Part Five

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*walking into the cafeteria*

I walked into the Cafeteria hoping nothing was gonna happen today "please God don't let nothing happens to me today,please!" I walked up onto the lunch like to go get some lunch even though I wasn't hungry. I walked up and the lunch lady plopped some gross looking stuff on my plate and I got an apple,orange,and some milk. As I was walking to my table where I sit all alone, I see some kid sitting there "huh that weird..." I said to myself as I walked faster over to the table when someone sticks their foot out and trips me I had no way of catching myself,I fell into all the slop on my plate it was all over me,all the kids sitting at the table where all the jocks were, we're laughing and had their phones out recording me as I got up throwing out my tray running out of the lunch room. As I was running out I slipped on my food and fell back and hit my head,the whole lunch room was laughing and some kid I've never seen before came up to me helping me up "are you okay beautiful?" He had this weird sparkle in his eyes. "Yeah,I'm fine" I said getting up in a mad voice pushing him away just waiting for what he was gonna do,but surprisingly he didn't do anything. I ran to the double doors running out to the foot ball field and I just layed down in the middle of it smelling like who knows what, I looked down and saw all the stuff on my clothes. I ignored it and just layed, there it started to rain but I didn't mind it at all. "Why do they do those things to you?" I jumped up to that kid that was in the cafeteria oddly staring at me waiting for me to answer, "u-uh w-why the do you mean?" I said "They are really mean to you and it's not cool!" He said "what's your name" I asked "oh I see your gonna dodge my question okay,my name is Shawn (mendes),how about you?" (Nobody's famous in this btw) "my name is M-Monica and I don't they have always been mean to me." I replied "u-uh oh" he said looking kids bummed. "I have to go, oh and thank you for helping me in there!" "Yeah sure anytime " he said he got a little quiet when I told him that I didn't know why they treat me like that.

*Shawn p.o.v*

"I feel bad for her nobody should treat a girl like that and she really pretty even though she has her flaws but that just makes her even cuter!"

OH gosh these are so cheesy lmao

Sorry I spelt Shawns name wrong

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