The Silence Before The Storm

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The Silence Before The Storm

​"Any word for him yet?"

​"No. Apparently Chester was supposed to take care of us. Thankfully he failed."

​Chester stood next to Mike as the group talked about the things his father could be doing. He was a little nervous but Mike had his hand on his shoulder. He didn't know what others would think of him. Especially the people who were just citizens. Mike had explained how they'd broadcasted him saying those lies across the city. The group was just happy he was back to normal. Keeping the secret that he and Mike were in a relationship was also kind of hard. He wanted to be close to him all the time but he couldn't be.

​"Alright guys, I'll keep watch with Bono here for a while. Everyone else get some rest."

​"Okay," Mike said before taking his arm and leading him out of the room. Before they could get ten feet, Brad and Joe stopped them.

​"Hey Chester, we just wanted to say that we're glad you're alright," Brad said.

​"Oh...thanks," Chester said nodding.

​"Yea. Oh and have you seen Ryan, Mike?" Joe asked.

​"Um...yea he headed off that way," Mike pointed in the opposite direction.

​"Okay thanks," Joe said. They headed off down the hall and Mike tugged him forward. Chester snickered as they headed back to their room. Draven and Isaiah weren't there so Mike turned and kissed him hard. Chester immediately pushed his hands under Mike's shirt and sighed as they kissed passionately.

​"God, I can't keep my hands off you," Mike said quietly as Chester felt Mike's hands move down his back and hold onto his butt. He giggled and then jumped on Mike and wrapped his legs around the younger man's waist before kissing his neck and ear.

​"Well, if you'd just tell them, we wouldn't have to hide it," Chester said quietly.

​"I just want this to end first. I want the battle with your dad to be over first."

​"Okay," Chester said softly. Mike shut the door all the way and then they jumped on the bed. Blankets were kicked around as their limbs tangled together and their lips found every inch of available skin on the other's body. Chester gasped as Mike bit his neck softly nipped at his ear.

​"Mikey....not the ear," Chester whimpered and Mike laughed before pulling back.

​"Why not? I know you like it," he said with a grin. Chester grabbed him by the shirt and tugged him back so they could kiss again. He and Scott hadn't even been this way. He moaned as he felt Mike's tongue invade his mouth. He brushed his hand through Mike's black spikes and wrapped his legs around Mike's.

​"After all of this is over," Mike breathed in his ear, "I want to make love to you."

​Chester moaned and kissed Mike again. He arched his back, brushing his crotch against Mike's and drawing a small gasp from the younger man. He felt Mike's hands playing with the bottom of his t-shirt and he wanted it off so badly. Mike pulled his shirt off and kissed and bit his way down his chest. Chester moaned softly.

​"God," he managed and Mike snickered.

​"You're so easy Chester. It's not even fun."

​"You're kidding me right? Please don't joke about that," Chester said, "I might actually believe it one time."

​"Sorry," Mike apologized before letting his tongue flick out over one of his nipples and Chester forgot what Mike had even said about him. He moaned quietly and his body arched again.

​"Oh god, Mike I can't wait until after this is over, just fuck me now or something," Chester managed.

​"Shit! Ew god. Sorry, didn't know you two were shaggin' in here."

​Their eyes widened and Chester looked over to the door where Bono was standing with a hand over his eyes.

​"What the hell?" Mike growled, "Haven't you heard of knocking?"

​"I didn't think I'd be interrupting this," Bono said, "Besides, Dave wants to see Chester."

​"Alright fine," Mike said as he got up. Chester pulled his shirt on again and they headed to the door but Bono stopped them.

​"No, not you. Just Chester."

​Mike glared at the army man who just shrugged and walked out of the room. Chester followed him and Mike shut the door behind them. He was led back to Dave's office. Dave was standing there and smiled slightly at him.

​"Chester, hi," Dave said and Chester nodded slightly.

​"What's the important deal?"

​"Your father just talked with me and I have to admit, he's a real son of a bitch. Anyway, he's been getting inside intel about the layout of our place. I won't blame you but we've talked and we believe it may have to do with you."

