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​"This is all my fault," Dave groaned as he leaned against the wall, "I'm so sorry guys."

​"Hey don't blame yourself," Mike said quickly, "We agree with you. You saved four people."

​"Yea and I lost thousands," Dave sighed softly, "I'm not cut out for this."

​"There's no point in dwelling on what could've happened. We need to figure out a way to get out of here," Larry pointed out, "We can't do anything locked up in here."

​It was quiet for a few minutes before Dave turned to look in the cell across from him, "I'm so glad you're alive. Did they have you all that time?"

​Linsey nodded, "We were just kept prisoner. I assume they had planned on using the AM9 on you as well so they would withhold your trigger from you too."

​Mike was happy for his friend. If they got out of this alive, he'd have his wife back again. But Chester, what would happen with him? He had Talinda but he also had Scott and himself. This was all so wrong.

​"The guy that's here," Chester said softly from the cell across from him, "His name is Ryan Shuck, he was working with my father. He was the one who helped drug me."

​"All of these drugs. I thought it was fear-conditioning?"

​"Same damn thing isn't it?" Chester muttered. Before anyone could answer, the door to the prison opened and footsteps were heard. Larry shuddered slightly and Mike wondered if they'd done anything to him and Ryu during their short stay in Detroit. Ryan Shuck appeared in front of their cell and then started looking around. He studied them for a minute before shaking his head and turning to look into one of the other cells. The one across from them.

​"That one," Ryan said quickly and another man opened the door. Three went in and made sure no one tried to attack while they grabbed Chester. Mike shot up instantly.


​His cry was echoed a few feet away and Mike assumed it was Scott. He watched as they took Chester out of the prison. He fell back against the wall and then glanced at Larry. He couldn't help but feel anger come over him.

​"What the hell?! Why didn't you recognize him?! Why did you have to get yourself fucking captured?! They're going to fucking kill him!"

​He tackled the Irishman and Dave was grabbing him instantly before he could do any big damage.

​"This is not his fault," Dave snapped, "They would've come here eventually."

​"You were in their jail. What are they going to do to him!?" he growled. Larry held up his hands.

​"They didn't do anything," Larry sighed, "We were only there about a day before they tied us up and put us in those trucks to get us here."

​"Did you overhear their plan? Anything?"

​The man shook his head and Mike looked away. They could be torturing Chester and he couldn't stop them.

​"We need to get out of here."


​"I don't know. But we do."

​They sat quietly for a little while and then Ryan Shuck Returned but he didn't have Chester with him. Mike growled and stalked forward.

​"What did you do to him?"

​"None of your concern," Ryan said before glancing around and then nodding towards a different cell, "I'll need the tall one and then I'd like you to go and get what we talked about. Oh and I need the obnoxious one too."

​Mike was shocked as they grabbed him out of the cell and took him out. Scott was behind him growling and cussing at the men who were taking them out of the prison. They were brought up to the Capitol building and taken inside. He looked around and glanced back at Scott. The older man was looking around too but soon enough they were separated. Mike was taken into a room and it was really starting to freak him out a little bit. He didn't know what was going to happen to him and that made him extremely nervous. He was tied to a chair and then Ryan walked in. He smiled slightly.

​"Hello then, you're Mike right?"

​Mike glared at him and Ryan smirked, "Good. I just needed to make sure we got the right one. I mean, I knew Scott from pictures and Chester obviously spent some time with me but I'd never met you personally. You're Dave's right hand man aren't you?"

​What was he gaining from knowing this? Mike decided it was best to stay silent.

​"So, I talked....well...I guess I didn't really talk with Chester today, but we definitely had a conversation. If you count screaming."

​"What did you do to him?" Mike managed. Ryan shrugged.

​"How about I just show you?" he asked with a smile before nodding behind him. Mike turned enough to see that the wall had vanished behind him. That was new. He stared into a separate room where Chester was laying on a bed. Blood was seeping out of a thousand cuts on his body. His eyes stare unblinking at the ceiling. He couldn't be dead could he?

​"No....No....Chester!" he shouted trying to get some reaction from the man, "Chester!"

​Still no reaction. The wall lowered back over the glass and he struggled at the bonds. Ryan smiled slightly before walking towards the door.

​"I'll come back in a few hours. That's when the fun begins. Oh and before I go, you might need one of these."

​Ryan walked forward and shoved his head to the side before injecting him with something. If it was a drug, Mike decided he would personally destroy all medication in the world. He was unconscious before he could figure out exactly how.
​When he woke up, he wasn't in the little room anymore. Instead, he was in a room that was huge. It was lit up by dim lights but he could only see a bit. He heard groaning from near him. He looked over and saw Scott next to him.



​"Where is this?"

​"I have no idea," the older man said quietly. They stood up and looked around. There was nothing in this room as far as Mike could see but there were only a few lights. Most of the room was dark. And then there was a faint noise. He frowned.




​"Did you say something?" they both asked at the same time. Mike turned to Scott and the older man looked slightly alarmed.

​"I heard you say my name," Scott said.

​"I thought I heard......"

​Mike was cut off when it happened again and they both spun around. It wasn't Scott. Mike recognized the voice. He swallowed.


​"Chester!?" he called at the same time that Scott called the same thing. Something was not right. He looked around but he couldn't see.

​"Mike! MIKE!"

​The screams were getting louder and Mike moved out of the light as he began searching through the dark. Scott had gone a different way but all Mike cared about was finding Chester.

