part 14

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Ethans P.O.V

I walked in Mr.G's class and I saw the new girl sitting in my seat,she is pretty hot. So I got my stuff and sat right next to her. She looked kind of familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. When I sat next to her and she looked up from her work she looked REALLY pissed and I don't know why.
"Hi my names Ethan"
"Right" she said with a frown on her face...huh that's weird she's tryna get rid of me okay I can play that game too. I ignored her the rest of the class but it's not like she was talking to me anyways.

*Monicas p.o.v*

Do the twins really not know who I am...

I can't wait till school is over I still have 5 periods left,but it feels like it's  dragging. When I was done with all the plates I put my board back into the closet along with my T-square and got my bag and sat back down on my stool. There was 2 minutes till the bell rings so I was just standing there. "Did I do something to you?" Ethan asked as I turned around to see him all up in my personal space "please just leave me alone I'm sorry if I ever did anything to you to make you hate me" I said as the bell rung I walked out of the class room and made my way to lunch before he could say anything else.


I walked into the Cafeteria and it felt like all eyes were on me...weird. There was one empty table which I went to and sat down I wasn't eating today because I wasn't hungry. I was sitting there listening to music and doing the homework that I got. A group of girls came up to me there names were Mandy,Danica,Dani,and Ella.  They wanted to know if they could sit with me I nodded and put my ear buds back into my ear. Dani tapped on my shoulder asking me to move over into there group,so I did and we were laughing at something Mandy did,and I felt someone tap me on the shoulder, the girls all got quiet and I saw their cheeks turning a pinkish color as I looked up to see the twins standing there...shit.
"Can we talk to you for a second?" Grayson said as Ethan just stared at his Grey and white Futures(sneakers) I got up and started to get mad while they motioned me to follow them out of the cafeteria.

"Why are you avoiding us, you don't even know us" Grayson said
"Are you serious?! Are you fucking serious!!!" I was getting mad now
"What the heck are you talking about we didn't do anything to you!" They both said "Yeah okay guys think what you want I actually have a life now that I need to attend" I said with a mad face as I stomped off back into the cafeteria as I  felt eyes on my butt, I turned around and shot them a glare.
I went in and sat with all the girls again. "OH MY GOD Mon!" They all said "WHAT?!?" I said still pissed "dude you have the most popular guys in school going after you and you acted like you didn't even want to talk to them!" Dani said "that's because I didn't want to 'talk' to them" I said starting to calm down "why,you just got here,they did nothing to you." Ella said "guys I'm not new here I've lived here my whole life. My names MONICA STRIDER! I used to be really big and had braces and glasses,no? Don't remember me yet?" I said starting to get bitchy but whatever. "Oh my...are you serious!?! Your the girl who they used to hit and bully!" Mandy said in awe. "Yeah that's me,now do you get why I was trying to avoid talking to them?" I said "yeah" They all said in sync...creepy. 

During the rest of lunch we were talking about random stuff and I felt holes being burned in the side of my face when I turned my head to the side to see Grayson staring at me and it's not like he was glaring at me like he was he looked like he was in deep thought. He was still staring at me when I looked straight at him he had no emotion on his face at all, so I got up grabbed my stuff and walked out of the cafeteria, after saying bye to the girls.

Next period I have Global which was boring as hell I wasn't even paying attention at all during that class,let's just put it this way. I passed out for the whole class...whoops. 😬

*skip to the end of the day*

The school was far from my house but I decided just to run home to get my exercise in and because when I have hard days I would just run to get everything out or use the punching bag that my aunt had in her garage. I finally got home and unlocked the door to see my mom wasn't home....THANK THE LORD!
I went to my bedroom and took off my sneakers and grabbed my speaker off my dresser and got two towels and went into the bathroom and locked the door. I took a shower and got out and went into my room changing into a pair of shorts with black Adidas sweatpants over them and on top I had a black sports bra on and a tank top with a black Nike sweatshirt and I put my hair into a ponytail so I was ready for later since when I got out of the shower it was 7:00 pm...I didn't realize I took that long in the shower.
   I got my backpack and sat at my desk doing homework it was hard but I finished around 8:45 pm. I went down stairs the only person in my family I've see was my brother. I walked into the kitchen to see my mom sitting on the couch in the living room I didn't even bother saying anything to her and I got two water bottles out of the fridge "who are y-" my mom said as I turned around "oh-" she said. I just walked away from her and got on my  sneakers (Monicas outfit is in media) and I grabbed my drawstring back pack and left I was going to my fight that I had today....

Tell if these are bad

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