Castle Of Glass

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Castle Of Glass

​He blinked his eyes open. There had been many attacks lately from Chester's father and his troops. But they were still failing. He got up quickly as he heard Dave yelling for him. He pulled on his uniform and headed down towards the main room. He saw Chester walking out of the hospital room with his elite uniform on. His guns were holstered and his gauntlet and jets were on. It was apparently time for a battle.

​"Fight?" Mike asked as he got downstairs. Dave nodded.

​"I received a message from Charles Bennington. He said he was going to attack full-scale. That means we're going to have a big fight ahead of us."

​"Keith and I are taking Draven and Isaiah into the armory," Jeremy reassured Chester, "They'll be safe there and untouchable."

​"Thank you," Chester said nodding his head.

​"We also need to protect you," Dave said nodding at Chester, "He's looking for you for some reason so you need to be with someone at all times."

​"I'll be fine," Chester said, "We need to be careful however. Snipers won't work today."

​It was true. It was pouring rain and storming outside. Lightning was flashing and the rain was coming down in buckets. Mike shifted. That meant all their men would have to be on the ground.

​"We're going to be somewhat spread out but all guarding different areas of the square. We need to protect the Capitol at all costs."

​"We can do that," Brad said nodding.

​"Yea. We'll kick ass!" Joe agreed.

​"Alright then. We're going to split into three groups. Ben you take your group down to the left along with Ryan. Bono, you and Larry stay with Mike and Chester at the center. I'll go with Brad and Joe to the right. We'll draw them in and then surround them."

​"Good plan. Be careful where you're aiming," Bono said as he took a step forward, "The rain will make it hard to distinguish each other from the enemy. Use your animals as much as possible to ensure safety. The enemy will be shooting blindly because the rain will affect them as well. Just be careful out there and only take the shot if you know you have it."

​"Right," Larry agreed, "These soldiers are inexperienced from what we've seen so far. It'll be easy to take them out. If Charles Bennington is with them, he'll be trying to find Chester. We have to keep him occupied."

​"I will," Chester said stepping forward, "If it's me he wants, then it's me he'll get. He can't take me."

​"I'll be there with you," Mike said as he stood next to him, "You can't fight him alone. He'll have other men."

​"Just be careful. Everyone needs to be careful."

​"This is it then? The final fight?" Joe asked and Dave smiled and nodded.

​"This is it. It has been an honor fighting with you all. No matter what happens in this fight, I am so glad we've been able to make a difference. Chester, you have become an important part of this team. I am glad I got to know the real you."

​"The honor is mine," Chester said quietly, "You spared my life when you had every right to kill me. saved me more times than you should have."

​"Here we go," Dave said as he went around and clasped each of their hands. Mike gave Dave a hug instead and sighed.

​"I don't want to lose you."

​"You won't," Dave said quietly. Mike nodded and then pulled away. They armed themselves and then headed into the rain. The battle was about to begin. They could hear the marching of soldiers and the yells. They weren't being quiet at all. Chester stood next to him. Dave was off on the right side with Brad and Joe. They had their guns aimed towards the front. But before anything could happen, a voice sounded over the storm.

​"You don't have to fight us! You don't have to lose innocent people. You know what I want Mr. Farrell. If you give me what I want, I'll spare the lives of your men. Give me my son."


​And that was it. The gunfire started. He ducked and looked through the rain. He saw the enemy advancing towards them and he picked one and shot them. He saw another form off to his right stalk forward with a sword. Chester. He watched the older man jump off one of the rocks in the square and kill one man before ducking under a bullet and slashing another. Off to his left he saw Ben's group moving forward.

​"Fight me you coward!" Chester's voice rang over the battle, "If it's me you want, come take me yourself!"

​Mike aimed towards Chester's form, hoping his father would appear and he could shoot him in one second. No such luck. More troops came however and Chester was forced to back up a bit and take out his guns. Mike ducked back under cover as a few bullets whizzed by his head. Dave and his group were advancing as well to try and close in on them.

​"Mike, you good?" Bono called and Mike gave him a thumbs up before turning back around and shooting another soldier. His hands were slipping a bit because of the rain and his hair hung in his eyes. He brushed his hair out of his eyes and then took aim again. He shot and then got up, moving closer to Chester who was still spinning around with his sword. Mike watched as a big figure appeared out of the rain and he knew who it was.

​"Chester! Behind you!"

​Chester didn't even look at him. He spun to face the oncoming foe and Mike took out any man who tried to kill Chester. Swords clashed in the rain and the fight continued. He couldn't worry about Chester though, he had to worry about the men around him. There were a lot of them. Soon, they were all locked in sword combat. Mike ducked a slash and then turned to kill whoever was behind him before parrying another sword. They were hopelessly outnumbered. Dave had pushed a few people back so they could become snipers and use their guns to help out whoever was in trouble but it wasn't going to be enough. He watched one of Ben's men get cut down. He couldn't even tell who it was.