​" think I'm a traitor?"

​"I don't think you are but you could act unconsciously. It's a side effect."

​"I.....I couldn't," Chester said quietly, "I've been with Mike or my boys every second. They would've stopped me or something. I don't even know where my dad is to get messages to him."

​"Settle down," Dave said as he put a hand on his shoulder, "I just wanted to make sure you'd been around people. I honestly don't think it's you but we do have some sort of spy in the building."

​"Are my boys okay?"

​"That was the second thing I wanted to tell you about. Since your father is planning an attack on the Capitol building, we're going to send Isaiah and Draven back to the house they were living in before they were reunited with you. It's out of the square and away from where he'll attack. They'll be safe there."

​"Okay," Chester said quietly, "Thank you."

​"No problem. Now go ahead and get back to Mike, I'm sure he's quite angry that I interrupted your time together."

​"Sir, my father, if he just wants me....I'll go."

​"You can't Chester," Dave walked back to his desk, "We can't take care of your kids, they'd miss you. I know Mike would be hurt. And he would just hurt you."

​"Okay," Chester sighed, "I just don't want to lose anyone else. I finally have some stability again and I don't want it to crumble."

​"I understand Chester," Dave smiled, "I have the same feeling. As soon as your dad is in jail, we'll finally have that."

​Chester smiled slightly and left the room. He walked down the hall to his old room and saw Isaiah and Draven packing up to head back to the old house. He walked in.

​"Hey dad," Isaiah smiled.

​"Everything okay?"

​"Of course. We're going back to stay with Noah," Isaiah said, "And then we're going to get a house right?"

​"Yea...." Chester wondered if Mike would stay with them too. He had a hard time being away from him. "Has Noah found his dad yet?"

​Isaiah smiled sadly and shook his head, "No, he's upset because he found out his dad died."

​"Who was it?" Chester asked.

​"An elite named Scott Weiland," Isaiah said. Chester felt his heart clench. Noah was Scott's son. His trigger. If he were alive, he would be alright.

​"When you see Noah, tell him that he's welcome to stay in my family," Chester said, "He's welcome to stay with us. I'll treat him as my own. I owe Scott that much."

​"You knew his dad?"

​"I knew him very well," Chester said, "Now finish up packing you two!"

​He gave both of his sons hugs and told them he loved them before heading out the door. He knew that the next time he'd see them would be after the battle against his father. He'd adopt Noah into his family immediately. He would love him like Scott would have. He sighed as he headed back to his room. Mike was sitting there.

​"About time you got back."

​"Mike, if.....if things work out like this....would you mind having three kids?"

​"Who else is joining the family?"

​"Scott's son, Noah. He doesn't have anywhere to go."

​"That's fine then," Mike laughed, "But Chester, we don't even know what's going on between us completely."

​"I know.....I just....wanted you to know because I'm adopting him right after the war."

​"Okay. You're a good man Chester."

​"I wish I could think that about myself."

​"You should. You know that the drug and the fear-conditioning was in no way your fault. You should see that you're a very caring person."

​"We have one more night before the war," Chester said hoping to navigate away from the topic. Mike nodded.

​"Yea. And then it'll be all over."


​"You wish he was here don't you?"

​"Yes," Chester whispered as tears welled in his eyes, "Scott only ever told me about his son. He would be so happy to see him. He'd be so proud of him. I can't be his real father."

​"No, but you can tell him everything about him. Scott saved your life Chester, he was a hero. You can tell him that."

​Chester sighed and nodded, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't get upset about it. I have you now."

​"Scott was there for you when you were going through a rough time. I understand that you'd want him around to make you feel comfortable."

​"I'm sorry Mike....I guess we should get some sleep then?"

​"Yea. Come here. Lay down with me."

​Chester crawled into bed next to Mike and stared at the wall. Yes, he loved this man that was holding him but he had also loved Scott. What if tomorrow he lost Mike? He would have no one. He'd only have his two boys. He couldn't lose anyone else that he cared about. If he did, he might just crumble apart.

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