New Friend

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Alexis's POV

"WHAT?!?" Chris yelled. "Shh, your doctor friend is downstairs." I told him, trying to calm him down. "I don't give a fuck if he's downstairs. She hit you?" he asked and I stayed quiet and turned my face away from him. "Alexis!" he angrily exclaimed and I snapped my head in his direction. "Did. She. Hit. You?" he spoke and I sighed. "Yes." I said and Chris sighed, sitting down and putting his head in his hands. "Chris, it didn't even hurt." I said with a slightly forced smile. "Let me see." he asked. "No, why?" I asked. "Let me see, Alexis." Chris demanded. I backed away, afraid that there might be a bruise there because if he sees that bruise, I don't know what he's gonna do. "Chris, there's nothing there." I said, pushing myself further up on the bed. "Then there should be no reason why I can't see, right?" he said and I sighed. "Ok." I said and laid down on the bed. He got on top of me and lifted up my maxi dress. He chuckled and I furrowed my eyebrows. "What's so funny?" I asked and he smiled. "You don't have any panties on." he smirked and licked his lips. "Well, after they left, I wanted to give you some, but I changed my mind." I said. He continued to lift my dress up past my stomach and he stopped for a second. What does he see?

Chris's POV

I lifted up her dress and I looked at her stomach. Luckily for Bianca, there wasn't a bruise. "Chris, is something there?" Alexis asked. "No. There's no bruise." I said and she sighed in relief. "I'm still gonna say something to Bianca." I said, pulling her dress down. "No, it's okay. Just leave it alone for now. Plus, you didn't let me finish my story." she said with a smirk. "Okay, what happened after she hit you?" I asked. "Well, I got mad and my fangs started to grow out. So, I stood up against the locker and she tried to punch me again, but I grabbed her hand and I started crushing it." she said and I smirked. "Damn girl." I said and she started laughing. "No, I'm not done." she said, still laughing. "So then I drop her hand and tell her she can leave and she starts walking away. Then, I grabbed her by her hair and slung her face first into a locker. So, I'm like 'you thought I was just gonna let you leave?' and her face was priceless. She looked so scared. Then, I kicked her in the stomach and then she slid across the floor. She was coughing up blood." She said. My eyes widened. "Oh my God. You did all that?" I asked and she she nodded her head. "Her friends saw what I did and they ran away and I took the girl to the bathroom and then I tried to help her myself but it was pointless because there was nothing I could do and then we were about to go outside but the other two girls came in and told me that I had to apologize and give them all my stuff and then I was all like 'I have to get her to the hospital because she might have internal bleeding' and they were like 'we're not going anywhere' and we were about to fight but the bell rang and some other girls came into the bathroom. Then, I went outside behind the school to call you and that's how we got here." she said. I sighed. Maybe I shouldn't say anything, Alexis can obviously handle herself. "Alexis, listen to what I say alright?" I told her and she nodded. "I won't say anything to those girls, alright?" I said and she was about to say something but I stopped her. "But, if they do anything, and I do mean anything and I find out about it, I will have more than some choice words with them, you understand me?" I said, looking her straight in the eyes. She nodded, biting her lip. "Yes, Christopher." she said. She began to crawl across the bed til she was kneeling in front me. "You know, you're pretty sexy when your alpha comes out." she purred. "Oh yeah?" I said and she nodded, grabbing me by my shirt and using it to pull me down. She kissed me and I kissed back. She pulled away and smiled. "Let me stop before i take it too far." she said, blushing. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I opened it and August was standing there. "Oh, how is she?" Alexis asked and he smiled. "Seems she only really passed out from the pain, I examined her and didn't find anything that raise any alarms, she's awake now if you want to go talk to her." August said and Alexis excused herself and went downstairs.

Alexis POV

I quickly went downstairs and went to check on the girl. "Hello?" I heard her say. "I'm right here." I said and she smiled. "Where are we?" she asked looking around. "It's my house. Don't worry, your safe here." I reassured her. She sighed with relief. "Oh okay. Who was that guy that was down here?" she asked. "Oh, he's a doctor friend of mine. He was making sure you were okay." I said and she nodded, blushing. I giggled. "You think he's cute?" I asked and she shyly nodded. I laughed. "I bet he probably thinks you're cute too." I whispered and she giggled. "Thank you." she said and I nodded. "No problem." I said with a smile. "No, seriously, thank you, for everything." she said and smiled. "You're welcome." I said. "I never got your name." i told her and she giggled. "It's Ayana. You?" she asked. "Alexis." I smiled. "Thank you, Alexis. I mean it." Ayana said once again. "Stop thanking me, I'm gonna blush." I said with a silly smile on my face. "I need to go to the bathroom." Ayana said and sat up, holding her head. "Christ, I feel dizzy." she said. "You want me to help you?" I asked. "Please?" she begged and I chuckled. I grabbed her by the hand and stood her up, draping her arm over my shoulder so she could hang on to me. I slowly walked her to my upstairs bathroom. Chris and August were talking and August just so happen to see me. He and Chris rushed over. "What happened?" August asked, draping her other arm over his shoulder and walking with us. "Nothing, she's just really dizzy after laying down for so long I guess. I'm just taking her to the bathroom." I told him and he nodded. "Well, I think I should take her because I'm the doctor so I should be monitoring her." He said and I nodded in agreement, directing him to the bathroom so he can take her. I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind waist. "You know, that was nice of you babe." Chris said from behind me. "You think so?" I said, turning around in his arms to face him. "Yes, I do." He said, bending down and pecking my lips. I smiled at him. I could totally get used to this.........

Sorry this chapter is a little short but if you prefer them short let me know. This update was long overdue but if you still read thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

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