Part 24

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×Next day×
《Ethans P.O.V》

I had a huge bruise on my face from when Monica elbowed me, I didn't expect her to be that strong... but there is a rumor going around that Grayson is back with Alisha and he told Monica off, but some are saying Monica is a bad ass because she didn't care... I am so confused. I was walking to my mom's car and I got in and so did Gray. We were behind Monica since she's been driving her mom's truck.

■Monica's P.O.V■

As soon as the last bell rang I was out, the twins are behind me tho...

I'm thinking about moving into an apartment by myself, I gotta get out of here (this house) I gotta stay close for my fights I can't wait till my fight tomorrow, I'm fighting 6 people... yeah, that's a lot but at least my anger will be out of my body.... I want to go to a sporting goods place and get some new wraps for my fight and some new shorts and some other stuff.

♡Ethans P.O.V♡

I wanted to go to the store to get some things for the fight tomorrow, I have my permit but I need someone with me, even though Grayson isn't 18 I asked him to come with me.

▪at Dicks sporting goods▪

We got to the store and me and Grayson didn't really talk in the car
"Yo Grayson what's up?" I asked him "uhm nothing why what happened?" He said "nah, your mad quiet you alright?" I asked "yeah, I'm fine what do we need to get again?" He said "remember I have the fight tomorrow, yeah, well I gotta get some sick stuff wanna look good for when I win ya know?" I said "yeah..." he said

《Monicas P.O.V》

I am in the wrap section and I found really cool ones the one I'm getting is like a gun metal color. Next stop need some new workout clothes and I wanna get a mask so nobody can see my face. I walked to the clothes section in the guys department and found some long shorts that were all black and I got a bunch of black t-shirts. I was done, so I made my way to the register but I accidentally bumped into someone I said a quick sorry and went to the line to checkout "It's fine" he said and I didnt look up but I've definitely heard his voice before but I just kept walking...

○Graysons P.O.V○

"Yo dude was that-" I said to Ethan "yeah, it was" he said rubbing the back of his neck, she was in front of us checking out I felt real guilty. I didn't even realized I zoned out Ethan already paid and Monica was gone, my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was Alisha

A- Hey baby you should come over later I miss your body, just waiting on my parents to leave.💋

I left her on read

We got into the car "what happened with you and Monica?" Ethan asked "Uh nothing I don't like her, she's annoying" I said "alright...I heard you and Alisha are back together" he said "yeah, we are I'm glad cuz I missed her" I think "okay dude" Ethan said I knew he could tell I was lying.


Next day

□Monicas P.O.V□

I woke up to my alarm clock and went into the bathroom and took a shower, I didn't feel like doing anything with myself today since it doesn't even matter I don't have anybody to impress. "Come on you whore" I turned around and saw my brother at my door, "please don't call me that" I said "It's your fault you made them die" he said "I know it is I've been told can you please leave me alone about it already" I said and he came in my room and slapped me across the face, it stung but I was used to it, I pushed him backwards but he came back and punched me in the nose causing it to bleed "get the fuck out" I said almost calmly he looked at me like I had ten heads and backed away slowly "I'm taking the truck today so have fun walking whore, don't get stuck on any street corners, oh wait that's your favorite place to be, see ya ugly" he said... ouch.

I got done getting ready I cleaned up my nose and put makeup all over my face to cover all the marks.

Today's the day.

I was wearing an Adidas sweatshirt with black jeans and black and white ZXFLUXS. I got my backpack, and went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I got my gym bag and put it under my bed so it was ready when I got home.

I left the house to go to the bus stop.

It was already outside, I sprinted to the bus and got on, and as I was walking to the back somebody tripped me and I landed in push-up position and looked at who did it... Grayson. I pushed myself up on my feet. And sat in a seat, everybody 'ooed' I hate when people do that.

I went to my locker and got my English textbook out when someone slammed my locker almost getting my fingers caught in the door I jumped back "Bitch I told you to stay away from him do you not know how to listen!?!" She said, you've got to be kidding me... Alisha always gotta start for. "I don't even know who your talking about" I said "we both know your lying" she said coming closer "sure we do. I'm not in the mood for this bullshit right now can't you just leave me alone" I said which she didn't like and punched me which was the whimpiest punch in the world and I laughed and pivitted my foot and punched her really hard in the face and she fell to the floor but got back up and swung again but I caught her fist and twisted it, then she freaking kicked me I pushed her and she fell and I started punching her, I feel like we go through this way to much. I got pulled off again by very muscular arms they picked me up and pretty much dragged me somewhere "shhhh calm down, stop" I was trying to squirm out of there hold but I just gave up. We were now in a closet.

He was holding me, I stood up and moved back against the wall.
"Why do you keep pulling me away!?" I asked "are you trying to get in trouble? You kick her ass everytime" he said "what do you care, your not the one getting in trouble?" I said "I can't take it anymore" I said letting my back slide down the wall, he sat next but I moved away " you can leave now I'm fine I don't need anybody here, I'll be out in a little bit" I said getting up off the floor "I'm not leaving you" he said "alright"

I got up and went to open the door but Ethan pushed it shut from behind me "why'd you do that for?" I asked opening the door again he freaking pushed it shut again "I'm not letting you leave"
"Why not?"
"Because I don't want you to leave"
"Dude you hate me I'm leaving" I said as I felt something drip down my nose, I looked around for a paper towel but Ethan beat me to it and I guess he saw the blood dripping and turned me around and put the paper towel on my nose holding it there. I pulled away from him taking the towel and pinching my nose. I paced back and forth waiting for my nose to stop bleeding, out of all times right now this had to happen.

《Ethans P.O.V》

I'm trying to help her but she won't even let me near her. Right now she's walking back and forth, she looked at me and opened the door and left I walked after her and she walked out the she leaving. "Monica" I was whisper shouted. She left I followed after her but she started running, god damn... I followed her but she can sure as hell run now which is crazy,I could barely keep up with her.

She finially got to her house and she closed the door, damn.

Sorry I haven't posted in forever or if this is horrible but... I gotta tell you something!!! I met the Dolan Twins!! Wooooooo I almost had a heart attack when they said it was my turn it was so unreal I can't wait!

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