Chapter 18- Some Solutions

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It was an effort to not jump and land on the moon at those words. Forget cloud 9, I was on freaking cloud 99.

"Really?" I acted surprised. I wasn't going to drop my act yet, I still needed another piece of information.

"Does your Dad know this?" I asked.

"Are you crazy? No. He would castrate me if he found out. But it feels good to have this painting here. Its my hard work."

"Won't he find out?"

"Nahh. Trust me, this isn't my first time."

"Nice. I really like you, Dave. More so now."

"Impressed yet?"

I smirked.

"I'm thirsty." I said.

"And I know just what to get you."

Saying that he left the room. Thirsty, my pretty left foot. I fished my phone out, saved the recording, sent it to Cameron and Sean both and then called Cameron, all in record time.

"Hello?" Cameron answered.

"You and Sean at Dave's place in 30 seconds."

"On our way. What's going on?"

"I have the confession recorded. He did steal it. I sent you the clip. Just get your asses here."

"Okay. What's the plan now?"

At this moment, I saw the doorknob turn.

"Mom, I'll talk to you later, once I get back to the hotel. Text me if you still don't find the lotion. Bye, love you." I said, switching my phone off and stuffing it back in my pocket.

"There you are." Dave said, unsuspectingly, handing me a flute of champagne.

"Oooh, you are a bad boy."

He winked at me. I wanted to empty the champagne flute on his head. Don't insult winks by trying to wink and looking like a dumbass while there are guys like Cameron who can wink in the most endearing way possible.

I didn't just call Cameron endearing, did I? Oh, I'm hopeless.

"Are you okay? You don't like champagne?" Dave asked.

"Not really."

I wrinked my nose. I needed to keep track of my facial expressions. I couldn't screw this up at the last minute. I hoped Cameron and Sean would hurry up. I needed someone to make sure Dave didn't do anything silly while I blackmailed, ahem, explained the situation to him.

"Then?" Dave asked.

"I'm more of a tequilla girl." I said, thinking that to impress me he would go make some. Anything to make him leave the room and let me do some final work before Cameron and Sean came.

Dave, then as I wanted to, left the room to make some tequilla shots. I smiled another one of my fake-sweet smiles at him as he left.

While he was gone, I dragged a stool underneath the painting and removed it. God forbid, if things got nasty, at least I needed to move this out of the way. I hid the painting behind an armchair at the far end of the room. By the time I had replaced the stool to its original position, Dave was back in the room. Seconds later, the door opened once more and Cameron and Sean entered. Relief flooded through me. Now, to business.

"What the hell? Didn't I tell you to get lost? Why are you both here?" Dave asked.

"I think I can answer that." I interjected, "Now if you would all take a seat, we can go directly to our talks and not waste our time on mindless inquiry."

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