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Scott: When you're hanging out at the McCall household, you can sometimes hear Scott singing to some songs. It actually looks cute since he's alwsys very discreet about it. When you two are working on your homework, there would always be a song blasting on the background. You can see Scott mouthing the lyrics to the song and when he feels you watching him, he would stop and just smile at you shyly.

Stiles: Oh boy, Stiles loves to sing. One time, you catch him jamming to one of his favorite songs inside his room. He looked ridiculously cute that time. His head was banging and he was jumping around his room,screaming the lyrics of the song while playing an air guitar. It was so funny and adorable at the same time. The only time he noticed you was when the song finished and you were laughing so hard. Little did he know that you got the whole thing on camera.

Liam:  Liam always, and I mean ALWAYS sings in the shower. In their house, even in the shower inside the boys' locker room. He's practically screaming when he showers. Who knows the tough beta likes One Direction?

Theo: He never sings. He would just hum with the song but never sing with it. When in the car, you're always singing at the top of your lungs and tries to get him to sing with you but he just looks at you and then turns off the radio.


i know this sucked big time and you deserve better than this piece of shit but idk what to write and im so busy with school.

but THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR GETTING ME 1.1K READS i was not expecting this book to even reach 1k reads ugh tysm guys i love you

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