The Relapse

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Week 12, Day 2:

"Do I have to go to class?" I groan as Amy shakes me awake.

"Unfortunately so. At least you probably won't see your parents again for a while, I heard they left yesterday. They also brought you food. Want some Fruit Loops?" My stomach growls at the sound of food so I get out of bed as slowly as possible and start shivering. "Welcome to November," she smirks.

"I want to go back to bed," I start walking back to the warmth of my sheets but she stops me.

"Sorry babe, time to head to Writing Class."

"But then I have math and math." I complain.

"Get your lazy ass out of bed and get dressed or no dreamy Fruit Loops for you!"

"Sir yes, sir," I muster a tiny salute before trudging into the bathroom. All I see is blood. "Amy," I call, suddenly very awake.

"Yeah?" She appears in the doorway. "Damn, who the fuck was murdered in here?"

"That's what I was going to ask you, care to explain?" I cross my arms.

"I...wait hush up," she holds her hand in front of my mouth and now I understand why. There's a faint breathing sound coming from behind the shower curtain.

"Amy if we die – " I start but she cuts me off.

"Don't start that bullshit with me, just stay back." She steps forward and puts her hand towards the shower curtain. Her small hand reaches the aqua shower curtain and she yanks it back.

"Phoenix!" I exclaim. "What the hell are you doing in our bathtub?"

"And who the hell was murdered?" Amy adds in.

They turn towards us, their eyes watery and as red as the blood running down their arms. "Holy shit," I whisper to myself. "Phoenix, say something."

"We were all born to die," their voice is monotone.

"And you were born to fly," Amy stoops down to the bathtub.

Their hair is red but not like a flame anymore. It's stained with blood and there are tears running down their face.

"Why are you here?" I try to soothe them.

They point at Amy and blood drips down their shirt. "I'm a confused, worthless little faggot. That's what they all say."

I turn on Amy. "Did I hear her correctly?"

Amy backs up. "No, she's delusional! Look at how much blood she's lost!"

"They," I growl. "Who was it that enforced the pronouns at first, who told me how great it was to be gay. It was you! And what gives you, anyone really but especially you, the right to use the word faggot."

"She might be lying, ever think of that?" She pinned against the wall, my arms caging her in.

"They! Respect the pronouns. I don't know what you did or how you did it but I do know one thing: it was you who made them like this and you're going to fix it.

"Fine," she pulls out of my grasp and sits next to Phoenix in the pond of blood. She puts her hands and Phoenix's shoulder and kisses them long and hard with so much passion that I don't know how to react. Phoenix doesn't react. They sit there and take it, almost like they deserve it.

"Amy, stop it! Why are you doing this?" I scream at her.

"Because she deserves it. She's just a stupid gay girl. Who likes gay girls? I sure as hell don't!"

"But you're – "

"Don't tell me what I am. She made me like this, it's her fault!" Amy yells back.

"I can't believe you right now, look at them!" Phoenix is trembling a lot. I grab their hand and it's so incredibly pale, paler than usual. "Oh my god, we have to get you to the hospital." They yank their hand back and shake their head.

"Hospitals don't treat fags like me," they say it almost as if it were rehearsed. "I deserve to die." I glare at Amy and she rolls her eyes.

"Her fault she's like this. She had to be torn to begin with to end up like this. I just helped break the rest of her off. Easy enough, see how happy she is?"

"Amy, you need to stop this." I say, my tone is dead serious. There's a knock on the door before I can say another word. I look towards Phoenix and then towards the door. Amy runs out and I try to console Phoenix. I'm afraid to touch them but at the same time that may be what they need. I talk to them softly until their breathing seems normal. I have no idea what to do. I hear a male voice.

"Clare!" Hunter runs in. "What the hell?"

"Hunter, thank god you're here!" I run to hug him but he pushes me away. Zi give him a questioning look.

"Yeah, thank god I am here. Why the fuck would you do something like this?" There's fire in his eyes.

"Me?" I screech.

"Yes you! Amy told me everything. I know you don't understand any of this but you could at least try to be sympathetic. You have no right, whatsoever, to use the F word!"

"Amy, Hunter, you have it all wrong!" I plead.

"Just stop, Clare, I can't believe I ever trusted you. I know how to handle this, just leave."

"But I – " Tears are staining my face.

"No buts, just get yours out of here!" He spits in my face and I run out as fast as I can.

Amy is standing at the door, tapping her foot. "Well, well, lookie here who has a few water droplets in her eyes. Or are you are 'they' too?" If there was fire in Hunter's eyes, there's a war in hers. I hear the fireworks cracking and booming behind her, indicating that she has won. "It's over, pumpkin pie, your dreamy eyed boyfriend just left you. Looks like we'll both end up alone."

"You're wrong," I hang my head.

"No, you are, I'm right." She opens the door and I run out. This is the start of the real, lasting relapse. This is the after. This is the end of all happiness. 

(A/N: Well, that happened. Any thoughts on this? Nobody kill me please... bye babes :P ) 

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