​"This isn't enough!" Dave managed. The older man was next to him now.

​"We can do it. We've been outnumbered before," Mike said as he killed another enemy.

​"But never like this. We had space to run. We're trapped here."

​Mike did a quick scan and saw Dave was right. They had nowhere to go.

​"We have to protect the Capitol building. We need to fall back to the doors."

​"FALL BACK TO THE DOORS!" Dave yelled and Mike saw their people start to back up while keeping a strong front. Now the enemy would have to come to them. Guns came out again and Mike ducked behind a pillar before shooting. Bono and Larry joined him.

​"Where's Chester?" he asked.

​"Wasn't he with you?"

​"He was......," Mike swallowed as he looked out into the dark square. Chester was still out there somewhere. He shouldered his gun and then drew his sword before dashing back into the rain.

​"MIKE!" Larry shouted but there was no stopping him. Nothing would stop him. He heard gunfire explode from behind him as he ran towards the enemy lines. He cut his way through them, receiving a few cuts himself but he brushed them off. He saw Chester and his father still locked in sword combat, just up ahead. He ducked a sword and then stabbed the soldier through the chest. He yanked the blade free in time to parry another cut. Another round of gunfire came from his troops and he heard a yell. He turned to see Chester hit the ground, sword flying out of his hand and landing in the midst of the battle. He ran forward and grabbed Chester's hand as his father grabbed his feet. Chester's fingers wrapped around his and the older man looked up at him.


​The fear was evident in his eyes. Mike swallowed and pulled harder, trying to free Chester from the grip of his father.

​"Hold on, you're going to be fine."

​" boys....take care of them. Promise me you'll take care of them."

​"I won't have to," Mike managed as he tugged on Chester's arm again, "You're coming with me."

​"Promise me Mike!"

​"I promise," Mike said as he pulled again. Chester's eyes widened.

​"Mike! Let go!" he cried, "Let go now!"
​But he didn't. All he felt was a burning sensation in his leg and he saw the blade of a sword running straight through. His grip slipped and Chester's hand slid out of his own. The older man was dragged away as he fell on the stone ground. The troops started to retreat and Dave and the others ran forward to protect him but he didn't care. He'd failed. He looked at the ground where there was his own blood pooling around him. He'd failed. He didn't even care.

​"Mike!" Dave called as he knelt down next to him, "Are you alright?"

​"I'm fine," Mike said quietly. His leg was bleeding but the sword hadn't cut anything major.

​"You're bleeding extremely heavily. You should get bandaged up."

​Mike took his shirt off and tied it around his leg. That was all he needed for right now. He slowly got up and looked at Dave.

​"He's gone."

​"I know."

​"I could've stopped them. He's saved my life twice and I couldn't even stop him from being kidnapped."

​"Mike, I'm sorry....but, you can't even walk, you need to be healed. We'll send a rescue team for Chester right away."

​Mike staggered forward and Dave caught him before helping him up to the stairs and inside. The doors to the armory opened and he saw Chester's sons with Jeremy and Keith. He swallowed but used Dave to push himself forward a few steps before kneeling in front of the boys. Isaiah looked at him and tears filled his eyes.

​"He's gone isn't h-he?" Isaiah whispered. Mike swallowed and nodded his head.

​"I was right there, I had him," he said quietly, "I tried to save him. They took him right from me."

​Draven was the first one to start crying and Mike was shocked when he grabbed onto him and buried his face in his shoulder to cry. He gently held the young boy with his arm and rubbed his hair. Isaiah joined him and soon both of Chester's boys were crying in his arms.

​"You're hurt," Isaiah said quietly.

​"It doesn't matter. I promised Chester I'd take care of you so that's what I'm going to do."

​"You need to get fixed up. We'll be okay," Isaiah said softly. Mike looked down at the two kids that he knew he would be taking care of now. He swallowed and slowly stood up and Dave put his arm around him and led him away.

​"I hate this," he said finally as he slammed his fist into the door. Dave nodded but didn't say anything. He and Chester had started to become more like friends and now he was being ripped away from him too. He sat down on the bed while Dave wrapped his leg in actual bandages. He stared at the ground and then Dave was looking up at him.

​"We are already organizing a recovery team for Chester. Don't worry, he's going to come back. You stay here with his kids. They need you right now."

​"I want to come."

​"You're injured. You can't."

​"I'm the one who let him go, I should come," Mike said.

​"You're staying. I already decided who is coming."

​"Who is it?"

​"I am going along with Bono, Brad, Joe, and Keith. The rest of the guys are staying back."

​"Fine," Mike said softly as he laid back on the bed, "Just.....go quickly."

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