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October 2019
"Yes Mr. Hayes I'll have the designs to you by Monday morning." I said. "I believe that you'll do an amazing job as usual Sahara. Have a nice weekend." He said. "Same to you." I replied hanging up the phone.

I gathered up my things and got ready to leave the office. Just as I was about to leave the office Tiana came in. Tiana was my assistant and my bestfriend from high school.

"I finished sending out the designs to the companies. Now can we go have some fun?" She asked. "You can go. I have a lot of work that needs to get done." I said. "Work. Work. Work. That's all the hell you do. Sahara your 23 and still young. Live a little." She said.

"I go out T." I replied. "Bitch where?!" She asked. I tried to think of the last time that I actually went out and had some fun. "Mhm. It's been so damn long you can't remember." She said.

"Tonight we're going to a club." She said. "But Tiana I have a lot of things that need to be done so I can get the store open." I stressed. "Sahara your one of the most successful women in Atlanta. I think you can take a night off to enjoy yourself." She said.

I thought about her offer a little. "Fine." I said rolling my eyes. She shrieked and hugged me. "I'll be by your place by 8 so we can start getting ready." She said. "Alright. Don't be late T." I yelled while walking out the door.

I made it to the elevator and walked out to my Benz and I set my files on the floor along with my Cèline handbag in the passengers seat. Tianna always encourages me to go out, but I always decline her offer.

I can't even remember the last time that I even went to a night club. Hell I can't even remember the last time I went on a date. My last serious relationship was three years ago and ever since then I haven't been in a serious relationship.

I always kept my guard up and I never really put my trust into anyone. Tiana says that's what drives men away, but I didn't really care because a relationship wasn't something that I really needed right now. Men were the last thing on my mind right now.

I pulled up to my apartment building and grabbed all my things out of the car. The building wasn't too crowded with people. As I was walking I tripped on my heel and all my files fell on the floor. "Shit." I mumbled under my breath.

I picked up some of the files and stood up. "Here you go." A voice said. I looked up and saw one of my neighbors, Corey, smiling at me. "Thanks Corey." I smiled back.

"No problem Sahara." He said. Corey was the first person I met when I moved in last year. He's flirted with me a couple of times, but I just shut it down because I wasn't very interested. "You look beautiful." He said.

"Um..thanks." I said walking into the elevator. He came in behind me and pressed the button that went to the 5th floor. "Any plans tonight?" He asked. "Tiana and I are going to some club tonight." I answered.

"I'm doing the same, but here you go." He said handing me to sheets of paper. "What are there?" I asked studying the cards. "Two tickets to my game next Saturday. I was hoping you would come." He said.

I've never really seen Corey play basketball before. I had a lot of work that I needed to get done, so I could open my store soon. I always wanted to go to a Hawks game though.

"Thanks Corey, but I'm gonna have to decline" I told him before stepping off the elevator. "You know Sahara your a really beautiful woman." He said. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. You would've thought after a year of trying to get with me he would've given up by now.

"Goodnight Corey." I said. "Night Sahara." He said before walking away. I walked inside of my penthouse and set everything down on my granite countertop in the kitchen. "Wassup Sah" I turned around and saw my older brother Sydney coming out of the bathroom and shook my head. I was really regretting giving this motherfucker a key now.

"Boy what I tell yo ass about coming in my place unannounced," I scolded him as he shuffled through my fridge. He pulled out some stuff and stared making a sandwich, but he before I could yell at him some more my doorbell rang.

"Hey T," I smiled before giving her a hug. She returned the gesture and walked into the kitchen where Sydney was. "Aw damn Sahara you ain't tell me my girl was coming," he smirked before giving Tiana a peck on the lips. They've been going out for about a year now and everyone knew that this was bound to happen.

When we were younger it was always Tiana, Sydney, and I. He was two years older than me, making him 25. We always knew that he and Tiana were going to be together, but Sydney dealt with drugs and he didn't really wanna settle down, but eventually he did and I can say that Tiana has changed him and made him into a better man.

After our dad died, it was as if he became heartless. He took over what my dad left him and he eventually extended his business across. I never really got into anything that involved it. He didn't want me around that type of environment anyways just like our dad.

"What y'all getting into tonight?" He asked sitting on a barstool at the counter and wrapping his arms around Tiana's waist. "We're just going to the club babe. You should come," she snuggled tighter into his chest. "Yea I'll slide through for a min," he smiled. I was about to barf.

"Girl lets go choose some clothes so that we can go," I told her and she gave Sydney's lips one last peck before coming into my bedroom.

"What kind of outfit you thinking?" She asked and I shrugged. It's been a while since I've been out and I didn't really know what I wanted to wear. "How about this?" She smirked pulling out this short gold dress that I bought a while back. I nodded my head and let her go through my closet so that she could find something as well. I had this feeling that it was going to be a long night.

Sahara in the mm. For the people who have already read this book, there are some changes so I suggest that you actually read. I'm not just reuploading the book, I'm actually going back and redoing some stuff, so please take the time to read. The only way that the book is going to be better is if you guys comment and give me feedback. Don't be afraid. Anyways, enjoy! 
~cess. 💕

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