Chapter 24- A Little Heart-to-Heart

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I rolled my eyes when Cameron said that.

"Nah, not really. I need some popcorn too, Spielberg. Go get them before I change my mind about listening to your story."

And then it was Cameron's turn to roll his eyes. We were both currently sitting on a couch in the basement of his house. The basement was the perfect place to relax. In front of me was a television, below which were stacked movie DVDs and some video games. Behind me was a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf. On my left were some boxes that Cameron told me contained abso-freaking-lutely random stuff. And on my right was the best part of the basement- the make-shift kitchen.

It wasn't actually a kitchen. Just a mini-fridge and some cabinets filled with all the snacks you need. But then again, did anyone ever need anything more in a kitchen? Its not like vegetables and fruits count as proper food.

"Are you ever gonna start?" I asked Cameron.

"Oh yeah. Sorry I just got distracted."

I propped my legs up on the coffee table in front of me, following Cameron's lead. I was surrounded by soft cushions and had a thin blanket over me. For inexplicable reasons, the basement was cold, especially for a house in a desert.

"Now you've gotten distracted." Cameron said.

"Well, I'm honestly feeling so warm and comfortable, I could doze off right now."

"Then off with the blanket. If you snooze while I'm speaking and then drool over my shoulder as you rest your head there, I'm going to carry you to the roof and throw you off."

"Wow. Something to be said for your hospitality."

In reply, he snatched away the blanket over me.

"Hey! Give it back!" I yelled.

"Its not even cold."

"Yes it is."

"I'm actually feeling hot. But I guess that's usual."

"Got that line off tumblr, huh?"

Cameron made an annoyed face at me.

"You're just jealous because you're so hot you require blankets to keep you warm." He said.

"Blah blah blah. Can you start the story already? Any more delays and I'll castrate you."

"Aren't you interested in seeing my-"

"Shut up! Don't you dare complete that sentence!"

Cameron chuckled in reply.

"God it seems like I'm telling you the story about some horrific incident in my past while its actually just this simple thing."

Cameron began. He was telling me the "Laura Story" that he had promised to tell me after the Dave incident had been wrapped up.

"Dave, Sean and I used to be really close friends back in middle school."

He stopped because my mouth had dropped open. He threw a skittle into my open mouth, got slapped on his shoulder for it and then continued,

"Yes, we were really good friends. Like, really good friends. But then Dave fell for Laura. And he never told anyone. Laura liked me so she asked me out in our sophomore year in high school. I thought she was nice so I just went with it. I had no clue Dave was crazy about her, else I would have obviously turned her down. I wasn't going to date her if he'd just told me about his crush. But no, Dave expected me to use effing telepathy and figure it out.

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