Loose Ends

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Loose Ends

3 months later....

​Pierre yawned as he walked through the town. The sun was just rising. He smiled slightly as some kids ran down the street and waved at him. The square was clean of debris now. Dave had actually started the construction of a fountain in the middle of it. He saw Chester and Mike walking around the edges of it. The older man still had a patch over his eye but Pierre heard that Austin was getting close to making a working replacement. He saw Brad and Joe coming out of their houses too and meeting up with girls that they were now dating. Dave was in the Capitol with his wife.

​"Hi Pierre!"

​He turned around and saw Isaiah running towards him. He smiled slightly as the blonde caught up to him.

​"You're not hanging out with your dads?"

​"They want time on their own. I'm pretty sure Mike's going to ask my dad to marry him soon."

​"Really now?" Pierre asked, "That's expected."

​"We'll have a big wedding," Isaiah nodded, "And everyone will be invited. You too."

​"Thanks," Pierre smiled. He'd felt relatively included with the group even though he had been with them for three months. They'd been really nice towards him. He saw Larry and Talinda walking together and laughing. He'd actually never seen the man happier than he had over the past three months. Talinda was good for him. He half-wished he had someone like that. He felt kind of lonely at times. He got along with the others but he didn't have that anchor. Mike had Chester, Dave had Linsey, Larry had Talinda......he didn't have anyone.

​"Are you going to practice shooting?"

​"Yea. I'm actually going to rebuild the military. Jeremy said I'm getting good enough."

​"You'll just be like Paul!"


​"Connor's brother. He was a commanding officer in the military before he was killed in battle here."

​"Oh, I remember hearing about him."

​"Yea," Isaiah nodded, "Well, good luck."

​"Feeling left out?"

​Pierre jumped at the sudden rough voice behind him. He turned around and saw that tall guy, Scott, standing a few feet away.

​"What do you care?"

​"I don't. But I'm in the same position as you anyway," Scott muttered as he sat down next to him and rested his chin on his hand.

​"What do you mean?"

​"I'm being rejected I guess," Scott sighed and Pierre guessed it had to do with the guy who had gotten shot earlier.


​"It doesn't matter. I guess I knew it was coming. You should see the way he looks at Mike......I've never gotten that look."

​"I'm sorry. You seem like a decent guy."

​"Thanks. I'm glad I'm decent," Scott smirked and Pierre rolled his eyes.

​"You know what I mean."

​"What about you, why are you feeling down?"

​"I just feel like I don't belong here."

​"You can't belong here anymore than me."

​"Uh....I was evil."

​"So was I," Scott smiled slightly, "Guess drugs are bad huh?"

​"No see, I wasn't drugged. I chose it."


​"I tried to save people I cared about."

​"Then there's no shame in what you did."

​"How long did you love Chester for?"

​"Since I met him. Those feelings for him weren't faked. I fell in love with him when I met him. When I was drugged. That was the only good thing about that time."

​"Oh," Pierre glanced over at Scott who shook his head and Pierre realized he was crying, "Oh god. I'm sorry, man."

​"No, it's fine. I need to get over it."

​"I heard you had a weird story about how you fought against the drug."

​Scott smiled at that, "I guess. When you got drugged there was one powerful person or memory that stayed with you. One detail would stay about it. Sometimes a name, a number, anything. It was called a trigger. If you encountered that person or something similar to that memory, the drug would lose effect. It would hurt because all previous memories would come hurling back but it would cure you. My trigger was my son. But it changed as I got more and more attached to Chester. And at the time I realized who was the most important thing in my life, the drug lost effect."

​"So it changed?"

​Scott nodded, "But I was too late. He'd moved on."

​"He thought you were dead. He'd lost everyone that he'd cared about. Mike was there for him when no one else was."

​"You're right," Scott sighed, "I was....when I heard he was alive here. I was so confident things would go back to how they were. I never thought he'd fall in love with....him."

