Corporal Punishment

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Corporal Punishment

​He sat on the small bench in his cell. It had been two days. He was shaking. Something awful was going to happen to him today and he didn't know what it would be. He'd been in solitary confinement for a day and a half now and he was starving. He missed his boys. He heard footsteps and then the door opened. He looked up to see the Irish army man standing there.

​"I'm gonna need you to take off your shoes, socks, and shirt," he said. Chester slowly obeyed and left the clothing in a pile on the floor. The man knelt down and produced a knife from his belt. He cut off the bottom half of his pants and then nodded. "Alright come with me."

​He swallowed as he was chained again and led out of the jail. The sun was just rising. He was shaking so badly. What was going to happen to him? He was led to the middle of the square outside the Capitol building and he saw Dave and Mike standing there. Next to them were three different things. The first thing was a metal pole sticking out of the ground. It had little hooks on it. The second thing, Chester recognized easily as the same whipping post that he'd beaten Mike at. He swallowed. The third was a table with restraints on them. He shuddered and looked up at the two men in front of him. Dave grimaced and then stepped forward.

​"You'll have three stations today. You'll be at the pole til noon, the whipping post til five, and the table til eight."

​Chester nodded slightly and took a deep breath as Mike stepped forward and starting cutting his hair. He swallowed as he was left basically bald apart from a heavy mohawk hanging down into his eyes. Then he was taken to the pole and chained to it by his wrists. Dave was already heading inside. He swallowed.

​"You know what the good thing is?" Mike asked as he tightened each shackle on his wrist," I get to watch you suffer all day."

​Chester swallowed as the younger man backed away from him. The army guy clicked something on a control and a siren went off. Immediately people were coming out of their homes. His eyes widened as they ran towards him. His heart pounded in his chest. They stopped just a few yards from him. And then there was some taunting laughter from a few of the men.

​"Not so tough now are you!?"

​"Let's see how he likes it when he's vulnerable and we're the armed ones!"

​"You better not be armed," Mike's voice rang out, "You'll miss all the fun if you kill him now."

​"We won't kill him sir," someone shouted, "Just seriously injure."

​Chester felt like his heart was going to pound right out of his chest. He swallowed thickly and then something hit him in the side of the head. He watched the rock fall to the ground and he felt blood start to run down his face. He bit his lip to keep himself from crying out.

​"Look at him! He's pathetic!"

​Finally a bigger guy stepped forward and grabbed his throat. He whimpered and tried to struggle but he couldn't move an inch.

​"How many times should we hit him huh?"

​"One for every person he killed!"

​"Sounds good to me."

​And then blows rained down on him. People were all over him and he finally couldn't help the pained cries that came from his mouth. His body would be one huge bruise. Mike interfered after about an hour of the constant beating and then grinned before taking his shackled ankles and attaching them to the bottom hooks on the pole.

​"Who wants to show him what we do to rapists here?" Mike called. Chester squirmed but there was no point. He wanted to cry as a line of people came forward. Each one that came to the line had their own plan on what they would do to him but almost everyone had included a kick to his crotch. Some of them almost raped him themselves and he was left shaking and in a ton of pain by ten in the morning. Two more hours of this. And that was when the kids came. They were all carrying rocks and stones. He couldn't do it anymore. He let out a choked sob as they started to throw. It hurt. Every time he got hit, he gasped or whimpered. Some of the adults had stayed around, taunting him, jeering at him, insulting him, berating him, killing him slowly.

​"Look at him squirm!"

​"This is what you deserve you bastard!"

​At noon, Mike interfered again and told everyone to back off. Once the people were at a far distance, Mike unlocked him from his shackles against the pole and he collapsed to the ground. His torso was covered in bruises and cuts. He had tears running down his face. Mike lifted him off the ground and dragged him over to the whipping post. He was shackled to it and he leaned his head against it.

​"How many does he get!?" Mike yelled and the crowd started shouting out numbers. He whimpered as they got closer and closer to a thousand. The first lash sent a stinging pain through his body. He wouldn't last long at all. He was right, after twenty lashes, he was already a sobbing mess. And that's when he gave up.

​"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please stop, I can't take this, I can't," he begged, "Please, just kill me. Just kill me."

​The crowd laughed at him as he begged Mike to stop. Tears ran down his face and he whimpered as he was hit again. Mike grabbed his hair and pulled him backwards.

​"You know what? I want to have a little fun. Come on puppy, we're going to have some fun," he taunted, letting the crowd get off on his jokes. Chester felt his arms unchained from the post and instead he was turned around to face Mike. Mike hit him across the face and then tugged his hair back.

​"Alright, now be a good boy and open up," Mike said with a small grin. Chester's eyes widened.

​"N-No....please not this. Not this," Chester whimpered and the crowd started laughing.

​"Come on, you don't want to have me do it for you would you?" Mike asked as he moved forward a tiny bit, "Come on."

​Chester let out a quiet sob before slowly opening his mouth and engulfing Mike's cock. Tears ran down his face as Mike shoved himself fully into his mouth. He choked and people laughed. This was what he was reduced to. He just wanted to get this over with. He ran his tongue around Mike's cock and he felt a fist collide with the back of his head.

​"Come on you dirty whore, I know you can do better than that," Mike growled. The crowd laughed again. Mike ran his hand through his hair as he looked up at the younger man. Why of all things, do this? He whimpered and tears ran down his face again.

