chapter 4

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Lila's pov

I feel like such a clumsy oaf tripping over Brantley like that. I'm usually not this bad. But when I get stressed or nervous I fall to pieces and my coordination goes out the window. Uncle Paul is one of the few family members I have left and I'm about to loose him any second. The door opening caught my attention. Great its the local slime ball resident who's bedside manner includes hitting on me at a time like this. I could feel Brantley tighten his grip on the back of the chair as Dr. Slime came closer. Before he could speak Brantley put himself between us. It was like he knew this guy was making me uneasy. Almost like a dog guarding his master. Note to self; I've got to quit comparing him to my canine patients. "The nurse just reported the drop in your uncle's vitals." No shit, was all I could think as he spoke. The look on Brantley's face expressed what I wanted to say out loud. Dr. Slime took a step back when Brantley shifted his frame towards him. His voice cracked with nervousness. "It's only a matter of time. Whenever you're ready the nurse will give you a list of local facilities that will assist in his funeral. And here's my card if you need anything else." The enuendo was enough to make me vomit. Luckily Brantley stepped in. His voice was flat yet somehow threatening. "Everything has already been arranged. Paul let us know what he wanted and set it up himself. We will be following his wishes so you can keep the card. Now of you don't mind doc, we would like to say our goodbyes in private." I almost laughed when he stuffed the card back in his pocket and damn near ran out the door. I looked at Brantley as if to ask how. He just shrugged his shoulders and leaned back in the corner. I had just started to relax again when all the ministers started sounding. I knew what it ment. I knew this was coming but I still lost it. When the nurses came in to record the time and shut monitors off all I could do was cry. I tried to burry myself in the chair but Brantley had other ideas and lifted me up like I was nothing. "Come on darlin. We don't need to be here for this. Let's let them do their job nd get you some air." His tone told me it wasn't a request. Thankfully he carried me because I doubt I could walk right now.

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