Author's Note

164 11 1

Hey all,

It's been awesome writing this story and I'm glad you all seemed to enjoy this!!!

At this moment in time, I don't have another story to publish, at least in this fandom. I would like to continue writing with Linkin Park however, so hopefully I'll get inspired.

I'm really glad you all like this though! It means so much getting comments and votes for these stories, I love hearing your guys' thoughts.

Anyway, I'm sorry if I haven't gotten to reading and reviewing for your stories out there, I do quite enjoy them, I just fell into another fandom and got really problematic, I think most of you know that feeling.

I don't know if any of you do, but if you like X-Men/Cherik, let's seriously sit down and talk :)

Well anyway, I'll look through my fanfictions that I've written and hopefully find some inspiration in one of them!

Thanks for sticking with me, you guys are all wonderful!


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