chapter 7

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Lila's pov

I already knew the storm was coming. You would think mental preparation would have helped. Nope not at all. Brantley was sitting on the floor next to the coffee table marking the spots uncle Paul wanted to be scattered. He was explaining that the last spot would be tricky to reach if the rain didn't quit. We might have to hold off on that one. Plus we would need to keep a look out for wild life. This area has quite a few big predators. I was getting ready to tell him I have a dart gun, but I never got that far. The thunder crashed again and I came unglued. It's pathetic. I'm a grown ass woman. I know what lightening is and that it can't hurt me. When it hit a high note I nearly fell off the damn couch. Lucky for me Brantley has amazing reflexes. Now here I sit tucked in his lap like a helpless child. He doesn't seam mind but he must think I'm a real piece of work. "What's that grumpy look about all of a sudden?" He asked while still trying to sooth me. How do I explain? "Just spit it out." He all but demanded. How does he do that? My face must have looked puzzled because he answered my unspoken question yet again. "I'm good at reading people dear." I nodded my head then found the words I was looking for. "The look is because I'm frustrated. I feel helpless and pathetic. I know its just a storm; that it can't hurt me so long as we're in here...." He face told me he knew there was more to the story so I kept going. " I've always loved animals and the outdoors. Its why i became a vet. My family use to go camping all the time. But one weekend we got caught in an awful summer storm and ever since then I have mini panic attacks every time one rolls in." "I have an idea." Was all he said before he hoisted me up with him and carried me to the bedroom in the basement. "Being down here should help you sleep. Most of the noise should be drowned out. And I'll be in the next room...." He trailed off when he turned back to me. This man is either really good at reading me or I'm that pittiful. I didn't even have to ask. He just nodded his head, pulled back the covers and we each picked a side after we shed a few layers. All our bags are still in the car. As I tried to get settled I felt the need to warn him of my sleeping habits. "Just so you know, I've been told I'm a bed hog and I swipe all the covers." He started laughing. It was deep causing his whole chest to visibly move. He was very amused by me. "This will work out fine then since I usually toss the blankets off so I don't roast..." That's about the time to whole cabin shook thanks to the storm. I couldn't help it. I actually squeaked and burred my self next to him. I expected him to pull back. He simply leaned over, killed the lights, and rubbed small circles on the small of my back. I started to protest. It was useless. "Just relax and rest. We both know you'll end up curled up like this anyway. At least this way we can both be comfortable." He had a point. And somehow I don't think arguing with this man is a good idea.

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