You Won't Lose Me

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You Won't Lose Me

​He blinked his eyes open and winced at the bright line shining in from the window. He felt the presence of an arm around his waist and he turned to see exactly who he thought it was. Scott.

​"Morning," the older man breathed. Chester smiled slightly.

​"Hey," he said as they laid there, wrapped in blankets and sheets. He stretched but didn't move. He didn't mind spending time laying in bed with this man. Over the past couple of days, ever since that one night, they'd spent every night together. Chester barely went to his own room. They heard a beeping sound coming from most likely Scott's pager.

​"Hey, let me get that alright? You stay here," Scott said as he climbed out of bed. Chester yawned and rolled back over so he was cuddled up underneath a big mound of blankets. Scott groaned and then threw his pager at the wall.

​"What is it?"

​"He wants you and I, in twenty minutes. Some quick mission."

​"Twenty minutes?"

​"Yea. Of course that means we have at least eighteen before it even matters."

​Chester snickered as Scott pounced on him and gave him a gentle kiss. This was one of the only people who actually made him happy in this world. He had no close relationships with anyone else unless he counted Mark and he didn't. Scott was the only person who actually liked him. He ran his hands through the older man's interestingly colored hair. It was brown with platinum blonde patches in it and it was so unique. Chester loved it. The two of them started laughing again like a couple of awkward teenagers as they rolled around in the sheets, getting tangled up.

​"I don't want to lose you," Chester finally said.

​"You won't," Scott smiled, "Come on Chester, we're the most feared people in the world. No one is going to hurt me or you anymore."

​"Okay," Chester whispered. They stayed in the bed for eighteen minutes, just like Scott had said, before getting up and putting their uniforms on. They walked to Mark's office and Mark stood up. Chester bowed his head slightly but Scott stood normally. Scott never bowed to Mark because Scott never believed he was anything less than Mark.

​"Easy mission today. You two are on search patrol today. Just take a copter out and look for them. If you see them, then kill them. You don't even have to leave the copter."

​"I thought we knew where they were sir," Chester said, "That's what you told me to say last night."

​"It was a lie Bennington," Mark snapped, "Besides, they've moved from there most likely as soon as they'd heard the message."

​"Well it was stupid to lie," Scott put in as he put his arm around Chester's shoulders, "Now we're going to go in front of the people looking like idiots."

​"The people don't have to know."

​"They'll find out eventually."

​"Scott," Mark had a warning tone and Chester put his hand gently on Scott's chest to stop the older man from getting into trouble. They headed out to the copter and got in.

​"Why'd you stop me?" Scott asked angrily, "It wasn't like he was going to kill me or anything."

​"It's not worth arguing about," Chester said, "Let's just get done with."


​They each took separate sides of the copter and sat on the edge, letting their feet hang off. They were both armed with sniper rifles with enhanced scopes so they would be able to target anything from the air. They were strapped into a harness so if they needed to, they could swing from the copter and shoot at the same time. Chester had ridden in many of these before and it was slightly fun to swing out of the helicopter on a harness.

​" you remember anything from before you started working with the government?" Chester asked Scott over the whirl of the blades.

​"I've worked with them as long as I can remember honestly. My childhood is like a blur. I think I went to school but I don't even know."

​"Yea.....I just know I had two kids."

​"I know," Scott said softly as he squeezed Chester's hand, "It'll get easier Chaz."

​Eventually the two of them got bored so they started swinging out of the helicopter for no reason and then crashing into one another on the return swing. They weren't going to find the rebels, they were most likely hidden.

​"Uprising," Scott called from his side. They both swung out and pulled the pin out of their grenades with their teeth before throwing them into the mass of people below them. The explosions were quick, knocking down buildings and destroying cars. Blood splattered the streets and people screamed. It wasn't anything different than usual. Chester had gotten used to the death a long time ago. It didn't matter who it was, people just died. He would have to live with that fact. So now he did.

​"Good work you two. We're going to drop you down for a quick search and then you'll be good to go."

​"Copy that," Scott called and they hovered for a moment while the two of them got their parachutes on. They ran off the edge of the copter and dove out. Scott was ahead of him and he flipped over with a grin at him before pulling his parachute. Chester laughed as he spun around and did the same. They ended up coasting to the ground easily. They landed and discarded the packs. They had a few city blocks to search. They traded their snipers for shotguns and then headed to the first building. Scott opened the door and Chester was shouting.

​"Everyone down! Now!"

​People screamed and knelt down immediately. Scott nodded to him and Chester headed into the other rooms.

​"Don't worry," he heard Scott say, "You're not in trouble unless you're housing rebels. We're doing a search."

​"Clear," Chester called as he head searched all the open spots quickly and then they headed down to the next house. It was the same thing through the whole neighborhood. People would scream as they kicked down the door and then they'd search before leaving. It was easy work to do. They hit the last house but there was no one there. Scott made a motion for him to check and they headed through the rooms. This was a two story house so it was a bit bigger. Chester hurried through the upstairs rooms and froze when he heard a noise. Instinctively he ducked which may have saved his life. A bullet embedded itself in the wall behind him. He turned and fired a shot into the person who was standing there.

