Chapter 10

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Alexis's Pov
I laid in a dark warehouse by myself. My water had broken and now I was in labor. I remembered Chris's words, "I'm going to protect the both of you, okay? When you get there don't make a sound. They might hear you, they'll definitely smell you. Do your best to hold off delivery, okay? They'll smell the blood and come for you. I love you, baby. Now, go!" He shouted and I nodded. Now that I was here, I had no clue what to do. The contractions made me want to scream so badly. "Chris, where are you?" I thought to myself. I can't do this by myself. There's no way I can do this by myself. "Where is the Omega?" I heard a voice say. It didn't sound familiar so I looked for a place to hide. I found a huge crate and locked myself inside. I covered my mouth to keep from screaming at the pain. I wanted to go wolf form and just slaughter them all but I couldn't. Chris, help me....
I woke up in a cold sweat and breathing harshly. Fear filled my soul. What the hell was that? Suddenly, Chris busted into the room. I smiled, immediately pulling him into an embrace. "Where were you?" I asked. "I was downstairs with Mystic. Something wrong?" He asked and I nodded. I had this overwhelming feeling that I should tell him. "Chris, I had a bad dream." I said and he sat next to me. "Well, Alexis, it was only a dream. It's not real." He tried to reassure me but I shook my head. "No, no. I've never felt a dream so real in my entire life. It was real, Chris." I said. I tapped my foot on the floor rapidly. I do it when I'm most scared. Force of habit. "Relax, relax. Baby, I'm here. Tell me what happened in the dream." He asked, rubbing my thigh comfortingly. I sighed. "Well, I ran into a dark warehouse, it looked vaguely familiar. I was pregnant and I was scared because my water had broken and I was in labor. Then, I remembered you telling me to be quiet and hold off on labor because they'll smell the blood. You told me you would protect the both of us, and that you love me. Then I questioned where you were and a voice asked "Where is the Omega?" And I hid in a huge crate thing and I fought the urge to scream because of my contractions. That's where it ended." I admitted. "That's a hell of a dream. But I'm sure it's nothing Alexis. Will it make you feel better if I kept close to you?" He asked and I nodded rapidly. "Okay, consider me your very own bodyguard." He said and I smiled. "I love you so much." I said, kissing his lips. "I love you to the moon and back." He said after I pulled away. "Listen, let's get out of the house. You wanna go to the beach?" He asked and I nodded. "Okay, well I'll tell the others and then we can go, aight?" He said and I nodded, smiling. He walked out and laid back on my bed. I couldn't fight the feeling that I needed to figure out this dream. I searched in the drawer for my journal. I jotted down the dream, in detail of course, along with some possible meanings of this dream. I slid my journal back in the drawer and sat there thinking. Why did I have that dream? What was the meaning? Am I in danger? I was taken out my thoughts by Ayana suddenly walking in. "Hey, what's up with you? Normally you not one to stay in in the morning." She said and I shook my head. "Oh, I was just thinking. Sometimes I just get caught in my thoughts. I'm fine." I smiled and she looked at me for a second, I'm guessing trying to read me. "Alexis, you're lying aren't you?" Ayana asked and I lied again, shaking my head. "No, no. Really. It's nothing." I smiled again. She furrowed her eyebrows at me before sighing. "Okay Alexis....." she said, obviously not believing me. "Anyways, we're going to the beach?" She asked and I nodded. "Yeah, let's get ready." I said. "Wait, I don't have a bathing suit." She said and I chuckled. "Lucky for you, I have an extra, let me get it." I said and she nodded. I went into my walk in closet. Searching for my bathing suits. To be honest, I had a couple, for good reason. One reason is because I like variety and the another is that a couple of them are just to tease Chris. I giggled at the thought before picking up two different bikinis. "Okay, here you go." I said, handing her the bikini. "Thanks, do you mind if I change in here? I don't want August to see me in this, yet." She said with a devilish grin and giggled. I laughed with her. "Sure, I'll change in my closet." I said and she nodded as I walked back in my closet. I changed looking at myself in the mirror

The Wolf Inside Of Me (A Chris Brown FanFiction) (CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now