Part 19

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■Monday Morning■

《Monicas P.O.V》

I woke up this morning to my mother shaking me,considering I haven't talked to my mom since the kitchen which was like a week ago but ya know.
"Monica!?! Monica wake up!" My mom said
"Mom my alarm hasn't even gone off yet what's up?" I said while sitting up rubbing my eyes
"Come on we gotta get to the hospital!" She said while I jumped up out of my bed "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT 'HOSPITAL'?!" I pretty much screamed "Monica your father was in an accident." She told me, I ran to my closet and slid on a pair of Jordan slides and put a sweatshirt on and ran down the stairs without my mom I grabbed her keys "what hospital!?" I screamed while she was going down the steps "Easton!" She said while going to the closet to grab her shoes I ran out the door and got in her truck, but I didn't wait for her to come out of the house I left with her truck even though I'm in 11th grade I have my permit but I left.

*At the Hospital*

I ran in towards the front desk

"Jayson Strider!?" I said to the lady at the front desk "sorry honey he's in surgery right now we'll call you if we hear anything" the lady who's name tag said Alison on it said to me so I went into the waiting room.

As I was pacing back and forth while I was pulling my hands through my hair.

*Graysons P.O.V*

"Grayson and Ethan come on we gotta go see Grandma" I heard mom say,I was already dressed and had my shoes on. Me and Ethan ran to the car "Shock Gun!" Ethan screamed and I let him just take the front seat with no problem. We were in the car for 15 minutes till we got to the hospital where my grandma is.

We had to stay in the waiting room for 20 minutes because they told us she was taking a shower right now.

As we were waiting in the waiting room I saw Monica in the waiting room she was pacing back and forth while kinda tugging at her hair, she didn't even look up once so she didn't know we were in there. She sat down and held her head in her hands while looking down. "Family of Jayson Strider?" Some doctor said in scrubs. "Y-yeah" Monica said. "I'm so sorry, he didn't make it through the surgery he suffered to many internal wounds from the crash." The doctor said to her "what was your relationship with Mr.Strider?" He asked her "H-he's my dad, please tell me your kidding and he's alright!?" She said while standing up and I looked right into her eyes but she didn't look at me and her eyes were glazed over. She started to pace and the doctor left she was pacing around and something clicked and she punched the wall with her right hand and her fist went right through the wall,the she threw her left fist and I caught it and turned her around and brought her into a hug. She wasn't crying but I felt her tense up when I grabbed her and brought her into my chest "HE'S GONE" "HE'S GONE!!!" She said "shhhh it's gonna be okay he's in a better place now" I said while hugging her even harder but she wasn't hugging me back so I just held on to her. "You can come in now." Some lady said, motioning my mom to come in so my mom got up and lightly smiled at me and got up with Ethan "she needs someone right now,stay with her baby" she whispered as I looked down at Monica in my arms. My mom and Ethan walked in the door the nurse was holding open.

*Monicas P.O.V*

After I punched the wall with my right hand I went to hit it again with my left hand but somebody grabbed it before it actually hit the wall again,my right hand made a whole in the wall. The person who stopped my fist from going through the wall pulled me into a hug and when I started screaming they held me tighter. I looked up to see who it was and I saw GRAYSON. I tried to pull away from him but he wouldn't let go of me. "Let me go please!" I yelled while still trying to get away "okay" was all he said and put his hands in the pockets of his jeans and just looked at me. "I'm so sorry Monica" he said "just because you say that won't bring my dad back,he's gone! The only person who actually cared if anything happened to me is gone! He's freakin gone!" I said still not crying which I haven't done in a while. He came closer to me and went to go hug me but I ran away from him and went through the sliding doors and ran to my mom's truck and got in and locked the door Grayson ran after me but I was quicker and he started banging on the door "Monica don't do anything stupid please!" He yelled but I started the truck up to hear it roar. I drove out of there and just started driving I thought I had school today but I didn't I had a day off from school for some reason I can't remember why. So I just drove. I didn't know where I was going but I was just driving.

Sorry if this is bad but ya know I'm Queen of that 😂. Okay so tell me if this book is getting boring or if I'm overall just swaggin 😂 I know I need Jesus but.... okay I'm gonna stop thanks for reading!!!!!!!

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