Chapter 15- Eventful Partying

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"I told you to not look as gorgeous as usual."

I rolled my eyes at that comment of Cameron.

"You're blushing."

"Shut up, Cam."

"What?" Cameron whispered, "Oh so you don't want Cedric or anyone else to know about your crush on me? Why though?"

"Cameron, I swear if you don't shut up right now, I'll put duct tape on your mouth."

"You think its that easy to tape my mouth, Blue? Need I remind you who the phone-stealing champ is? You think you can tape this maestro's mouth?"

I sighed. This was hopeless.

"You are the most annoying person I have ever had the misfortune to meet. Period." I said.

And in reply to that, the idiot took a bow.

"I'm honoured to be bestowed with that title, Blue!"

"Why don't you just bugger off?"

"Cuz I have other jobs to do. Like annoy you."

"That's it! I'm going back."

I turned on my heel and started to walk back the hotel lobby I'd just crossed. Then I felt a hand catch my wrist and pull me back. And soon I found myself entrapped in Cameron's arms, my back pressed against his torso.

"You think its so easy to get away from me?" He whispered in my ear.


"You're coming with me."

"Make me."

"Are you challenging me?"

"If that's what you think."

"Suit yourself."

He let go of me slightly, but not for long, as within seconds, his arm slipped under my knees and he picked me up.

"Aaahh!! Noooo! Someone help me!" I shouted.

"Shut up Blue, or I'll drop you. Really wanna walk around with a hurting ass?"

We were in the elevator now, going down to the parking lot.

"Uggh!" I struggled, hoping he would put me back down.

"Why are you fidgeting so much?" He asked, as the elevator doors opened with a 'ping' and he walked towards wherever his car was parked, me in his arms.

"Cuz I don't wanna go with you!" I replied.



"So you really don't wanna go?" His voice was dead serious now.

"So you really don't wanna go?" His voice was dead serious now

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"Yes, Cam, I really don't wanna go."

"Okay then."

He then put me back down and walked away, without so much as even a look my way. Wait, maybe this didn't work out the way I wanted it to. But then again, what was the way I wanted it to work out? I could go back now and then shop with Hayley. But then, Cameron was obviously upset and angry with me. I could go and apologize to him and then attend the party I wanted to attend so much. I didn't want him to be upset with me. In fact to be honest, when I had said that I did not want to go with him, it was untrue. I wanted to be with him, really badly. I marveled at my abso-freaking-lute hopelessness.

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