Let Love In

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Let Love In

​He slowly opened his eyes and saw Chester sitting there next to him. There were no words exchanged between them. The older man slowly blinked at him and then, before Mike could react, was leaning up as far as he could and kissing him again. Mike slowly moved his hands down to the restraints on Chester's wrists and he unlocked them. Instantly, Chester was grabbing onto him.

​"What....?" he whispered. Mike smiled at him.

​"You're okay?"

​"I.....Draven...Isaiah, they're safe? You kept your promise?"

​Mike nodded and Chester hugged him tightly. It was silent and then Chester was pulling back. Mike unlocked the restraints on his ankles and then smiled at him.

​"Chester.....why was that able to change you?"

​"Because it's what I've wanted for a long time," Chester whispered. He watched Chester look up over at him and smile. "I guess I've had a bit of a crush on you."

​"Really? Since when?"

​"Since I wasn't drugged."

​Mike swallowed, "But I've been such a jerk to you...."

​"I know....but that didn't stop me from thinking you were cute. Once you were nice, it just made it even harder."

​"What got harder exactly?" Mike asked with a smirk and Chester's face reddened.

​"No....Mike....not that," he muttered. Mike laughed and then scooped the older man into his arms.

​"Well come on, let's get you to a more comfortable bed."

​"Okay," Chester said quietly, "I haven't been able to sleep that well with everything going on."

​"I know."

​"You were the wolf weren't you? The one that came into my room and slept at the bottom of the bed?"

​"Yea," Mike said, "I read in a book that wolves protect tigers."

​"You do a good job," Chester yawned and Mike found himself carrying a sleeping man. He smiled as he headed into the room where he and Isaiah had been talking. Isaiah and Draven were asleep. Mike gently laid Chester in between the two boys and then backed up. The older man shifted slightly and his arms wrapped around each of his boys. Mike sighed softly and walked out of the room. He saw Dave standing there with a grin.

​"You did it," Dave said as he hugged him, "You saved him."

​"Yea....I guess I did," Mike said quietly.

​"And maybe something more too?" Dave questioned, "I didn't mean to spy....well...yea I did."

​"Fuck you man," Mike laughed and Dave grinned at him again. They sat down in the main room and then Dave was laughing.

​"I just can't believe you did that. Here you are all Mr. Tough Guy who won't ever forgive this man for what he's done. And now you're making out with him."

​"It wasn't making out!" Mike snapped, "It was just to make him wake up."

​"Yea right. Fuck me in the ass if that was only to get him better. You carried him to his bedroom."

​Mike rolled his eyes, "He was injured."

​"He was not," Dave countered, "Mike and Chester sitting in a tree...."

​"Shut up," Mike muttered. Dave smiled at him.

​"I'm just kidding with you. You are one of my best friends Mike and I'm happy for you."

​"Thanks.....do you think you could watch Draven and Isaiah so I could talk to him?"

​"Talk?" Dave asked with a smile, "Or...."

​"Talk," Mike said before Dave could come up with something wrong.

​"I heard Chester is alright!"

​Mike turned and he saw the others heading towards him. Dave nodded.

​"Yep. Mike was able to get through to him."

​Mike noticed that the older man didn't elaborate and for that he was grateful. He smiled at Dave and the other man gave him a grin. He sighed and leaned back in his chair as the others came to sit down. They congratulated him.

​"How did you do it?" Jeremy asked, "Just in case it comes up again."

​"Then we'll worry about it then," Dave said, "All that matters is that Chester is recovering with his boys right now and he'll be alright."

​Jeremy nodded and leaned back. Mike realized that he was definitely tired. He needed a break from all of this. He looked over at Dave and the two of them got up.

​"I'll be right back," Dave said with a smile. They headed to the hallway and Mike turned to look at Dave.

​"I want this to be over. I don't want to lose anyone else."

​"I know."

​"Let me spend this night with him okay?"

​"No problem."

​"Thank you."

​Dave smiled before walking into the room and gently shaking the boys awake. He saw them talk for a few minutes before Isaiah nodded and sleepily grabbed Draven's hand. They followed Dave back to the main room. Mike slowly walked into Chester's room and he saw the other man sitting up in his bed. He sat down and gave him a smile.

​"Are you alright?" he asked quietly. Chester nodded.

​"Was it real? Everything?"

​"Every minute," Mike said quietly. Chester tried to hide the smile that was breaking out on his face and Mike gently pulled Chester next to him. "You know, I've never really noticed until now.....you're kinda cute."

​Chester blushed and giggled quietly, "God, I....I....wow...."

​Mike laughed softly, "So....I asked Dave to watch your boys for the night."

​"Are you.....are you implying....?"

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