chapter 8

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Part 1: Lila's pov

Hoooowww, woooo, hooooowwww. My alarm clock howling scared me from my sleep. I forgot to shut the damn thing off. Once the alarm was off I found a note from Brantley; I packed the stove. I'll be out back splitting wood or in the back field. Fridge is stocked. Call my cell if you need anything. That ment I could take as long a shower as I wanted. So I headed out to get my bag. Shutting my jeep door I saw Brantley head back a trail. He had his shirt off so I could see all his muscles. Those bulky sweaty ripped muscles. "Brantley." I yelled his name to stop him. Wondering if he wanted me to fix a late breakfast or lunch. He didn't hear me. So I sat down my bags and followed him. Or at least I tried. How in the hell did I loose him already. His legs are twice the length of mine, but I'm sure he heard me yelling. Hearing a low grumble in the distance I thought he was pissed I had followed him. But it wasn't Brantley I found in the clearing. It was a mountain lion and it was snarling at me. I was slowly pulling out my stun gun when I heard branches brake behind me. That's the last thing I remember before I was run over by something massive that knocked me to the ground and consequently knocked me out. When I came to I could hear an animal whimpering. Following the blood trail I found a massive jet black wolf. The odd part was it didn't snarl or growl when I got close to it. Most hurt wild animals lash out. This animal lowered his head and let me exam his wounds. It was like he knew I was trying to help. But how am I going to get him back to my supplies without hurting him or causing him to hurt me? "Sorry buddy." I told him before I used my min blow gun to sedate him. Now to get him back to the cabin.

Part 2: Brantley's POV: by SPaige0615

When I woke up, pain was the first thing I registered. I growled and stood, shaking out my coat. My fur was caked with mud and leaves and blood, most of it from the mountain lion that tried to attack my Lila. He managed to sink his teeth into my side, just enough to break the skin, I hurt like a bitch, but I was already nearly healed. "Woah there big guy! You shouldn't be up moving around, you'll pull your stitches!" She said in a rush. She walked towards me with her hands out, non threatening. I chuckled to myself. Sweet Lila. I let her check my side, and she nodded happily. She stepped back and grabbed her phone, failing a number and getting no answer. When I heard my own voicemail kick in, I frowned. "Brantley please answer. Are you ok? Call me when you get this." Lila sighed sadly and curled in on herself. I walked over as she sat on the floor, wrapping myself around her. I nuzzled her head and she leaned into me momentarily. Whe she pulled away, I headed to the back door, intent to head outside and shift. Then find my damn clothes. "No! Wait, you're hurt!" She scrambled up off the floor and rushed to my side. I growled as she lead me back to the makeshift bed. Lila sniffled adorably. "Stop growling, now you sound like Brantley." He sniffed again, and headed into the other room. I huffed and flopped down onto my stomach. I'd wait until she fell asleep, then I'd go out and shift. Instead of going to bed, Lila grabbed my leather jacket and snuggled up in it on the couch. I walked over and laid my head in her lap, letting out that same rumbling purr that soothed her at the hospital. She sniffled and wiped her eyes. "Brantley does that too.. I wish he was here." Lila whispered sadly. I had to get out of here. I had to shift, and reassure her that I was ok.

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