​"Scott it's a trap!" he yelled. There had to be more rebels in here. He ran downstairs and held his gun up at the two other rebels that stood there with Scott in between them. His partner was unconscious.

​"Don't move or we'll shoot him!" the first snarled, "And drop your gun."

​Chester dropped his gun and held his hands up. The two rebels grabbed his gun and threw it into the corner.

​"What are you holding us prisoner for? Why not just kill us?" Chester asked. His hands twitched towards the holstered pistols he kept with him. He duel-wielded them all the time. He got the chance when one of them moved their gun away from Scott's head. He was instantly pulling the already loaded pistols from his belt and firing them both straight into the chests of the rebels. They were dead before they hit the ground. Chester ran forward as Scott blinked up at him.

​"What happened to you?" Scott asked him as he held a hand to his head.

​"Nothing, are you alright?" Chester managed. He just realized how panicked he was. Before he knew it, he was hugging Scott tightly. Scott rubbed his back slowly.

​"I'm fine. Now come on, let's get that copter back here," he said quietly. Chester nodded and they got up. They walked cautiously out of the house and looked around before signaling the helicopter to come pick them up. They scrambled up the ladder and into the back. They strapped the harnesses on and then gave the pilot a thumbs up. They rode back to D.C in silence. Chester looked over the edge, trying to catch sight of anything unusual but he didn't see anything. And even if he had, he wouldn't have gone after it. They walked up to the main building together and Scott stopped him before they went inside.

​"Chester, look at me," he said softly, "I'm alright."

​Chester nodded, "I know you are."

​They headed inside and Mark was standing there waiting for them. Chester bowed his head slightly and then waited.


​"Nothing," Scott said, "We ran into a few rebels in a house but we killed them. No problems."

​"Alright. Well, we're going to keep you two around here now. With that one group of rebels approaching us, we need to keep the good ones here."

​"Okay," Scott nodded. They were dismissed and they made their way back towards the rooms. Chester wanted nothing more than to just sleep this day off. Scott put his arm around him again and then made him sit down on the bed.

​"You stay here, I'm going to make some dinner."

​"Okay," Chester whispered. Scott went into the other room. Chester laid back on the bed. He thought about how much fun he had swinging from that helicopter with Scott. How much better he felt waking up next to Scott. He couldn't lose him. The rebels had already taken his boys from him, they couldn't take the only other person he cared about from him too.
​He was woken from his sleep when Scott sat next to him. He blinked up at him and then sighed.

​"I'm sorry for being so distant."

​"It's alright," Scott said with a small smile, "Just remember, I'm not leaving you."

​Chester nodded and sighed before getting up, "Did you make food?"

​"Course I did. I said I would."

​Chester smiled at the older man and they headed into the other room. Chester smiled at the smell of pasta and garlic bread. It was definitely a good thing to end the day on. There were candles lit on the table and the lights were a little dim.

​"Well, I didn't expect anything romantic," Chester admitted as he sat down. Scott grinned.

​"Then I guess you don't know me as well as you think."

​Chester laughed, "I know every inch of you."

​"Then I know more about you don't I?" Scott asked with a smile. Chester shook his head as he started to eat. They ate for a bit and Chester had to admit that this was delicious. They didn't usually eat up here, they would eat in the cafeteria room with all the others. After dinner, they cleaned up quickly and then headed back to the bedroom. Scott sat down on the bed and Chester climbed into his arms. It wasn't supposed to happen like this, but it did. Chester knew that if he ever lost Scott, he wouldn't have anything left. He hadn't wanted to get attached to the scientist but he had.

​"You know, we're going to get them all eventually," Scott said softly, "They won't have any chance against us when they get to the buildings. There's too many of us. And then this will all be over."

​Chester nodded with a small smile, "And all of it will stop. And we can....we can go somewhere."

​"Exactly," Scott smiled at him and kissed him softly, "We can go wherever you want."

​"I was just afraid, today," Chester said, "That they were going to shoot you."

​"But they didn't. So don't worry Chester. We're both alright. We go out into the field, we're bound to get in some sticky situations."

​"I know," Chester sighed before snuggling closer to Scott. It was getting late and Chester felt his eyes closing.

​"Did I ever mention how much I love your eyes?" Scott asked and Chester smiled but shook his head.

​"No, but if you'd like to go ahead."

​"They're so unique. I've never seen someone with emerald eyes before. You're just a special person Chester. I'm glad I met you."

​"Me too," Chester said as the lights turned off, "I guess that means it's time to sleep?"

​"Well, if you want to of course. I mean, with you, I'm almost always ready for anything."

​Chester snickered as Scott caught him in a kiss. He wrapped his arms around the older man and let his eyes slide shut. He felt hands unzipping his jacket and throwing it aside before throwing off his shirt as well. He gasped softly and Scott snickered.

​"Ah you hot little thing you," Scott groaned and Chester bit back a moan.

​"Scott?" he panted.


​"Make me forget."

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