​"There's nothing you could've done. He has his own choices to make. Besides, you seemed to have been there for him all the time. It's not like you were a bad boyfriend, hell I'd date you."

​"What?" Scott stared at him in shock. Pierre swallowed.

​"Uh....I said I'd date you. If I were gay. Which I'm not. But if I was, I would."


​"Yea, no problem," Pierre muttered. They sat in silence for a few minutes before Scott got up.

​"I guess I'd better go. See you later, fag."

​"Fuck off, bitch," Pierre waved at Scott as the tall guy headed off with a laugh into the Capitol building.

​He snickered at that memory. What a terrible cover that had been. He'd actually enjoyed his time around Scott. They'd talked a few more times before the other guy had decided he should leave. He had connected with Scott better than anyone else here. Maybe it was because the other man had actually tried to talk to him. He entered the gun range and set up his targets before sighing and setting up on the opposite side of the range. When Scott had left, he'd been somewhat upset. He didn't have any others to really talk to after that and he had to make an effort. Chester and Mike wouldn't talk because one was injured and the other was worrying over him all day. A couple of the others were pretty sociable and he got on good terms with Brad and Joe as well as Ryu. Connor was nice too. Dave was a good guy but he and Jeremy were always really busy and so was Larry. He shot off a couple rounds and nailed the bullseye each time. He crouched down and shot from a kneeling position and then laid down and did the same. He stretched and got up before reloading his gun and taking aim.

​"Don't miss, faggot."

​"Shut up, bitch," he countered before he could even comprehend what those three words meant. He turned around and couldn't help the smile spread over his face when he saw Scott leaning up against the wall. "Scott....what are you doing here?"

​"Isaiah sent me a...message saying his dad was getting married soon. I was hoping I could be his best man."

​"Oh," Pierre nodded, "I heard about that."

​"You're still not relaxed when you shoot that thing."

​Pierre frowned as Scott walked forward and helped him readjust his gun. The taller man moved his arms slowly and let his hands guide him into the right position.

​"Try shooting now. Don't grip too tight."

​"Yea, yea," Pierre muttered before aiming at the target and firing. Perfect shot and his shoulder wasn't jarred at all. He laughed softly as he watched Scott grab his own pistols from his holsters and shoot three times, sending bullets into three different targets. "No need to show off."

​"I heard you were going to be in charge of the military."

​"Yea. How'd you know?"

​"Isaiah told me where you were."

​"Oh okay. Have you gone to talk to Chester about that best man thing yet?"

​"Uh...no. Mike hasn't proposed yet."

​"Right," Pierre muttered as he scratched the back of his neck. Scott wandered over to him and cocked his head slightly. "So....uh....."

​"Just fucking kiss me, faggot," Scott muttered before tugging him forward. Pierre gasped in shock but didn't pull away. He dropped his gun and grabbed Scott's jacket, pulling him forward.

​"You suck!" he managed as they pulled away. Scott grinned at him for a second before motioning for him to follow him. Pierre grabbed his fallen weapon and hurried after the taller man. He sighed as Scott yawned and they walked out together.

​"Sorry, I just.....I made a mistake leaving."

​"No...you thought it was best."

​"No, I didn't. I just didn't think I should be with you because I didn't think I'd be good enough. I was worried I'd keep trying to chase after Chester. But I know that's not what I'm about anymore."

​"Good," Pierre smiled, "But I know someone who will be extremely happy to see you."


​The two of them glanced up and saw Mike and Chester walking towards them. Chester had a smile on his face and he ran up to them before engulfing Scott in a hug.

​"You're back!"

​"Hey," Scott sighed quietly before hugging Chester tightly, "Yea....I came back. Turns out I'd rather be here."

​"Good," Chester grinned, "I like having you here."

​"It's good to have you back," Mike nodded with a smile, "We'll tell Dave you came back."


​"You want to come?"

