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​He couldn't contain the tears of joy that ran down his face as he hugged Scott tightly. Scott ran his hand through his hair and smiled down at him.

​"I'm so glad I found you," the older man said and Chester buried his head in his chest. This was more than he could've asked for. He'd wanted Scott back in his life ever since that terrible day and now he had him.

​"I love you," he managed.

​"I know," Scott said softly. Chester took his hand and they walked slowly to the Capitol building. He smiled as he felt Scott's arm go around him instead and pull him against his side. They were still being watched but he didn't care. This was Scott. He was everything.


​"Isaiah," he said quietly, "I want you to meet someone."

​Scott's eyes widened, "So this is your boy?"

​"Yes," Chester said with a small smile, "There were supposed to be two. My younger one passed away a week and a half ago."

​"I'm so sorry. Hello Isaiah," Scott said as he knelt down to touch the boy. Isaiah shied away from him at first but then accepted the gentle hug from the older man.

​"Scott, Noah......he didn't make it either," Chester said quietly. Scott's form stiffened for a second but then he nodded.

​"I didn't even know he was still alive. I thought he was long gone anyway," he said softly, "I wish I could've seen him once more."

​"He was a strong boy, just fueled with anger in the wrong way."

​"Why do you say that?"

​"He blamed me for your death apparently....and he shot my son."

​Scott turned to look at him. There was obvious pain in his eyes and Chester looked away. He hadn't really wanted to talk about that part but Scott deserved to know.

​"Dad....what about....Mike?"

​"Where is he?" Chester asked. He didn't notice that Mike hadn't been with them.

​"He went back towards the rooms."


​They headed up to the room and Chester opened the door. Mike wasn't there. He got a vivid image of him and Mike in bed earlier and he gasped. How could he have forgotten? He turned to Scott and his eyes welled with tears. He had to tell him. He couldn't keep it a secret.



​"Mike and I....well.....I thought....see I thought you were dead....and...well..... MikeandIslepttogether."

​"What?" Scott asked in confusion.

​"Mike and I slept together," Chester said a little clearer, " didn't mean anything....we just...."

​"Chester, it's fine. Just as long as I'm back with you it's fine."

​"I swear, if I'd known you were alive, I never would've done it."


​Chester jumped at the sudden outburst and spun around to see Mike standing in the doorway. Scott took two steps and stood next to him.

​"Piss off," Scott snapped.

​"How about you get lost? You come in here and just take him away from me like that?! And you!" Mike changed his glare to Chester, "I can't even believe you said that! None of that meant anything to you!? Then why am I your trigger huh? Why am I the person you come to when you're afraid?! Why am I the only one who can calm you down!? Why am I the wolf?!"

​"Scott would've been....."

​"No! He never would've been what I've been for you! He never took on the responsibility. He never wore the gauntlet. He's not your protector! I am!"

​"Fuck off!" Chester yelled as he stepped forward, "What we was nothing! Nothing! I don't love you! I've never loved you! I never will love you! Scott's never tortured me! He's never hurt me! If you're supposed to be my protector than you do a fucking shit job of it! It's even worse since half the time you're the one causing me pain!"

​"You son of a bitch! As soon as this zombie comes back and you just run back to him! Did you ever even think about the other person!? Ever think about how much it's fucking crushed me!? I put my heart into this relationship! I gave it to you Chester! I gave it all to you and you're fine with just throwing it away!"

​Chester glared at him, "Out. Get out of my room."

​"This is my fucking room."

​"Well fucking get out!"

​"Fine. Murderer," Mike spat. His arm burned at those words. He watched Mike turn and stalk away from his room and he took a step back before Scott caught him in his arms again.

​"I'm sorry," he whispered.

​"Hey, this is not your fault. Don't blame yourself."

​Chester looked up at the taller man. He was so happy that Scott was back. He laid back in his bed and looked at the ceiling. He didn't know what to do. It was so unreal.

​"Look....I'm not going anywhere. Things are going to get better and we can go..."

​"I'm not leaving Isaiah," Chester said quickly.

​"I didn't say that you had to."

​Chester looked over at Scott who was sitting next to him. He frowned.

​"You want to leave already? Scott, I owe these people my life. They've not only saved me, but my sons as well."

​"Chester, these people have hurt you. I saw what they did to you."

​"I deserved every second of what they did," Chester snapped, "I deserved it all. I was a criminal. I killed for fun and that is not who I am. I deserved that punishment."

​"You don't deserve any of that! Chester, you are the most important person in the world to me and I can't stand seeing you in pain."

​"I know," Chester said, "But I deserved it. When you love someone, you look past some of the things that they've done. If you hate them for torturing me, than you have to hate me too because I did the same to him. To Mike."

​Scott traced a finger down the side of his face and Chester sighed. He'd missed having this man in his life. He really needed this. He slowly leaned forward and their lips met in a slow kiss. This time, he didn't want to forget. He wanted to remember every single piece of this moment.

​"I love you," he breathed. He'd been saying that a lot lately. Scott brought him into his arms and hugged him, resting his chin on his shoulder.

​"I thought.....when I woke up....when I saw you on tv...I was so happy. That you were alive. You were okay. I knew I had to come back. I had to see you again."

​Chester let his eyes drift shut and he clutched the back of Scott's jacket. He felt so safe in this man's arms.

​"I thought you were dead," Chester whimpered as that day came back to him, "I thought you were gone. How did you make it out?"

​"I don't know. I just woke up and started staggering around towards a town. Those two guys I was with helped me back to full health and then helped me get back to you."

​"You came all the way back for me."

​"You're all I care about Chester."

​And they kissed again. Chester sighed as Scott lifted him up and they made their way to their old room. Once they were in, they settled on the bed together and Chester sighed as he stared at the ceiling. Scott wrapped an arm around him and kissed his forehead gently.

​"Scott......I'm really glad you're here."


​Chester smiled and snuggled against him, "I don't want to forget anything about today."

​"Who ever said that you had to want to forget to have sex?"

​Chester smiled slightly and leaned forward, meeting Scott halfway. It was just like it used to be and he didn't want it to change one bit. He felt Scott's hands run gently over his body.

​"I've missed you," Scott sighed as they breathed out slowly. Chester felt the warmth radiating from the other man and he let his eyes shut. It was the best he'd felt. He had Scott back with him and they weren't going to kill people. But as he laid there, in Scott's embrace, he couldn't help but think back to earlier that morning. He'd told Mike that he'd loved him too. But no....he didn't. Mike was just....he wasn't his lover. He shouldn't feel guilty about leaving Mike....they were just dating and it probably would've ended soon anyway.

​He woke up in the middle of the night with a start as his heart pounded. His chest heaved. Scott was laying next to him with an arm around him carefully.

​"Chester.....Chester, hey listen, you're okay. Just a dream," Scott whispered but he couldn't fight his way out of the nightmare. He wasn't even sure what exactly was happening, his mind was just a jumble. Footsteps were heard and then the door opened. There was yelling and then arms encircled him and lifted him up. He gasped and his vision started to clear a little bit. He buried his head in the shoulder of whoever had him.

​"It's okay," Mike's voice made its way into his ears, "Just a bad dream. It's not real. I promised you that it'd be okay."

​He gripped Mike's shirt and dug his fingers into Mike's hair. He sighed softly and his breathing calmed down. Mike rocked him gently. He whimpered as he not only realized that Mike was the one calming him down, he realized that he loved both of the men in his room right now and he couldn't break either of their hearts.

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