Chapter 11

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Chris's Pov
As soon as I saw Alexis flop under the water, I dove after her. Dipping under the water, I searched for her. I found her, unconscious, floating farther out into the ocean. I was barely able to grab her by the hand, before she was swept out. I pulled her to me and came up for air. I swam as fast as I could back to shore, holding her in my arms, bridal style. I ran back to our blanket and laid her on it. Ayana ran over to me. "What happened? What happened?" She asked, frantically, analyzing Alexis. "She was hit by a wave, I think it knocked her out. Get August!" I told her and she ran off to get him. "Wake up, Alexis. Come on, baby. Please." I begged, checking her pulse. She was alive, thank God. August kneels beside me and checked her breathing. "She's breathing, she's ok." He confirmed and I sighed with relief. "I don't think she was at risk for drowning. She's gonna wake up, soon. We'll just keep an eye on her." August said and I nodded. I carried her into the tent, covering her body with a extra blanket we bought. I sat next to her, watching her intently. I started to think about what she told me earlier. About her dream. That made me a little fearful. It wasn't about this but... what if the dream comes true like she believes it will. I hope not. Just then, Ayana came in the tent. "Is she ok?" Ayana asked. "August says she'll wake up soon. She's ok." I said and she smiled. "Oh, thank God!" She exclaimed. I chuckled. "Wake up, Alexis. I'll be waiting for you..." I said and kissed her forehead, sweeping some hair out of her face.
Alexis's Pov
I watched as the door to the crate began to open. It was him! "I found you!" She said, menacingly and laughed. "No, you did this, I trusted you! Why would you hurt me?" I asked as she came in and attempted to yank me up. I fought her until she pulled a knife, putting it to my stomach. "Ah ah ah. Be a good girl or I'll have to do something very bad." She said in my ear and licked it. I internally cringed at the feeling. "Please just let me go." I cried and she laughed. "Oh no, my love. You're all mine now." She said and her friend tied my hands behind my back. "I swear, I will be the one to kill you, not Chris, not August, not my mother, but me!" I yelled in her face and she shook her head. "Yada, Yada, Yada. Shut the fuck up. You touch me and I will kill you and your unborn child. Trust me, you'll be a good girl, you won't have a choice." She said and I looked down. "I wish I never met you. I hate you!" I screamed. "Aww, I don't think you mean that." She poked me with the knife. I winced because it was sharp. It barely went into my skin. She pulled it out and yanked me by my hair. "You'll learn not to disrespect me." She said and began to touch my body. Oh no.
My eyes opened and I was wrapped in a blanket, it was evening now, and Chris was looking outside. "Chris." I called and he turned to me. "Hey, how you feeling?" He asked, rubbing my head. "Surprisingly ok." I said. "They found me. In the dream. Some girl, I knew her in the dream, though. She was trying to hurt me and told me to be good or she'll kill my baby. Then she started touching on my body. I was so scared." I told him and he hugged me as I sat up. "I'm here baby. It's just a dream, ok?" He said and I nodded. "You want to go outside? August is starting the fire." He stated and I smiled. "Yes, please." I said. We walked outside and sat around the fire. "Alexis." Ayana cooed and hugged me. "You ok, love?" She asked and I nodded. "Feeling very well rested." I joked and she giggled. "You had me worried. Chris had to save you. You was almost swept out into the ocean." She explained. I looked up at Chris and he smiled. "You saved me?" I asked and he chuckled. "Of course. Why wouldn't I?" He said with a smirk. I looked away, blushing like crazy. "Thank you, love." I said, kissing him on the cheek. "Aww, you're blushing!" Ayana cooed and I blushed even harder. "Ayana, shut up." I said, playfully, trying to hide my face from Chris. Chris chuckled and grabbed my face, mushing his lips with mine. I blushed more and kissed him back. We kissed over and over. He took the initiative and shoved his tongue in my mouth, squeezing my butt a little. I moaned a little and he chuckled. I was low key about to climb on top of him until August cleared his throat. We stopped and I rested my head on Chris's shoulder. "Y'all nasty." August said and I giggled. We spent a little more time there before extinguishing the fire and grabbing our stuff and leaving. We all climbed in the car and I sat in the back with Chris. "I'm so excited for tomorrow." I told him. "Me too. I hope you like my surprise." He said and I smiled. "Doubt it that I won't like it." I said and he nodded. Once we got home, I walked straight to our bedroom, I was tired and I just wanted some rest. A few minutes later, I felt Chris climb in behind me, wrapping his arms around me protectively. "Sweet dreams baby." He whispered as I drifted off.

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