at Noah.

"Thanks," he said. Noah nodded.

"You guys go one way and I'll go the other I guess," he said, "It doesn't really matter since we're both looking for separate people."

Isaiah smiled and hugged Noah once before he and Draven started looking up at the people around them. They were all yelling and jeering. No one noticed them. Was their dad in this group? He didn't seem to be the kind of person that did that sort of thing. As they continued walking he saw Draven crying. He already knew they weren't going to find their dad here. Eventually he knelt down and hugged him.

"We have to keep looking Dravey. He could be here and we just haven't seen him yet."

"No, dad would never do this. He'd never yell like this," Draven sniffled, "He'd never be scary."

Isaiah wiped his brother's tears away, "He may not be yelling. Maybe he's just here.....maybe he's looking for us."

That got Draven moving with him again but not as fast as it had been before. He kept glancing up at the people but he didn't see anyone that even resembled his dad. He sighed as he met up with Noah who was standing near the front of the people.

"What are you doing? Aren't you looking for your dad?"

"Of course, but come on, this is a live execution. We'll never see something like this again."

Of course, Noah was right. Noah seemed to always be right.

"Plus, these bastards deserve to be killed for kidnapping our fathers."

"They're killing more than one person?" Isaiah asked in shock.

"Two. The president and then one of his soldiers."

Draven tugged on his arm, "Can we keep looking for dad now?"

"In a minute, Draven," Isaiah said. His eyes had been drawn towards the far end of the square where the capitol building was. He watched as the man who had rescued him and another guy with military gear on escorted two figures down the path. They both had bags over their heads. The first figure was walking carefully, escorted by the military clad man who would push him forward if he walked to slow. The second figure was only in pants and he was staggering and limping while the man who had rescued them shoved him around mercilessly.

"Is that the president?" Isaiah asked quietly, "The one who is limping?"

"Nah. I don't think so. The president is the taller one," Noah replied, "I'm pretty sure at least."

"I want to go look for dad," Draven said tugging at his arm again.

"Just a few minutes," Isaiah said as he watched the two figures reach the middle of the square. They were forced to their knees and both escorts held guns to the back of their head.

"I heard that they're not doing it at the same time," Noah said, "I heard the soldier goes first and then the president."

"Ladies and gentleman, I am your current leader, Dave Farrell," a man stood near the prisoners. Isaiah recognized him as one of the guys who had been rescuing them as well. "This is the president and his most trusted elite. Today, we are killing them both, to show that we are going to end this corruption and start anew."

The crowd cheered and Isaiah peered through the people who had moved closer. Draven was shivering next to him.

"The elite goes first," Dave called and the man who had rescued them grabbed the bag and pulled it off the shirtless man's head. Isaiah squinted and saw that the elite was quite thin. His heart beat faster. He was about to watch a man die.

"Any last words?" the man growled. The elite lifted his head and Isaiah covered his mouth with his hand.

"No," he whispered. He knew that face anywhere. It was the face that he'd wake up to after a nightmare. It was the face that he would see getting him up for school. It was the one who had told him to run and save his brother while he fought off the enemies. While he sacrificed himself. Draven was crying next to him but Isaiah ignored him. Instead he charged out between the people and into the square.

"Dad!" he screamed as he ran forward, "Dad!"

Draven followed him but all heads turned to look at him, including his dad's. Instead of smiling at him like Draven expected, his dad screamed and his head met the concrete.

"Stop!" Dave was shouting, "Wait stop, Mike untie him."

"What are you crazy!?" the man asked but Dave was already jumping off his stand. Isaiah ran to his dad's side and wrapped his arms around him, crying into his neck while his dad groaned and whimpered underneath him. Something was wrong with him. Dave was unlocking his dad's handcuffs and his dad held the sides of his head.

"Dad," Isaiah managed as he hugged him tightly, "It's gonna be okay. Just like you said before. It's going to be okay. Because we found you. It's going to be alright."

The man named Mike huffed angrily as Dave sat down next to them, running his hand soothingly over their dad's back.

"What's wrong with him?" Isaiah whispered as he hugged his dad. Draven was crying again.

"He was drugged apparently," Dave said softly, "You know what that means?"

Isaiah nodded and Dave continued, "He was given a drug that made him forget everything that he knew before and his memories were replaced by the president. He was given fake ones. The only way to get him to remember everything was for his trigger to be pulled. Apparently, seeing you two, was that trigger. It's causing him pain right now because not only has he forgotten a lot, but he's also done a lot of bad things. There was a reason he was up here tonight."

"Please, please forgive him. I know my dad would never do something like this. Please don't kill him. If you kill'll have to kill us."

"No, we're going to wait a little longer on him," Dave said giving Mike a pointed glare, "The president on the other hand needs to go."

Dave motioned for a man to come over to them. He was a big man, even bigger than the president. He lifted their dad off the ground and then a blonde haired man was giving him a blanket.

"Where are you taking him? Isaiah whispered.

"Just inside for now. He needs some medicine."