​"Chester!? Chester?!" he shuddered as he tried to get his eyes to adjust to the darkness.

​"Mike, Mike......god Mike please....."

​He felt tears well in his eyes as he yelled Chester's name again. He couldn't hear Scott anymore as his ears were just filled with Chester's cries for help. He had to help him. He had to be somewhere in here. Why couldn't he find him? He searched desperately for the man he cared about. And then they overtook him completely.

​"Mike! Mike!" the screams filled his ears. Chester's cries of pain and whimpers of fear were the only things etched in his head.

​"Chester!?" he screamed at the top of lungs, trying to be heard over the man's own yells. He felt arms wrap around him and pull him back away from where the screams were coming from.

​"What are you doing!? He's that way!" Mike cried.

​"No, No he's not Mike," Scott said quietly in his ear, just over the sound of the cries, "He's not."

​"What are you crazy!?" Mike cried. Scott held him tighter.

​"He's not here. It's not real Mike, it's not real!" he was yelling now since Chester's yells had gotten louder. They were torturing him. They were hurting Chester, his Chester. How could Scott not want to save him? Scott pulled him back and they fell on the ground as Mike struggled in Scott's grip. He didn't even notice the tears running down his face. He tried to cover his ears to try and block the awful noise out.

​"Mike! Mike please, please, I can't.....I can't .....Mikey...."

​The screams were dying down and Mike gasped as he heard Chester whimper his name over and over again. And then it was all over. Scott was still holding him and he was crying. He could tell Scott was too from the shakes of the other man's body but he didn't care. He finally came to realize that he was crying and tried to wipe the tears away but more came. That was the last thing he remembered before blacking out.
​When he woke up for the second time, he was laying on a bed. He blinked his eyes open and saw that he was in a bigger room. He wasn't in the cells anymore. He turned to see Scott sitting in a chair on the other end of the room.


​"Are you alright?"

​"What was that?"

​"I don't know. But it wasn't real. He wasn't in that room with us. I don't know what happened."

​"Is anyone else around?"

​"I don't know that either."

​They found out. Dave was pushed in a few minutes later and he gasped before giving Mike a huge hug.

​"Are you alright? You're not hurt? You...They didn't hurt you did they?"

​"No....No...I'm okay Dave," Mike reassured his friend. Dave sighed softly and shook his head.

​"I don't know what's going on. I woke up in a dark room and all I heard was you. Everywhere."

​"They're doing something weird. I don't know how to explain it."

​"But you're okay?"


​Dave nodded slightly, "I think they moved everyone into the Capitol. I was one of the last people to be taken from the cells so I'm pretty sure everyone is in here."


​They couldn't continue that conversation because the door opened again and two men walked in carrying Larry in between them. What had they done to him? Mike was shocked. He must've blacked out like he had. Dave swallowed.

​"I saw his," he whispered as the two men left, "Larry's. His was like ours. know."

​Mike had a feeling he did know. He nodded slightly. The poor guy had already lived through his friends' deaths once, he didn't deserve to go through something like that twice. Dave sighed and gave him another hug.

​"If you don't mind me asking, what was yours?"

​"Scott and I were together. It was....Chester," he said softly, "I just heard him Dave....he was screaming, begging for me to save him....I couldn't..."

​Just talking about it almost brought tears to his eyes. Dave put his arm around him.

​"It wasn't real."

​"It may not have been at that time, but how do ye think they got that sound?" Larry was sitting up, "How do ye think they got it?"

​Mike felt tears well in his eyes. They'd hurt him. He hugged Dave tighter. He didn't want to accept the truth.

​"We'd gotten captured for a few days before we met up with you guys. That's why we knew where the fucking bunker was. We were captured in there and they.....they tortured all three of us. They'd take one of us at a time and the other two had to listen to them suffer for hours before it was our turn....that's how they got it," Larry's voice broke and he looked away. Before Mike could answer, the door opened again and Mike's heart leapt to his throat.

​"Mike!" Chester sobbed as he fell into his arms. Mike grabbed him and brought him into his arms. He cradled Chester's head to his shoulder and squeezed him tightly.

​"You're okay. All of us are okay," Mike whispered as he stroked his hand through Chester's hair. Chester clutched onto his shirt and buried his head into his shoulder.

​"I couldn't.....I couldn't find you. You were yelling for me....I couldn't find you."

​"I found you. It's okay now. I found you," Mike breathed as he kissed the side of the older man's head. Scott was looking over at them and the man smiled slightly and shook his head. Mike was confused at that gesture but he ignored it as Chester clung to him tighter. Dave was sitting with Larry. Ryan had succeeded if he had wanted to destroy them. He leaned back on the bed and laid down with Chester, holding him close. All he needed was to hold him here so he would know that he was alright.

​"I love you," he found himself saying as Chester hugged him tightly. He meant it. When he'd thought they were torturing Chester in that room, he had felt completely broken. He didn't know what to do. It had killed him inside. "And I'm never going to let you go."

​Chester snuggled against his chest, "I love you too."

​He swallowed as he glanced over at Dave who was looking at him as well. They needed to get out of here and they needed a plan. He brushed his hand through Chester's hair and kissed him softly. He rubbed his back and then looked over at Dave again.

​"We need a plan," he said, "To get out."

​"I know," Dave sighed, "But we're in a bad situation. They know where all of our people are and we don't. They could easily get to them and threaten them if we were to try and escape."

​Mike nodded, "Well we gotta come up with something."

​"We will.....we will....."

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