[Iwaizumi] Phone Call

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The comfort of the bed was soft and welcoming as you threw yourself face first into the sheets. College was getting more and more intense with each passing semester and you found yourself starting to get worn out from the onslaught of assignments that were starting to pile up. Letting out a groan, the sound was muffled by your pillow when your phone vibrated in your back pocket, interrupting the pity party you were about to throw for yourself.

From: Hajime ♡

Still awake?

You moved to lie on your side, starting to type out a reply when you realised that you wanted to hear his voice. The late hour was not a deterrence as you went ahead to call him, holding your phone to your ear as you waited for him to answer.

It was too long since you last spoken to your boyfriend.

"Hello?" He answered almost immediately, and you couldn't help the small smile that reached your lips at the sound of his voice.


Sometimes you really regretted picking a different college from him. Although your schools weren't that far apart, it was still inconvenient to meet up often; and you couldn't help but miss seeing him all the time.

You could hear the sound of a TV faintly playing in the background as you spoke to him. Somewhere along your conversation, you heard Oikawa's familiar voice shouting 'hi' at you, and Iwaizumi cursed at him as per usual, followed by a slam of a door.

At least that was one thing that didn't change.


You spoke to him late into the night; you ranting to him about a particular teacher you hated while he told you about the volleyball club he and Oikawa had joined. As the minutes ticked by, you slowly found yourself getting tired, struggling to stay awake.

"Go to sleep, [Name]." Apparently, it was obvious that you were starting to doze off. You could hear Iwaizumi let out a yawn of his own. "It's late and you're tired, so go to bed and call me tomorrow instead."

"It's fine... I can stay up a while longer."

"You need to rest. You've been yawning a lot tonight."


"Don't be stubborn and get some sleep."

"... I miss you, Hajime..."


"Sorry," you sighed, "it's just that... it's been a long time since I've seen you and I rarely get to talk to you like this recently..."

He stayed quiet for a while, but you could discern some movement from his side of the line before he finally spoke again. "I'll go over next weekend."


"I don't think there'll be a lot of work next week, so I'll skip my Friday lecture and we can have a long weekend together."


Even though Iwaizumi couldn't see you, he could tell by the tone of your voice that you were elated. He smiled, pleased to know that you were happy.

"Yeah. So go to sleep already, okay?"


The content sound that left your lips and the shallow breaths that reached his ears convinced him that you were asleep. But just as he was about to hang up, he heard you mumbling something slightly incoherent.

"...I love you, Hajime..."

This time, Iwaizumi was glad you couldn't see his face. No matter how many times you said it, he couldn't help but blush whenever you told him you love him.

And when he told you that he loves you back,

He'd be blushing too.

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