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​The wind blew calmly through the trees. Mike glanced down at the note in his hand and paced the ground underneath the tree impatiently. This was the spot, this was the time, so where was he.


​"Scott," Mike said as the taller man walked up to him. Scott nodded his head and sighed.

​"I wanted to talk to you."

​"I can tell."

​"It's about Chester."

​Mike swallowed. Of course it had to be about Chester. The man that was currently laid up in a hospital bed with blankets wrapped around him, a bandage covering his eye where the bullet had landed. Scott sat down and Mike sat across from him.

​"Look, this whole 'wolf protector' shit aside, we need to talk about him."

​"I don't believe in it anyway," Mike muttered, "If it were true, I'd be the one in there and he'd be out here with you."

​"No, no he wouldn't," Scott laughed softly, "Wistful thinking that he would be but no, he'd be sitting by your side."

​"What are you getting at Scott?"

​"I'm going to leave."

​Mike's eyes shot up to meet the taller man's. Scott nodded and looked out at the sun that was setting.

​"I'm just causing too much trouble between you guys. Mike, Chester loves you, not even me returning to him could stop that. I'm just getting in the way and I don't want to make him choose. He deserves you.'ve been better to him. I know you'll do a good job keeping him safe. I know you were."


​"I just know this is what I have to do. I've loved Chester forever but I know he can't reciprocate. He's in love with someone else, he's in love with you."

​Mike felt tears run down his face, "You'll hurt him by leaving."

​"I can't stay here. If I'm here, he'll never admit that he loves you."

​They sat in silence for a while and then Mike looked up at Scott, "Where are you going?"

​"I'm going back to wherever the hell Patrick and Pete live. I'll probably hang out with them for a while and then move on."

​"They're going too?"

​"Yea," Scott nodded as he looked away again, "Yea they are."

​Mike held out his hand, "I don't want to end on a bad note with you."

​Scott smiled slightly and shook his hand, "All is forgiven Mike."

​"Same goes for you. Please, don't leave us behind forever. Come back and say hello. I know Isaiah will miss his Uncle Scott."

​Scott smiled slightly and inhaled through his nose, "You really think that huh? I tried to steal his dad from his dad's boyfriend who he loved. I had to be the worst uncle ever."

​"No, I don't think you were. And I know he'll miss you."

​Tears ran down Scott's face and Mike knew he'd hit a soft spot. He knew Scott missed his son dearly. Isaiah had been the replacement for Noah. And now he was running away from all of that just so Chester could be happy. Mike gave the taller man a quick hug.

​"I've already said goodbye to Chester. He was asleep of course wouldn't work if he was awake."

​"I know."

​Scott nodded and then turned, "Take good care of him Mike. That man deserves a lot more than what we've given him so far."

​Mike nodded and watched Scott walk back towards the square. Smoke curled up from his form and Mike realized he was smoking, the rolled up cigarette hanging loosely from his fingers. He saw Scott meet up with Patrick and Pete who shook hands with him and then they all climbed into one of the trucks and headed out of the Capitol. Mike sat down slowly and let the sun cast his shadow onto the grass around him. He couldn't believe that Scott had really left them. He had a feeling Chester would be devastated.


​"Hey P."

​The new guy sat next to him, "Where's he headed?"



​"He thinks it's better."


​Mike sighed, "How are you adjusting?"

​"Fine. I like it now. I just never thought that I'd be part of something else this big. I never liked Ryan."

​"None of us did."

​"Are you doing alright?"

​"Why do you ask?"

​"Chester.....are you and him close? You were really worried about him."

​Mike smiled slightly, "I suppose we are, yes."

​"That was a nasty shot."

​"Yes, it was," Mike said shifting. The memory of Chester flying towards Ryan only to get half his face blown off was still vivid in his head. He shifted slightly and stood up. "I'm going in to see him."

​Pierre nodded and gave him a wave. Mike headed back to the Capitol and walked inside. He saw Dave sprawled on the couch reaching with his good arm for the television remote. He almost laughed.

​"Need help there, captain?"

​"Fuck you. Yes please."

​Mike tossed Dave the remote and a bag of Chex Mix before smiling, "I'm glad you're alright."

​"Me too. Now go check on Chester."

​Mike smiled and nodded. He walked down to the infirmary. When he opened the door, he saw Jeremy walking towards him. The blonde gave him a smile before walking past. He made his way over to Chester's bed and couldn't contain his happiness when he saw that Chester was awake.

​"Mike? That you?"

​"Yea, yea it's me, Ches," Mike breathed. Chester shifted and winced in pain. Mike took Chester's hand.

​"Scott around?"

​"No....Chaz, Scott left," Mike said quietly, "He went off with Pete and Patrick."

​Chester frowned like he was trying to determine exactly what that meant. Mike swallowed. He really didn't want Chester to hurt. But that's exactly what he was getting.


​"He.....he didn't say," Mike said softly. He knew that Scott wouldn't want him to tell Chester why he left. Chester nodded slightly and wiped his eye. Mike helped him sit up and he sighed before wrapping the other man in his arms. "I'm sorry."

​"It's okay," Chester whispered, "I still have you, don't I?"

​"You'll always have me."

​Chester smiled slightly and Mike helped him sit up. He ran a hand through the other man's hair.

​"So, I was thinking, maybe get some bright green contacts?"

​"You liked the green?"

​"It looked very interesting. So what do you say? Contacts?" Mike smirked.

​"Contact, Mike."

​"So it's really gone then? Nothing you can do?"

​Chester nodded his head slightly, "Nothing. It was a lost hope from the start. I honestly hadn't expected to get it back anyway."

​"Well, I think you look fine," Mike smiled and kissed Chester's head softly, "How's Isaiah?"

​"Freaked. But he'll be alright. He's a strong kid."

​"I know, just like his father."

​"That's the last thing I am."

​"Chaz, look at you. You've stood against so much. You're the strongest man I know."

​"How's Talinda?"

​Mike smirked slightly and shook his head, "You getting rid of me already?"

​"Course not," Chester sat up and ran a hand through his short hair, "Just want to know how she is."

​"She's dating Larry."

​"Really?" Chester snickered, "Good for him!"

​Mike smiled. At least Chester seemed to be in a somewhat decent mood. Things might actually be looking up.

​"Do you want to go out or just hang out in here for today?"

​"How's Pierre? Wasn't Jeremy teaching him how to shoot?"

​"Yea. Kid's getting good."

​"He's not much younger than us," Chester pointed out. Mike shrugged.

​"Oh my god, Chester, can't you get up off your lazy ass?"

​Mike turned to yell at whoever had just come in but Chester started laughing and he saw Dave leaning in the doorway. Mike flipped him off but their leader walked slowly inside and grinned.

​"How you feeling, Chester?"

​"Apart from only seeing from one side of my head? Pretty good," Chester replied, "I really don't want to be cooped up in here though."

​"Go on," Dave nodded, "You can head out anytime you want. I already called Austin in, he's going to start working on figuring out the details of getting you a replacement."

​"He could do that?" Mike asked in surprise. Dave shrugged.

​"He said it's possible. And I think you deserve it."

​Mike grinned at Chester who returned his smile. If Austin could somehow figure that out, it would allow Chester to see normally again. That's what he wanted.

​"You ready to go walk around?"

​"Yea," Chester grinned. Mike helped him up and the three of them headed out of the hospital room. Things were definitely getting brighter out here.

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