chapter 10

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Lila's pov

Holy hell it wasn't a dream... I just saw a human change into a wolf then back into a man... "Lila." He said my voice in a very soft tone. "Darlin, you feelin ok? You're not going to pass out again are you?" His face was full of concern. "I'm sure you have a million questions... How about I go get us some hot tea and you can ask me anything you want about what you just saw?" All I could do was nod. He chuckled and shook his head. "You talked more when I was a wolf. Do you need me to change back so you can speak?" He joked as he headed to the stairs. Aw damn it that means I was rambling about how hot I think he is! "Do us both a favor dear. Get comfortable and try to breath. I'll explain the basics when I come back then you can ask your questions. " Ok." Was all I managed before he headed to the kitchen. When he came back I was sitting up with my legs crossed on my side of the bed with a pillow in my lap. He handed me a steaming mug of tea along with the jar of honey and sat his on the bed side table. After I enjoyed a few drinks he finally started talking.
Brantley's pov
"Hey sweet girl." I rumbled softly. Lila just blinked at me. "You... You were just a wolf. Now you're a man. That's not possible... What.. How?" She stood and circled me. I stood and let her inspect me. Chuckling as she lifted my hand, checked behind my ears, checked my pulse. "I'm not going insane. Right?" She looked to me pleadingly. "No Lila, I'm a wolf, you're not insane." I chuckled. She was handling this better than I expected. When I looked at her again, her eyes were on my chest. Those big blue eyes of hers were lazily traveling up and down my torso. When she looked a little lower her eyes went even wider and they stayed locked on my crotch. I cleared my throat and grinned. "I umm.." She paused. "Would you like me to put some pants on?" I chuckled. She nodded quickly. "Sit. I'll explain." I motioned her to the bed. She plopped down and watched me closely. "You already know that I'm a wolf. My father was a wolf. His father was a wolf. So on and so forth. The Lycan gene is passed down through the bloodline. The eldest male can shift. My brother carries the gene, but he won't ever shift. I'm an Alpha, my family is one of the purest bloodlines in our history." I paused to gauge her reaction.

Lila's pov
I sat and stared blankly for a few seconds trying to decide what to ask first. I wanted to be calm and logical about it, but I failed. As soon as I balked at asking the first question he shook his head. "Just ask dear. I won't bite" So I did, quite rapidly, without stopping for air; "Are you like the were wolfs in the movies, I mean can you only shift on the full moon, do you have a pack, how old are you, do you know any other wolves, can a human turn into a wolf from being bitten, is it anything like in the romance books I read, is that why you growl so much, is that how you knew about the storms coming, is everyone in your family a wolf, is that way you're so protective over me? Your wolf seams to like me; although I guess technically it's still you." Then it hit me. Everything I had said in front of the wolf, well Brantley, ugh you get the idea. Panic started to set in. I had to apologize. "Oh my goodness. Brantley I'm so so so terribly sorry for tranquilizing you. I hope I didn't hurt you. Thank you for saving me from the mountain lion. Or thank your wolf?! How does that work as far as reference goes? Is it like a split personality thing? Oh good god I'm horrible! I named you, or him... And the things I said when you were in wolf form. I umm...." The rambling and rattling would have continued, but it was cut off by a low deep growl that made my toes curl. When. I finally shut up Brantley didn't say a word. He simply pulled me to his side and kissed me since less.

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