I Fucked Up

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Alexis Pov

"Alexis, wake up." I heard Chris say. I rubbed my eyes and sat up in the bed. "Come on, you have to get ready for school." he said and I instantly pouted. "Why? Wolves don't go to school." I said. "No, you have to go, otherwise people will become suspicious." Chris said and I sighed. I got out of my bed and went to the bathroom. I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste and began brushing my teeth. Chris came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I pushed his hands off of me. "Why are you mad at me?" Chris asked. I ignored him and finished brushing my teeth. I quickly washed my face while Chris watched me. "Can you tell me why you're mad at me?" he asked and I still ignored him, walking out of the bathroom. I went in my dresser and grabbed some basic clothes and threw them on. I was about to go downstairs until he gripped my wrist stopping me. I turned to him and growled, showing my fangs. "Hey, you need to calm down." he said and I huffed, yanking my arm away from him and jogged down the stairs. I went into the kitchen and made myself a bowl of cereal. I heard Chris come down the stairs. "Hey, I don't know what your problem is but you need to calm the hell down." Chris said. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my keys off the counter. He stopped me again. "How about you stop grabbing me?" I asked angrily and he chuckled. "Or what?" he said. "Or I'll be late for school." I said yanking my arm away. I ran out the door and realized my car is still at my old house. I went back into the house and dropped my keys on the counter. Before I could get out of the house again, Chris pushed me up against the wall and held me so couldn't move. I tried to get out of his grip but he was using all his force. Or at least it seemed that way. "You not going nowhere until you tell me why the fuck you're mad at me." he said. "You know those girls and shit don't like me up there." I said, trying to push him off me but he pushed me back against the wall. "You have a new strength. Use it. I'm not saying turn into a wolf but use your strength." he said and I nodded. He tried to kiss me but I turned my face so he kissed my cheek. He sighed. He turned my face and kissed me. I tried to fight him but I couldn't. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He held me against the wall and I was about take my shirt off but he pulled away. "Shit, we gotta wait until you get back ok?" He said letting me down. I nodded slowly and kissed his lips before walking out the door. He followed behind me. "Where are you going?" I asked him. "I'm taking you to school." he said. "With what car?" I said and he picked me up. "I don't need a car." he said and began running with me in his arms. We were going so fast, it felt like I was on a fast rollercoaster. I closed my eyes and put head against his chest. Before I knew it, we were behind the school where no one could see us. "Okay babe. Here we are." he said letting me down. "Okay, I guess." I said scratching my curly head of hair. He kissed me deeply and I kissed back. "So, just walk into the school and act normal ight?" he said and I nodded quickly. "Love you." I said quietly. He chuckled. "Love you more babygirl." he said hugging me and taking off. I walked to the front of the school. The bell rung as I watched everyone run inside. I sighed as I slowly walked toward the door. By the time I got to the door and walked inside, everyone was in their classes and the hallways were empty. I slowly walked down the hallway. I heard muffled whimpers and just to be curious, I followed the sound of them. "Leave me alone, please." a weak female voice said. I got down the hall and looked around the corner. A girl was pinned up, holding her stomach, being held up against the wall by the girl bullies of the school, Annie, Jennie, and Bianca. "Nah, you walking around here like you run this fucking school, well let me let you know something. We run this school and some new girl is not gonna walk around here like she run it. We take lunch money from everyone from this school and they pay the price if they don't have it. You my friend are no exception. Now, empty them pockets." Bianca spoke. "Leave her alone." I said coming from around the corner. "Alexis, what the fuck you think you doing? Super-save-a-hoe? Nah, take yo weak ass to class. You don't want this problem, little girl." Jennie said. "Nah, fuck you bitches. I don't fucking like you or your weak ass clique. Now you let her go or you deal with me. Either way I don't mind." I said shrugging. "What? Get our ass beat? By you? Please." Annie said. I threw my hoodie off, revealing my white tank top. "Oh, she got balls now." Bianca said. "Yall hang on to ole girl right here. Imma handle mighty mouth right here." Bianca said. I smirked and I just stood there as she walked towards me. The closer she got, the faster my heartbeat went. Finally she was face to face with me. "Now, talk that mess to my face." she said, giving me the evilest stare I had ever seen. I chuckled. "You know what, I don't wanna fight you. Just let the new girl go and we can all just go about our day normally." I said with a shrug and she laughed in my face. "Nah, you started this, now imma finish it." she said pushing me up against the locker. I felt my fangs grow and a chill go up my spine. "You really don't want this problem. Trust me, it's in your best interest to leave me and her alone seriously." I said putting my head down to hide my fangs. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my gut. I groaned in pain as I fell to the floor on my knees. I felt my eyes change color as my anger grew more visible. "What a surprise, little Alexis is so weak." she chuckled. "You just made a huge mistake." I huffed and stood back up leaning against locker. "Oh, did I?" she said and swung her fist. I caught it and tightened my grip on her hand. She tried to take her hand out my grasp but it was no use. She whimpered as my grip got tighter and tighter and tighter, almost to the point of breaking her hand. "I told you to leave us alone. I gave you a chance to walk away. You have made the worst mistake of your small useless life." I said and looked up at her with a sinister smile. She had most fearful look in her face. I released her hand and dropped my smile. "I changed my mind. Go on, get out of here." I told her and she tried to walk away. I grabbed her by her hair and swung her into a locker face first. She fell to the floor and groaned. "You thought I was gonna just let you walk away? HUH?" I yelled walking up to her. She looked up in fear and tried to crawl away. I kicked her with all the force I could right in her stomach. She slide across the floor slightly and curled up into the fetal position and began to cough up blood. I turned around to see her friends look at her and me with shock and fear spread throughout their faces. "You wanna be next?" I asked getting slightly closer to them. They quickly shook their heads no. "Then get the fuck outta here!" I yelled and they ran away. I ran up to the new girl and helped her stand up. "Thanks, I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't came along." she weakly said. "Hey, what did they do to you?" I asked. "The one girl you just fought punched and kicked in my in the stomach and they slapped me." she groaned. I shook my head. "Alright, come with me to the bathroom." I said helping her into the bathroom. Once we were in the bathroom, using whatever strength I had left I lifted her up onto the counter. "Take your shirt off." I stated. "What? We just met." she said nervously. "No, so I can check your wounds." I said, opening my backpack. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see her slowly removing her shirt. I chuckled taking out my first aid. Not like it could do much but couldn't hurt to try. "Okay, it's off." she said. I stood in between her legs and accessed the damage. It was a lot of major bruising. "You might have internal bleeding." I said. By this time, the bell rang. "What? Should I go to the hospital?" she asked panicking. "I said you might have internal bleeding. But, it might be a good idea to go to the hospital." I said. "Ok, let's go then." she said weakly again. "You ok?" I asked. "I'm fine." she said closing her eyes. "You're about pass out, come on. We have to go." I said lifting her off the counter and trying to stand her up. "Yall not going no where." Jennie said as her and Annie barged into the bathroom. "Can you just go away. You might have gave her internal bleeding. I gotta get her to hospital." I said attempting to push our way through them but they just pushed us back into the bathroom. "I don't know what got into you but, you need to apologize and we want everything you got." Annie said. I rolled my eyes and cracked my neck. "No, you not getting nothing from us. Get out of the way." I said. "Oh really?" Jennie said. I sat the new girl on the bathroom counter. "Yeah. Fight me." I said getting closer to them. They backed up. Suddenly, Annie was gonna push me but the bell rang and girls came into the bathroom. They walked out of the bathroom. "See you after school." Annie said and winked at me, walking to their classes. I quickly grabbed the new girl and rushed out of the bathroom. I rushed out into the front entrance. Once we got outside, I pulled out my phone and speed-dialed Chris. "Babe, I hope you not in class calling me." He chuckled. "Uh, you have to come get me, I got a serious emergency." I said slightly panicked. "What? What's wrong?" Chris said. "I'll explain when you get here. Just please hurry, okay?" I said slowly dragging both me and the new girl to the back of the school. "Where are you?" he asked. "I'm behind the school, just hurry, alright." I said tiredly after finally getting behind the school. "I'm on my way." Chris said quickly and hung up the phone. I put the phone in my pocket. I sat the girl down and sat down next to her. Her breathing slowed down and she looked like she was going to sleep. "Hey, you gotta stay up." I said. "I feel really sleepy." she said slowing blinking her eyes. I gave her face a little slap to wake her up. I looked at the time and suddenly, I felt a brush of wind go by. I looked up seeing Chris looking around. "Who is she?" Chris asked, standing her up. "I..........." she drug out and closed her eyes. "HEY! WAKE UP." I yelled in her face to wake her up. She opened her eyes, startled by my yelling. "What?" she said. "Hey, you gotta stay up alright? No sleep." I told her. Suddenly, she screamed out in pain. "Oh my god, this is worse than period cramps." she said mumbled. "I really didn't need to hear that." Chris said and I chuckled. "Come on let's go." I said to Chris. He nodded and ran back to the cabin. I made sure no one was around and transformed into a wolf, which stung slightly but no where near as bad as the first time I transformed, and ran after Chris. A few minutes later, we made it back to the cabin. I quickly transformed back to a human and Chris kicked the door open. I realized how we both ran at inhuman speeds right in front of this girl. "Chris, did we just.........." I trailed off, panicking. "Don't worry, she passed out before we even took off. We all good." He said and walked into the cabin. "Oh ok, that's good. Wait! She what?" I said worried and went in the cabin behind him. "Don't worry, she's fine. I don't think she has internal bleeding. If you want, I will call my doctor friend and he can check her." he said and I sighed nodding. He chuckled laying her on the couch. "I'm gonna call the doctor okay? Make sure she is comfortable." he said walking into another room. I laid her across the couch. I felt her stomach and it wasn't hard, meaning she wasn't bleeding internally. I sighed with relief, okay at least she probably not internally bleeding to death. I lifted up her shirt and looked at the bruising. Her stomach looked really bad. I felt bad for her honestly. She shouldn't of had to go through that. They did that to me too, at least when Chris wasn't around. He bullied me a lot but he never hit me as hard as they did, all he really did was trip or push me. Maybe we went too fast, me and Chris. Literally we just became friends a few months ago, and now we already started dating and not to mention we had sex. I even let him turn me. Is there something wrong with me? Why was I so eager to become a wolf? "Okay, he's on his way." Chris said as he walked back into the room. "Chris, um we gotta talk after we get her home. Or call her parents." I said sighing. "What? Why? Did I do something wrong?" Chris said. "No, I-I can't tell you right now. Just, can it wait?" I asked biting my lip nervously.

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