The crowd of people was angry. They had wanted their dad to die for what he'd done. Dave stood up and started yelling again while the blonde haired man took both of their hands and led them after the bigger guy. As they walked, he saw Mike glaring at them. He held Draven next to him and followed the man carrying their dad into the capitol building. As they entered, they heard a gunshot go off. The president was dead. They were told to sit down on one of the couches while their dad was looked at in a different room.

"Is daddy going to be alright?" Draven asked softly in the quiet room. Isaiah nodded.

"Of course he is. Remember that one time he broke his ankle playing basketball with us? He was trying to get really fancy and then he tripped and broke his ankle? Well it's kind of like that. He's just got to get some medicine and maybe a few bandages and then he'll be alright."

Draven smiled slightly and Isaiah gave his brother a hug. They sat in that room for what seemed like hours but it was really only one. Then Dave came in with a small smile followed by the others. All the rebels were there.

"You two can go talk to your father if you want."

Isaiah grabbed Draven and pulled him into the other room. His eyes fell on the bed where his dad was laying. He walked slowly forward with Draven next to him.

"Dad?" he whispered.

His dad turned to look at him and tears filled his eyes, "Saiah. Dravey. You guys are okay."

"We're fine. Just like you said. And're okay?"

"Better now that you're here," his dad said softly. Draven ran forward and leaped into his dad's bed, hugging him tightly. Isaiah jumped on top of him and buried his face in his dad's neck.

"We didn't know where they took you. They had us locked up in some room for two years."

His dad hugged both of them tightly and Isaiah finally let tears fall. He couldn't believe it was all going to be alright.

"I love you guys. I'm so sorry I wasn't there to save you."

"You did," Isaiah managed, "And you're here now and that's all that matters."

His dad sighed and kissed each of their foreheads gently. Eventually, they climbed off of their dad because he was in pain from them leaning on him. They stayed next to his bed while he got some rest. Isaiah held his hand the entire time. Draven would hold his arm and smile and then cry and then smile again. He was alive and alright and that was all that mattered to them. It was late into the night when something strange happened. Isaiah had been dozing off when he heard a strange noise coming from beside him. He looked up and saw his dad sleeping still but his chest was rising and falling fast. He was sweating and his eyes were squeezed shut. Nightmares. Isaiah laid Drave down carefully on the spare bed before going over to his dad's bed and sitting down next to him. He squeezed his dad's hand.

"Remember what you told me a long time ago?" he whispered, "None of it's real. It's all in your head. It can't hurt you. It can't get you. Don't fight it because then things will get worse. You just have to let it play out because when you wake up, I'll be right here to tell you it's okay."

He smiled slightly as his dad relaxed slightly on the bed and Isaiah hugged him tightly. He knew he should sleep but he knew that his dad would never sleep when he had nightmares. He would stay awake next to him all night if he had to. So Isaiah did just that. He sat next to his dad and held his hand the entire night and he cried because it was too good to be true. They were going to be a family again.

"I love you dad," he said softly.

"Love you too Saiah," his dad said before squeezing his hand. Isaiah smiled and poked his dad gently in the arm.

"You're supposed to be asleep."

"Oh and what are you going to do about it huh?" his dad teased him. Isaiah smiled.

"I'll wake Draven and up and let him hug you."

"Oh how dare you," his dad snickered, "I'm sorry Saiah, I just don't think sleep is a good idea right now. I....I've been a bad person."

"You didn't know what you were doing. I know who my dad is and what you did is not who you are."

"That doesn't change the fact that I did all those things. I killed people Saiah. I killed.....I killed kids your age......I killed brothers, fathers, sons, daughters, wives, mothers.....I....."

"Dad stop," Isaiah said sternly. He couldn't take seeing his dad cry. He hated it. He had seen it before when his mom went to the military. "Stop it. Please don't cry. If you had known that it wasn't right, you would never have done it. Please don't cry. Please don't blame yourself."

His dad looked up at him and slowly sat up. Isaiah continued to hold onto his hand.

"I don't want you to look at me, Saiah, and see a murderer and a liar and see a person that you have to be afraid of."

"You would never hurt me," Isaiah sad softly, "That's why I was your trigger. That's why Dravey and I were your trigger because no matter what, you would never hurt us."

"I'm s-sorry."

Isaiah hugged his dad tightly and he felt the strong figure that his dad always seemed to have crumble on top of him. In an instant his dad was crying and Isaiah was crying too because he hated seeing his dad cry.

"You d-deserve so much better than m-me," his dad managed.

"Stop dad," Isaiah whispered, "I love you. I love you so much."

They sat like that, Isaiah rubbing his dad's back because that's all he could do. He didn't want to ever leave his dad. Now that they were back together, he never wanted to leave him. He sighed as he felt the sobs racking his dad's body finally start to slow down. He felt the uneven lines on his back and knew something terrible had happened to him. But he didn't mention it. He just continued to soothe his dad and eventually he allowed him to lay back down.

"And now, you need to go to sleep," he said quietly.

"You'll stay?" his dad asked softly.

"For every second," he said. His dad nodded and then took his hand again, squeezing it gently before closing his eyes. Isaiah smiled and then kissed his dad's forehead like he'd done so many times to him before.

"Goodnight. I'll be right here for you when you wake up."

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