chapter 6

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Brantley's POV: by SPaige0615

We pulled up to the cabin and Lila climbed off of my lap. "I'm sorry I was such a basket case, I'm ok. I just.. Don't handle things like that well." The small woman said. I nodded. "No need to apologize Lila. I understand." I told her softly. I paused and sniffed, "Let's get inside. A storm's comin." I told her. She frowned and looked up. "But the skies are clear-" she was cut off by a loud clap of thunder. "How'd you.." She started to ask. I guided her inside the cabin so we could talk. "I could smell it. Paul knew his time was almost up, and he had everything planned out." I told her. "He did?" I nodded and headed into the office to grab Paul's will and his last wished that he'd written down. "This cabin, all the land, it's all yours. With the understanding that I use it occasionally. He sold his truck a while back, went through his belongings. All that's left is what's near and dear to him. He wanted to be cremated." I explained to her. Lila sniffled and nodded. Showing that she understood. "He wanted his ashes sprinkled across his favorite spots on the property. It says for the two of us to do that together, I know exactly where all these areas he listed are." I continued. "I still can't believe he's really gone. Why did he keep it a secret?" Lila sniffled and a stray tear slipped down her cheek. "We've all got our secrets princess. Some are just worse than others." I mumbled the last part. I'd been at war in my head since I met this girl. The wolf wanted to take her. Claim her. Mark her. Make her his. But humans don't work that way. The man understood that. But the wolf was angry. He didn't understand. I knew that Lila was attracted to me physically. But she was also cautious. I couldn't blame her. I'd have to gain her trust, and unleashing my wolf was not the way to do that. About the time I finished my internal battle, an 'oof!' Came from behind me. I turned and saw Lila rubbing her nose where she's bumped into my back. "Jeez you're solid! You didn't even budge, how much do you weigh?" She exclaimed. I chuckled. "I guess I'm just a little more solid than your average male." I chuckled and brushed it off. I weighed around 375lbs last I checked. That's hard to explain to a human. I also have a higher body temperature. It's a wolf thing.

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