​"You know the best part about this?" Mike called to the crowd. He reached down and grabbed Chester's cock through his pants. Chester jolted up as he was grabbed unexpectedly and whimpered. "The little slut's hard!"

​He was forced back down on Mike's cock and he managed to finish him off. Mike pulled out of his mouth as he came and Chester gasped as it covered his face. He slowly looked up at Mike and with all the courage he could bring to the surface, he smirked.

​"I guess you enjoyed that enough in the prison didn't you? Wanted to go a second round with my talent?" he asked. Mike glared at him and the whole crowd was in silence. They had come to see him be humiliated, not for him to humiliate someone else. He was destroyed, that was for sure. If Dave and Mike wanted him to be destroyed for the rest of his life, they'd succeeded. He didn't care anymore. He'd say whatever he wanted.

​"Why don't you fuck me too huh?" Chester growled, "I'll gladly take your cock up my ass any day. You already know how much I enjoy it."

​Mike hit him in the face and he whimpered softly. He was still in extreme pain but he could talk. He'd always been able to talk. Mike kicked him hard before chaining him back to the whipping post.

​"I guess you deserve some more then don't you? It's only two o' clock Chester, you still have three more hours here."

​He gritted his teeth as he was lashed across the back again, the whip reopening his old wounds. Mike was ruthless too. Eventually he got a short break where people continued to yell insults at him. They now included things like 'cocksucker' and 'fuckboy'. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. He could do this. Somehow he had to do this. He so badly wanted to pass out.

​"When all this is over, we'll go get a nice big home in Florida and we can stay there forever. Just you and I."

​He felt his heart break as he heard Scott's words echo in his ears. When all this was over, he'd go to Florida with his boys. He'd find a nice big home and he'd just stay there forever. He glanced up into the sky and saw that the sun was getting a little lower in the sky. Mike grabbed him from the whipping post and led him towards the table. This was it. The last thing he needed. He was forced up onto it and pushed down hard. He whimpered as his back rubbed against the rough surface of the table. His left arm was put through two restraints, one at the elbow and one at the wrist. His right arm was just restrained at the wrist and his ankles were shackled to the bottom of the table. Mike grinned at him and then covered his eyes with a blindfold. He felt it get tied around the back of his head. He wasn't getting this off. People were jeering at him.

​"Bet he likes this position!" someone shouted and he felt his face heat up. They heard cheers coming from the crowd and his body tensed as he felt Mike near him. And then pain exploded in his left arm. He screamed and struggled to move but he was trapped. It was the worst pain he'd ever felt. It smelled like something was burning. He gasped and tears ran down his face. Just as he thought the pain was starting to lessen, more flared up right next to it and he screamed again, squirming in pain and trying to free himself from this torture. What was Mike doing to him? His thoughts were interrupted by another flash of unbearable pain. It continued like this for at least an hour and a half. His throat was raw from screaming. He was crying because that was the only thing he could do. He wanted so badly to die. After the hour and half was over, the pain still lingered but there were no more unexpected flares. And then there were chants.



​Someone punched him the gut and his body convulsed but he couldn't move to stop. He didn't know where the hits would be coming.

​"Now you know what you are," Mike hissed in his ear. Chester felt hands wrap around his left arm and press down hard. He found his voice again to let loose one last scream of pain. His back arched up off the table. He tried to blink away the darkness that was coming in over his eyes but he couldn't. The last sight he saw was the colors of the sky as his chest heaved and he passed out.
​He woke up in a room. His body ached and he let out a pathetic whimper. His back stung but he could feel the stitches in each of his cuts. There was a bandage wrapped around his left arm. He recoiled as someone touched him gently.

​"It's alright," a soft voice said, "You're safe. It's over now."

​He looked up and saw Dave standing there with a glass of water. He swallowed and his body started to shake.

​"My boys.....are they okay?"

​"They're fine. They'll be in tomorrow to see you, I told them to get some sleep."

​"Wh-What happened to me?" Chester rasped and Dave sighed softly before handing him the glass of water. He took a small sip as the commander walked over to his left arm and gently undid the bandages. Chester stared down at his skin. It was charred and burned and bright red. In the middle of it all, there were wounds in the shape of letters. He swallowed as he read them. Murderer. He looked up at Dave who replaced the bandages and then sat down next to him.

​"You'll live here in the Capitol building for now. I enjoy the company of your boys and I don't feel that you will be safe out on your own in the town. Once things settle down, we'll release you and you can go wherever you want."

​Chester didn't respond. He was still staring at his left arm. That would be there forever. He choked back a sob and tears ran down his face. Dave put a gentle hand on his shoulder.

​"Scars will fade, Chester," he said quietly, "People will forget they even exist sometimes. Once the world is back to how it used to be, people will forget about what happened. You'll make it through this."

​"I don't want to be a killer," Chester managed, "I never wanted to be a killer."

​"I know," Dave said quietly, "God Chester, none of us wanted to be killers."

​Chester felt tears run down his face and he curled up in a ball on the bed, "I'd like to be left alone."

​"Alright. Get some sleep, try to relax. It's over now Chester."

​Was it really over? Would he be able to live in peace with his kids and not be ridiculed and hurt? He didn't think so. He didn't sleep. He just cried. Every piece of this punishment he'd deserved but he hated that he'd have to be faced with the cruel part of him every day. He would never be able to forget what he had been.

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