​"Actually, Pierre said he wanted to catch up. I'll see you guys later."

​"See you," Chester smiled at him before coming up to Pierre and leaning over to his ear, "Nice catch."

​"Dick," Pierre whispered back and Chester laughed before giving his shoulder a squeeze. Mike grinned and the two of them headed back towards the Capitol.

​"I'm glad I saw him again," Scott smiled as they started walking again.

​"I'm sure he was quite glad to see you too," Pierre said with a grin, "Now.....I don't need anymore weapon lessons."

​"I think you need plenty of weapon lessons, you still can't shoot worth a darn."

​Pierre laughed softly as they headed back towards the capitol. Dave gave them a wave as he walked out to greet them.

​"Hello again, Scott," Dave said with a smile before reaching out to grasp the taller man's hand, "I'm glad to see someone could convince you to stay."

​"Don't act like Chester didn't go and spill the news to everyone in the entire world," Scott smirked, "I know him. He would be telling everyone."

​Pierre looked up as Chester and Mike came out of the capitol building again. He had gotten quite used to the fact that Chester wore an eyepatch due to losing one of his eyes in the battle with Ryan Shuck. The older man had been strong to go through losing so much. He almost wished that Chester had gotten with Scott. In a way, he believed the two of them would really go well together. But he had to admit, the way that Chester and Mike looked at each other was something completely different.

​"Everyone knows," Chester said with a smile at Scott, "Oh Scott, I was wondering, now that you're back and all......Mike and I are getting married next week....would you mind being my best man? I was going to ask Jeremy or Larry to do it but now that you're back...."

​"Of course I'll do it," Scott smiled at Chester as he hugged him, "Just as long as you're mine when I get married."

​"Of course. And Mike can be Pierre's!"

​Pierre laughed and shook his head as Mike grinned, "We are nowhere near that point yet."

​Chester smiled back at him and then pointed his finger at his face, "You don't go breaking his heart now! I'll come after you!"

​"I assume you would," Pierre nodded. After their little talk and after Scott had gotten another thank you hug from Chester, they headed off towards the hill. Scott had spent his last day here on the hill. Pierre remembered because he'd talked to him. They sat down and Scott put his arm around him.

​"Why don't you have an animal?" Pierre asked finally.

​"I don't need a spirit animal telling me what I am," Scott said quietly as he leaned back against the tree, "I know what I am. I know who I'm supposed to protect. The people I love. I don't need an animal telling me that this one person is who I'm destined to be with. I know that."

​"I wish you had one," Pierre said quietly, "I think you'd be like.......a German Shepard."

​"Why?" Scott asked softly.

​"Because you protect the people you love. And you're a guard. You'd be a German Shepard no doubt."

​"You're a panther," Scott noted.

​"I am."

​"They're quite beautiful cats."

​Pierre rolled his eyes, "Shut up."

​"Turn into one now."

​Pierre lazily reached out and tapped the gauntlet on his wrist. He shuddered and then blinked to see black paws stretched out in front of his nose. He smirked when he felt fingers lazily scratching in his fur and he let a purr escape him.

​"You're very cute," Scott snickered, "I wouldn't mind using you as a blanket in this form."

​Pierre huffed and turned back into himself, "You're a dick."

​"You usually call me a bitch."

​"You're my bitch," Pierre grinned and Scott hit him on the head.

​"In your dreams," Scott snorted, "Now go be a nice cat and curl up on my lap again."

​"I'm not turning into a panther just so you can have a pet."

​Scott laughed, "Fine. But I expect it every so often."

​"Every so often is fine," Pierre agreed as he leaned back against the tree with Scott, "That's exciting huh? Chester and Mike?"

​"Yea. It really is," Scott smiled sadly, "Chester's going to be alright. I was always worried about him."

​"It'll be fine," Pierre nodded, "You were good for him. But you're better for me."

​Scott smirked and kissed his hair, "Yes, I suppose I am, aren't I?"

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